Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Solutions To Local Issues , By Hershel Herskowitz

 With ads raising lots of issues regarding Lakewood  including getting a fair share from the state, route 9, traffic, bussing, tuition, taxes Reb Hershel Herskowitz candidate for the open seat on the Lakewood township committee provides solutions that can bring fairness and a better quality of life to all Lakewood residents.

Video:1 discussing courtesy busing for all schools, board of Ed 

Video 2. Vouchers, route 9, ideas for Traffic fixes 

Video 3. Dangerous state roads Rt 70, monthly accidents,, special Ed funding,

Video. 4 Money funding that comes into Lakewood infrastructure,  bring back township meetings with ideas of everyone involved.


  1. Is there a place to read it I have a problem listing to video's

  2. If you are looking for ideas hears one:
    Help people find the bus stops and the routes in the Lakewood Shuttle. Right now it is very hard to even find the Shuttle on the web site.
    Most routes on the web-site do not tell you were the stops are
    There are no L signs on the street were the stops are for most routes.
    If the township is paying for a Shuttle maybe help people use it.

    1. Ask the new bus liason who was awarded 150k a year salary I'm sure he would help you find the bus stop.

    2. That is because it is only being used for a small group of people. It wasnt successful or useful for most people. They dont really care about everyone being able to use it. It is also rarely on any trustworthy schedule

    3. I asked the bus liaison and he is not answering my e-mails. I thought it was only 70k a year.

  3. Did you ever wonder why Somerset avenue, a big broad wide Street goes from county line road until almost route 88. But instead of going through ends up in a jungle of brand new tiny twisted dead end streets?
    Thanks to the Lakewood Vaad and their appointed lackeys. Some developer made a nice big profit on it. Do you want such senseless selfish development to continue? Keep voting for the incumbents and their sidekicks.

    1. It was like that for many years, I the last few years all the shacks were knocked down and new houses were build. The streets are not new.

  4. Did you ever wonder why the streets of Chateau Park end with a tall brick wall instead of a through Street to the neighborhood behind it?
    Vaad appointed variance dispensaries provided it for somebody.

    1. To be fair, at the time, nobody realized what the price of these dead end roads would be.

    2. When Chateau Park was being built, there were no complaints about traffic yet. I was here at the time.

    3. Cushman was designed to open to the streets behind. Instead it's a safety hazard.

  5. In the end of the day all those who enriched themselves and took advantage of the tzibbur who diverted funds meant to help the rabbim and used it for themselves
    Who abused their positions and power
    asidin litein es hadin
    There's no escaping the Ill gotten gains and the hurt they caused
    the gneivas daas
    The gneivas mamon
    and above all the millions of hours stolen from Lakewood residents waisting their time in traffic
    There's no mechila

  6. Herschel is real means well and really wants to help Lakewood but he isn’t ready to tow the party line (what ever benefits bmg to the detriment of the rest of the town)
    He is their for always shunned and belittled by the powers that be (taking a lot of abuse and punishment for his beliefs) until people wake up and smell the coffee=the truth he will never get in
    as olam golam always votes with a herd mentality never taking a minute to think for themselves why their taxes go up services are fewer and fewer like paying for your own garbage cans(only in Lkwd go figure)and paying for your kids busing this is after paying an average of 16000.00 or more in takes highest taxes in NJ but perhaps one of the highest in the whole country and what do you get in return 0.00 nothing you can’t even voice an opinion as the meetings are all on zoom
    No accountability at all spending like drunkards the nepotism is beyond and theirs no one to talk to… it will take a few Herschel’s to get things in order but let’s at least get Herschel in as I’m sure their are some current members who aren’t happy with the status que as is but are alone but if Herschel gets in their are now 2 and it won’t be as easy to pull off the back room wheeling and dealing as the town is currently run
    So get out their I noticed in each election their are more and more of us who are fed up with the statuesque
    Now is your chance if you care about the town you live in and want to stop it’s downward spiral go out and vote for Herschel Hershkowitz
    Ps I’m not Herschel and no he didn’t ask me to write this and doesn’t even know me personally

    1. Well that really gave me a chizuk kick in the pants. Thank you

    2. Hershel,
      Try that again in officialese

  7. FYI Herschel. Open a Youtube channel and post videos with all the candidates that aren't part of the swamp. Clear videos. Edited Videos. Communicative Videos. Communication that is practical and fresh can compete with the swamp.

  8. Hershel is the way to go.

  9. i was the one who wrote the long monologue about voting for herschel but im scared to write my name as my taxes will most probably go up, im really not interested in moving to Manchester NJ at this point
    but suffice it too say im living here for over 30 years and have seen the decline and quality of life go way down hill due to the greed of developers and the friends they have on the township
    this can be seen when more houses are squeezed into developments with out the proper access and egresses etc with all sorts of lomdeshe explanations and a little "tovas hanna"
    or getting away without open space for children or even with out a shul or mikva
    who decides this youll ask? the people you voted in last time(or their cronies they appointed to all sorts of committees to help smooth and pass what ever they need) without you checking their prior records.
    and now a

  10. i have just 2 questions which id like all the people who intend on having the VAAD decide who they should vote for.
    do you think the vaad took your personal opinions into account when they made their decisions? was their even a questionnaire sent out to the people who live here asking them what issues theyd like addressed? or do they know with nevua what issues effect you, and the best people to vote in to solve your issues?
    2nd question.. WHY AREN'T THEIR TERM LIMITS? you mean leshaym shomayim want to help the tzibbur gevaldik do it for 2-3 years and then let someone else come on board fresh, young, energetic. why are the same commiteemen their 20 years with pensions, health inusrance paid for life,salaries,jobs for their wives and family but of course they all serve leshaym shmayim to help the tzibbur, of course why am i even writing this
    i apologize for wasting your time
    enough said...
