Tuesday, October 24, 2023

A Timely Messages from Candidate Hershel Herskowitz

Hershel Herskowitz Independent candidate for Lakewood township commitee. Why this election is more than just traffic and taxes. Elections is November 7th  early voting begins  October 28, 2023 – November 5, 2023

HH: The VAAD is 2 businessmen. They are not looking out for you. They benefit by putting people in office that will help them and their friends. Do you think I wouldn't help Yeshiva? I learned in BMG for 9 years. I have Semicha from BMG. Their needs being met are usually in our best interests. The VAAD doesn't care about BMG. They are 2 businessmen that need favors done for themselves and friends. Let's stop all this Chillul Hashem Sinas Chinum Stealing from the Raabim


  1. Wow a haskama from Rav Shteinman,
    Everyone vote only for Hershel enough of what was done.
    Make Lakewood Lakewood again

  2. https://www.faanews.com/2023/10/letter-from-maran-rosh-yeshiva-in.html

  3. I listened to the so called interview LNN did with Debbie Fuentas. She sounded stupid. She had no ideas. She kept saying that she grew up in Brooklyn and wants Lakewood to become the same way. She added that it’s too bad if a lot of people will be angry with what she will do, as it’s not her job to make the people happy. She even said that parking in Lakewood has gotten better anf if we just add a few more sidewalks then everything will be great.

    This lady is clearly the wrong choice for the residents of Lakewood. She could care less about the tzibbur. She has an extremely poor understanding of what’s happening to our town and isn’t smart enough to properly address our problems. Her only qualification is that her husband is a good friend of Bob Singer and she would be a perfect puppet for the developers, land swappers, and other connected interests.

    We gotta really be out of our minds to vote for her, instead of someone intelligent that has creative ideas which will actually help the residents of Lakewood.

    1. Agree !
      She is the prototype of obviously who the sicko oisvorf corruption want in
      & yet unless we get that OUT there
      the fools will vote for her

    2. Why is LNN only allowing an interview for Miss Fuentas and refusing to do an interview of the other (frum) candidates? That’s quite telling on the lack of credibility LNN doesn’t have.

    3. LNN News sucks! They've shown their true colors as just another mouthpiece for the 2-man VAAD.

    4. the rag had articles that mocked the youngeleit lifestyle with people making fun and calling out their living expenses it was nauseating

  4. That is the problem. The people recommended did not get there because of brains, but for other reasons. This is very important to know. There are only a handful of people in town that have a full understanding of the issues, facts and laws. Most politicians know one of the three, and most people don't know any of the three. All we get is backslappers . As soon as politicians from other town, with more secular education, meet them, they will see that they are chumps that can be easily dealt with. That is why lawyers do the negotiating and most politicians (on the federal level) are lawyers, teachers, or some other advanced degree. I doubt anyone in Congress, even the nutcases, don't have an education. Like at how smart Desantis is (even if you don't like him), how he does not rely upon advise, but reads through hundreds of pages of documents whenever he has a major issue in Florida. IK

  5. Their needs being met is usually in our best interest....... Really like cedarbridge development?? 200 acres probably worth over 400 million dollars given away without a referendum or vote!!! And then to add insult to injury Tax appointments given freely Without any reason or explanation!! All while our taxes going up again and again can you only imagine what this type of money could have done to lower our taxes.....

    1. In all fairness, it was given away at a time when they had no value. Giving them away and allowing the construction is what gave them value.

    2. No, they could have sold it to a developer to develop. Like any other piece of land in NJ

    3. Cedarbridge is a major partner in making Lakewood into a megushamdige city.

      If you are happy with that, vote for them.

      Those who liked Lakewood when Torah was its sole export, should not vote for anything to do with the downfall of a true עיר התורה.

    4. no value? it was worth millions even then. any developer would have paid a lot for it.

  6. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/will-there-be-a-republican-romp-in-new-jersey/
