Thursday, October 12, 2023

Security Update Regarding Tomorrow

 Vigilance Not Fear: Security Update by Agudath Israel

The former leader of the terrorist group Hamas issued a statement calling on the international community to voice solidarity with the Palestinian people and their cause by engaging in mass gatherings tomorrow, Friday, October 13th. Other sources have called on members to engage in “uprisings.” 

It should be emphasized that the @DHSgov, the@FBI, and local police forces that Agudath Israel has met with over the past 24 hours have reported no known, credible threats at this time. Law enforcement have informed Agudath Israel that, even so, they are increasing patrols and are on high alert for any suspicious or threatening activity.

That said, it is prudent for members to exercise additional caution and vigilance tomorrow, and as the war in Israel and Gaza continues.

Particularly, if you see anything suspicious, do not hesitate to alert law enforcement; be alert and aware of your surroundings; and avoid higher-risk areas tomorrow. Common sense goes a long way. 

This notice is being sent out of an abundance of caution. Part of the mission of Hamas in this attack, and why they have uploaded ghastly footage of their evil to social media, it to instill fear and despair amongst Jews everywhere.

It is psychological warfare.

While we must be vigilant, we cannot allow Hamas to succeed in these goals.


  1. A piyyut written for Shabbos Bereishis. Now only said by a handful of Kehillos though it used to be more widespread. Perhaps it should be publicized before this coming Shabbos in light of the events in Eretz Yisroel, as it speaks very poignantly about the suffering of Klal Yisroel and asks for the Geula. Can also be found in Otzar HaTefillos, Belz Siddur, and most Yekkishe Siddurim with Piyutim.)

    People were probably saying this for hundreds of years with no idea why this was written for Shabbos Bereishis. But I think this year we are painfully aware of its relevance.

  2. "we cannot allow Hamas to succeed in these goals."
    Unless with grit determination we're committed to having them & all who umbrella with them crushed to smithereens& debased -everywhere forever-
    they already succeeded.

    1. Force the dithering newly centrist gov't to cease tough chest thumping noise ( with concurrent victim whining alternating ) & GET going
