Sunday, October 29, 2023

Video: Vote For R' Lang BOE Candidates

 R'  Aaron Lang explains the need to vote BOE fix the formula candidates Eli Eisenbach,Yoni Morgenstern Avrohom Schubert.

Letter of support from Rav Eliyohu Levin shlita and talmidei chachomim chavrei hakollel


  1. Why would any tax payer or anyone else not vote to change the formula and bring more state funding to Lakewood and other areas? Why vote for the incumbents? The boe is $90,000,000 in debt how is that getting paid back? with increase in RE taxes? higher rents? Vote for the three who support Lang !

    1. Because they are counting on doing it via the legislature and not the courts. By going to the courts they need to admit that they are failing students.

    2. So what? Let them eat crow. Who is more important, a multitude and generations thereof, or the one person in charge? Moreover, it is not their fault the schools are failing, but because the loans are not predictable and cannot allow for the kinds of educational planning required under the NJ Constitution.

    3. The man is making a million dollars a year. Why can't he show humility for the good of generations of Lakewood residents, and other frum communities, to say that education is not good because of the formula and loans are not predictable, as a price for what we pay him? He does not even have to take any blame. The blame is on the state. Why do I have to be the only one that sacrificed his career in the district in order to save the district? No one is even asking him to give up his job. A L

  2. I have not heard of any proposed legislature to change the formula. The court is forcing the commsioner to change the formula as it is unfair to us in Lakewood and surrounding neighborhoods. This is all due to Aron Lang so the question is why would any taxpayer or anybody living in Lakewood not vote for this? What is there to lose?
