Thursday, October 19, 2023

Thursday Oct 19 Lakewood News Updates

 Weather: 66° Sun and clouds mixed. High 66F.

- At Lakewood township committe virtual meeting tonight there was no mention about the war in Israel or about safety concerns for the community.

- Jackson Councilwoman Jennifer Kuhn has been selected by the Ocean County Board of Commissioners to replace Marty Flemming on the Open Space Preservation Committee.

-Video on social media of a resident confronts a kafiyeh wearing individual screaming to kill Jews in Lakewood.

- Fundraiser launched to help R' Aaron Lang Fixing the funding Formula Campaign:
R’ Aaron Langs success of the lawsuit will IY"H have lower taxes for Lakewood. The surrounding townships with many private students like Jackson, Manchester and Toms River will also benefit from a successful lawsuit to fix the funding formula so that all our children count in it. כולם ערבים זה לזה donate HERE 

- Jim Jordan cancels third speaker's vote, will back McHenry until January

- Former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election interference case

- Elementary schools interviews in full swing, some schools sending out acceptance letters

Lakewood township committee meeting today at 5:30 pm watch live stream Here
see Agenda HERE 
3 applications to approve tax abatements, appointing member to the Lakewood housing authority, purchase of 7 ford interceptor vehicles for the LPD, new patch truck to fill pot holes for $303, revocable License Agreement between the Township of Lakewood and Bais Shaindel, and Yeshiva Toras Aron, Inc., to utilize this portion of Lewin Avenue for the multipurpose building and school’s site.
Public  comments during the meeting can be sent to

- Republican assemblyman Ned Thompson speaks on the democrats attempt to flip the seat with Lakewood voters:
  “The Democrats are more worried about this election than they have been in years, and rightfully so “We have the best chance at a Republican majority in 20 years thanks to the new map. The Democrats know that they cannot win on any issues this November, so rather than bring those issues to our district to let voters decide, they think they can pick up a seat by flipping one voter bloc. Unfortunately, the Democratic party does not even remotely align with the values of that bloc.”
The Assemblyman also stressed the Democrat majority’s failure to address LD30-specific concerns notwithstanding plenty of opportunity.

Adding one seat to their caucus is not going to magically make them come around to fixing Route 9, supporting school choice, or allowing parents to have a say in what is appropriate for their children to learn in school,”  “The Democrats have had decades with a majority to address these issues and failed on every front. The only way to put New Jersey on the right track is to gain a Republican majority, and voting for a Democrat- no matter who that Democrat may be- only increases the odds of a radical liberal agenda coming out of Trenton for another decade.” read full interview Here

- Howell republican county committee: Rabbi Avi Schnall is running for the Assembly to represent Howell Township. Rabbi Schnall is another woke Democrat that will hurt Howell! Vote NO on Rabbi Avi Schnall!


  1. A simple guide to Newcomers to the Lakewood School system.

    First and foremost, the views expressed below are just a personal opinion. Take it with the lightest grain of salt. Really. Don’t argue with it, don’t fight it, or go ahead and argue with it or fight it. Not responding anyway, as there is no reason to argue with anonymous comment on the internet.

    The opinions below is addressed to the what one would call the “Balhabatish” crowd. You know, the working parent(s) crowd. The ones who came from out of Lakewood to the Lakewood + area to have a “nicer and better” lifestyle.

    1. Lakewood is not NY. Remember that. Lakewood was built on the Yeshiva (BMG) infrastructure and schedule. Many things changed over the last several years, but ultimately majority of the Yeshivas still respect that fact and many decisions especially involving schedules and calendar is based around the yeshiva system.
    2. There is a shortage of classroom space. Fact.
    3. 99.99% of children get into an elementary school. Many after significant pushing and phone calls. But nonetheless, accepted. Fact.
    4. Let’s say there are 80 slots for the primary school year. And there are 35 siblings coming in that school year. That leaves 45 open slots. There are well over a hundred applicants (some way more) per school based on this average. Obviously some people won’t get accepted to the school of their choice. Obviously some good, really good people won’t get accepted to the school of their choice. Be open minded, apply to more than one school.
    5. After siblings, the people who the school are familiar with, (and obviously align with said school hashkafa) will prob be accepted before somebody that the school does not know. It’s pretty simple reasoning. They know the person, or their brother-in-law, or their business partner, or their father in law, or their cousin, or their boss, or their good friend. They just heard of him. The name is familiar. Yes, that helps the acceptance process. It’s just a fact. Less research has to be done = gets accepted (or rejected)faster.
    6. Keep calling for an interview if you didn’t get one within a week after applying.
    7. Call again. And have good people call for you as well.
    8. Call again.
    9. Call all schools that you applied to equally, stress to each individual school that you are calling that it is your school of choice. It’s important for them to know that they are not # 2.
    10. Get an interview. Men wear a suit. Women wear casual vort attire. Men wear a hat (obviously). Women and men don’t go heavy on perfume and or cologne.
    11. If no interview is granted, call again. And again.
    12. In general, don’t be a loud mouth and don’t overly voice your opinions in a loud manner. In your community, in your Shul, in your Chaburah, in the gym, ON SOCIAL MEDIA. No school wants to have the even slightest issue with extremely opinionated parents voicing their opinions or objecting the school policies in a loud way.
    13. No social media. Get off of it. Not private. Not blocked. Off. Off. Off. after your kid is accepted you can do what you want at your own risk.
    14. Did I say no social media.
    15. No social media. That also means WhatsApp statuses. Just don’t post your opinions. Nobody wants to hear it anyway. And if people say they do, then continue after your child is in school, at your own risk.
    16. Men and women. Tznius. It’s important. Not the standard of your own opinion of trying to be a good Jew. Tznius to the majority of the frum community standards. Goes for men and women. Let’s not get into particulars. But it matters. It’s a very big deal. Also, Tznius is not only about dress. It’s about the way you act in public also.
    17. Be extra careful who your friends are. Guilty by association is a real thing.
    18. Be known as a good person.

  2. 19. Men please daven by minyanim and have people know that you do. Do yourself a favor and wear a hat by Mincha and Maariv.
    20. White shirts (or dressing as a respectable business or yeshiva person) matters. Very much.
    21. White polo shirts are not acceptable for adults to wear on shabbos. Even in your summer colony/development on shabbos afternoon.
    22. The yeshivas know everything. They do research. People share information. People talk. They know. If they ask you a question, chances are they know the answer to it already. So be honest.
    23. Generally Rabanim are not the right person to call yeshivas for you ( in the early stages). If the yeshivas feel pressured to listen to every rav they will be forced to take everyone in every day. It’s understandable that the rabanim feel a responsibility for their kehilla and therefore will possibly not be 100% forthcoming about every detail about said individual. Schools know this, Its a silent unspoken rule.
    24. Schools will accept people who you don’t think deserve to be accepted. Fact.
    25. Schools have many reasons to accept certain “questionable” individuals. Many different reasons. Many different variables. Don’t fight it and don’t be bitter about it. And chances are it’s not because of money.
    26. If you pull up to a school interview in a $100,000 car expect to pay full tuition.
    27. If you pull up to a school in a 1993 used car, expect to pay full tuition.
    28. Schools need money, schools need tuition. Commit to full tuition. Try your hardest. Sacrifice. Sacrifice. If you can’t make it one month, be upfront with the administration. If you can’t make tuition, they don’t want to see you going on vacation.
    29. Be a partner in your children’s chinnuch. Be smart about electronics. Be smart about internet usage. Be smart about cell phones. Be a partner in your children’s chinnuch.
    30. Pledge to the schools that you will be a committed partner in your children’s chinnuch.
    31. Schools don’t want to teach one thing to their students, and when they go home it’s all uprooted. Rinse and repeat daily.
    32. Be a good Jew. Shomer torah umitzvos.
    33. Get off social media.
    34. Get off social media.
    35. Be careful who you hang out with.
    36. Guilt by association is real.
    37. Go to where you are accepted, even if not the first choice. Worst case scenario, you can switch out in a year or two (it’s alway easier) or believe it or not, you might see that you are super happy by the school which you really felt you will be miserable at.
    38. Get off social media.
    39. Be Tznius.
    40. Daven daven daven daven daven.

    1. I vehemently disagree with #37. You are NOT going to have an easy time switching in a year or two if you are unhappy. It’s going to be a LOT, LOT, LOT harder than getting in initially.

    2. Why does everyone think this is a problem for NY'ers coming to NJ. This is a problem for Yingerleit that were in BMG and moved here after the wedding but may not be in yeshiva any longer.

    3. Agree.

      41.How immersed are you in the LBA
      42.How much have you flaunted your trophies
      43.How tight are your shorts at Ride4chai

      p.s.Also worth repeating, most of the worst transgressors are as likely to be from LA, Toronto, Miami, as much as anywhere on the other side of the Hudson

    4. True - but, most of them know the system and they know how they need to act and understand why they get rejected. It is those that are just arriving, that think they can just be a good Jew and end up in disbelief when schools don’t take them…

    5. "yingeleit" do have a hard time getting into school because the chasidishe mosdos associated with a chasidus (like belz) mostly only accept kids from their chasidus and don't feel any responsibility to accept other chasidim. the chasidishe schools in lakewood that are not affiliated with a specific chasidus are (with perhaps one exception) very exclusive about who they take so that they can keep their reputation as a "frim" mossad. so, cultural chasidim (those who for some reason call themselves "heimish") don't have many choices about where to send their kids - and sometimes have no options.
      "yungeleit" on the other hand (especially those who have lived in lakewood for a while), usually understand which schools are right for young working guys like them and usually have a couple of choices that are willing to accept them.

    6. There's so much on this list to love.

      Bottom line - don't be your own worst enemy. Don't flaunt long shaitels, lace-top shaitels, short skirts, and painted nails, and then wonder why no school wants your kids. You've basically broken every rule of the schools which means that your kids will at best get mixed messages, and possibly also flaunt all the rules.
      Be smart and act and dress in accordance with the standards of the schools you want to get your kids into and then you won't have a problem.
      If you don't care about the school's standards, find one that you agree with and go there.
      But don't openly do your thing and then kvetch and moan why everyone is SO judgmental.

  3. Why are the 'Fixing the Formula' candidates not campaigning?

    I have watched this town for years, and never has a candidate, that is running against the Va'ad, conducted a serious campaign.

    Serious campaigning means printing concise clear accurate non-inflammatory literature, and publicizing it where people will read it. The internet is not the place, put them around Batei Midrash, speak to Rabbanim and receive their support, campaign in stores, publicize the message and what people will gain from your candidacy.

    Otherwise, we fall into the hakaras hatov/achdus rabbit hole.

    1. They will win. It is a no-brainer. We are looking at $100 million a year. The other side made a pact with the governor to oppose the litigation. If they cared about Lakewood, they would have consulted with me. Indeed, I was promised to be able to meet with the Vaad but they made their endorsements behind my back, and met with the governor behind my back. I would have advised to settle, play hard-ball, because the governor cannot afford to lose our case, and he will, because it will be contrary to his legacy as the governor that fixed the SFRA. If he wants to get elected to the US Senate in 2025, then he needs to recommend to the legislature a fix for Lakewood BEFORE we get to the Supreme Court.

      I have no idea what he promised in return for their opposition to me. Probably not much because their BOE opposed me in Court saying the case should be dismissed and handled in the legislature without a court order or recommendation from the governor.

      Last nights BOE agenda retained Sue Gamm, Esq. They last time they hired it was to write a report on the school funding. My guess is that they will reach some kind of deal with the governor to get maybe $20 or $30 million to tank our case. Well, we are not giving up. That is not enough when you borrow $93 million and counting each year.

      I tried and tried to get their support since 2014. Unfortunately, they do everything in secret. When I complain to the Rosh Yeshiva, his hands are tied. I went to all the rabbanon. They sympathize. The sad fact is that whomever is making the decisions of the Vaad, and I think it is the school bosses, and this matter is way above their pay grade, they are doing so out of ignorance. No one can be so dumb as to oppose the litigation. They do not even let me talk to them. Who cares? What is going to happen when the state starts saying to pony up on paying for the district? What is going to happen when we win? Will they be a bunch of mooches and freeloaders? I don't need people who know people, I need people who know the facts and numbers. Only in a small town you can get by without brains, innovation, insight and education. Lakewood is not longer a small town.


    2. Aaron - I can almost guarantee you that these candidates will not win, unless they change strategy.
      Find someone to write out your manifesto, clearly and concisely.
      Find a graphic designer to print it in an eye-catching manner.
      Make sure the papers have pictures of the ballot with your candidates circled so that people don't get confused.
      Make sure the numbers are accurate, and you show how much you can bring us.
      Publicize this information all over town, not on the internet. Put papers in Shuls, by the tens of thousands that people won't be able to throw them out.
      Make sure that the 'Fixing the Formula' slogan is publicized all over, on status, in text messages, in random signs on the streets and wherever people gather.

      If you think you will win without public support, why do you need BOE members that support your suit? Continue without them, just like you did until now.

    3. Yea, but I am tired of getting demoted, reprimands, opposition, and now with Sue Gamm, they are going to steal the case by taking pennies on the dollar. I don't need them but I want to finish this matter and get out. Who is going to keep on going then? I put in too many years not to have talmidim. The matter is so complicated and complex. No one understands it. Yet, they still fight me even when we get results.

      If you email me I will forward what you wrote to the candidates adn their treasurer.

      Email me at He is the treasurer. Rabbi Levin is getting rabbanon to sign a letter. I am spending hours and hours this week on trying to get papers into the Appellate Division tomorrow.

    4. They should have hakaros hatov for us. We need the achdus. We are there already dealing with matter. We have the governor worried. The legislature is waiting for the word to help us. We need to present a united front so that we don't get sold out. And why should there be more hakaros hatov to Singer, Shnall or whomever? Did he put in over 10,000 hours of work without pay? Hakaros hatov just means chanifa. I never heard of such kissing up as they did with Murphy when they could have had him in the palm of their hand.

    5. Find a private org. to organize some secret poll

  4. How head on do you really expect them to fight the rabbis and the vaad

    1. Publicize their position, clarify it to the public. Don't hide behind the Internet.

  5. If he’s a BMG alumni and living here since the chasunah chances are they know all this.

  6. It's mind boggling how a select group of powerful askanim can meet behind closed doors and force something against the beliefs of the community forcing them to vote for the democrats and helping them with their anti Torah dor hamabul hash hashchasa
    Even worse they are playing with fire putting everyone in sakana with hisgaarus against our neighbors to rule over them in golus.
    They have the chutzpah to post videos of rabbonim signing letters without talking to the voters at all only gaava and condescending campaign aimed at the amcha yidden while they sit and plot with marketers how to fool the majority of Lakewood to go along with their latest impulsive move

    1. Well, it's the goose that keeps on laying golden eggs -for them

  7. Please donate to Aron Langs board of education campaign candidates. Vote Eisenbach, Morgenstern and Schubert they have your interests in mind.

  8. Reb Lang you should reach out to Louie sheiner and his team they mean well and want to help but may not hear all options as they are probably trusting established askanim about Lakewood who no one else trusts and for good reason

    1. Rav Malkiel was going to get him to talk to me. Eli Blech also. But he told Eli Blech that the matter was too complicated so he cancelled. He should be a man. If he is doing something, anything at all, political in NJ, then he best learn what is going on. I know he is trying something so he should not be a wimp and let me talk to him.

    2. He is an outsider.He allows those self appointed finaglers to channel him

    3. דער וואס האס די מאה האט די דעה no other opinions or facts count

    4. Reb Malkiel was going to get Eli Blech to talk to you?
      Or Eli Blech was going to get Reb Malkiel to talk to you?
      Or Aaron Lang was going to gel Louie Scheiner to persuade Eli Blech to speak to Reb Malkiel?

      I am really confused. But I will certainly vote for 'Fixing the Formula' candidates, and so should all of you.

    5. No. Rav Malkiel was going to get Rabbi Scheiner to talk to me. So was Eli Blech independently. Both were going to help set up the conference. But Rabbi Scheiner told Eli Blech that it is too complicated for him.

    6. Why would sheiner get involved if its above his head did does he realize what is going on
