Monday, October 30, 2023

Monday October 30 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 73° Generally cloudy. Slight chance of a rain shower.

- Early voting numbers for Lakewood so far 28 early votes in Lakewood on Saturday, 387 more on Sunday. (David Wildstein) polls are open all week at the township building until 8 pm

- Today marks the 70th yahrzeit of the Chazon Ish Zatzal

- Last Monday of Behab minyan Mincha with krias Hatorah of Vayechal at Rabbi Forcheimers shul 418  5th st 2:10pm

- Asifa tonight on the matzav of Eretz Yisrael at Lakewood high school auditorium 200 Ramsey avenue shuttle buses leaving from yeshiva -parking lots at 7th st and 9th streets from BLue claws stadium, Westgate and Vine st park Tehillim recited by Rav Yeruchom Olshin, Speakers Rav Malkiel Kotler , Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, Rav Tzvi Meir Zilberberg from E"Y 

- Toms River will be celebrating Halloween trick or treating tonight Oct. 30. from 5:30 - 9pm  The question of whether one can give out candy as there are significant reasons to do so based on darchai shalom and Eiva 

-Congressman Chris Smith went knocking on doors yesterday with Assemblyman Ned Thomson asking people to vote 

-Audio:Wheres is the vaad? where was the vaad? there is no Vaad! Candidate for township Hershel Herskowitz reacts to the vaad sudden care for the downtown 

- UENJ tuition relief formally says to vote for Avi Schnall 
 - As election season heats up  lawn signs around lakewood have been taken down faanews 


  1. Leave it up to Toms River for Haloween mukdam

  2. How is Adirei tied to the Schnall campaign? I thought they’re a Torah Lishma organization and not a political organization.

    1. They are both funded by the same individual. As well as the attempted takeover of Maimonides hospital.

  3. What time is the asifa in the high school?

  4. The signs about this assifa cunningly cover up its true purpose.

    But now a text to Talimidim of one of the speakers was sent, calling it a 'technology asifa'.

    They are back to wasting your time with slogans, lies, exaggerations, and phony halachos about internet. Don't allow them to waste your time. Stay home and show them that we are on a higher level than their regularly scheduled shtussim

    1. Kudos to moronic commentator Mr anonymous

    2. מסיר אזנו משמע תורה גם תפלתו תועבה

      (משלי כח ט): "מסיר אזנו משמוע תורה" - אמר רב הונא: כל מי שאין חביבין עליו דברי תורה, "גם תפילתו תועבה". אמר ר' חנין: נאמר כאן "מסיר אזנו משמוע תורה", ולהלן הוא אומר (משלי כא יג): "אוטם אזנו מזעקת דל" - מה להלן "גם הוא יקרא ולא ייענה", אף כאן "תפילתו תועבה

  5. The vaad sat idly by when lakewood yidden were paraded in handcuffs
    Agidah of NJ was quiet at the time
    The frum askanim are more worried about their connection with Trenton and Murphy than sticking up for a fellow yid.
    We don't need them representing us
    Same thing happened by covid they were looking to keep Murphy happy

    1. They weren't sitting idly. They were dispatching police.

    2. Well said! Unfortunately, the Vaad seems to always steer clear and avoid dirtying themselves in controversial issues. Is it because they want to keep their connections for their personal stuff? Who knows, but if they are not willing to put themselves out there than they don’t belong representing us. The people on a Vaad, have to be willing to put themselves in uncomfortable situations with their personal connections on the line. The only at they stay clear of any murky waters, makes them useless.

    3. Reb Shlomo Lorincz wrote in B'Mechitzsom that the Steipler told him not to help people who got in trouble because of fraud.

    4. Right. Murphy plays them as chumps. He told them he opposed me (like Duh now!) and they say, "Yes sir, Mr. Governor, we hear you loud and clear."

      Maybe Murphy will get them a $5 million voucher program or something that can sail through the legislature without causing a disturbance in return for a Democrat in Ocean County and leaving the formula unchanged, putting Lakewood taxpayers into another $200 or $300 million in debt. I knew from the AG deputies that the state had a bottomless bag of dirty tricks, and of course the Commissioner and governor has been trying to play us in court over the years, but Murphy more than played them he duped these people. Really, really duped them. A L

    5. Anon 6:32 - Stop the canard. Those who were arrested in Lakewood were not fraudsters. They did nothing wrong. Korbanos of the Va'ad's incompetence.

    6. Anon 6:32
      Convicted of fraud means they had a fair trial not in that case where they were at a stage of innocence when the vaad and agudah nj sat idly by as the govt and media were parading frum jews in the streets of Lakewood for glee.
      That shameless act is a permanent stain on lakewood vaad leadership

  6. Is there a call in number to hear the asifa?

    1. 712-432-4305 or 712-432-1923
      For live English translation: 712-832-5661

  7. How can I hear the entire asifa now? Any way?
