Thursday, October 26, 2023

Thursday October 26 Lakewood News Updates

 Weather: 79° Sunshine to start, then a few afternoon clouds. 

 Levaya for Rav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi zatzal was held in Yeahivas Ateres Yisrael in Modiin tonight. Levaya in Yerushalayim tomorrow morning 9am, 2am in the US metro area. There will be a Video hook up 

- Running in conservative media platforms: Allegedly Mark Meadows worked for the FBI as an informant and wore a wire to record all conversations with President Trump, while he was the Chief of Staff to him.

- After reports of an active shooter The Joint Base McGuire in Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey has given the all-clear no shooter or shots have been fired all activity’s can resume to normal

- Joseph H. Vicari, Director of the Ocean County Board of Commissioners, held a telephone conference with a Verizon corporate representative Wednesday to address a wide-ranging number of issues from dangerously low-hanging utility pole wires to the high cost of cable TV and cell phone service.

- A Coast Guard officer "said the Coast Guard crew, which is armed, is searching for a 15-foot Bayliner boat that Card is believed to own and which is now unaccounted for."

- Thursday of Behab minyan mincha with kroas Hatorah of Vayechal at Rabbi Forcheimers shul 418 5th st 2:10 pm 

- Kinus hisoirerus planned for Lakewood this Monday at the Lakewood public school gym with special guest from Eretz Yisrael Rav Tzvi Meir Zilberberg shlita, Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita and Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita will be addressing the maamad 

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs.Ettie Friedman  A"H of lakewood  at the age of  42 wife of R' Shloime shlita originally from Baltimore. She collapsed  earlier this week and was taken to the hospital when she was niftar early this morning. her maiden name Davidowitz, from  Flatbush. she left behind a family with children, one who is getting married in a few weeks. The Levaya is scheduled for 7:00pm tonight in Lakewood at the chapel off 7th street with kevura in lakewood 

- Effective today a new minimum implemented for schools to provide free lunch which can add more Local families to the program  by lowering the minimum identified student percentage (ISP) from 40 percent to 25 percent. Lowering the minimum ISP will give states and LEAs greater flexibility to offer no-cost meals to all enrolled students if financially viable. Please reach out to your school if they are eligible to enroll. 

- Audio message from Candidate Hershel Herskowitz for Lakewood township commitee

- Maine shooting  suspect still at large  15 hours later  as manhunt continues Dozens of schools, from kindergartens to universities, will stay shut today following the shootings in Lewiston, Maine. The killer is Army Reserve firearms instructor Robert Card. Maine governor says 18 dead, 13 injured in Lewiston mass shootings.

- State records indicate Lakewood ranked 5th statewide in building permits for new housing and 12th for office space development in 2022, out of 567 municipalities in New Jersey. app

- Car accident rates in Lakewood are higher than in neighboring towns, data revals. In 2021, for instance, while there were 5,244 car accidents in Lakewood, nearby Toms River had 3,725, Brick Township reported 2,417 and Jackson reported just 1,288. U.S. Census records show that Lakewood has an adult population of 68,500 residents, while Toms River's adult population is 75,000 residents. Yet, Lakewood saw 29% more car accidents than Toms River last year.(APP)

- Voter drive in Lakewood heimish communities 60 registered in Belz 80 in Oak and Vine full details at faa 

- Online fundraiser for R Aaron Lang fix the funding formula HERE
"Right now, the only way to achieve success for the Lakewood taxpayers is by R’ Ahron working with the Lakewood Board of Education to solve the problems mentioned above. Avrohom Schubert, Eli Eisenbach, and Yoni Morgenstern have volunteered to run for the BOE and give full political support to his lawsuit, (which has already won in the Appellate Division, the second highest court in the state)".



  1. Over 300 dollars raised for Aaron Lang in just a few hours. Keep on donating for this special cause

    1. Boruch Hashem for that! HElp Rav Aharon, but also rememeber that the person who got the lunch minimum changed was Avi Schnall, so vote for him too!

    2. Worth stopping a change of majority in Trenton?
      C'mon just about anybody could have gotten at least that

    3. Why can't shnall stay where he is of he was able to change the lunch eligibility from the agudah office.
      Let others introduce the tuition bill we don't need him in Trenton at this time

  2. I am afraid that the poll results will be as telling as the fundraiser. In other words, the oilam is ok with the status quo.

    1. Poor oilam. They just keep on hoping they'll be fed to the alligator last
      Public communal affairs is too complex for people like them, or so they've been convinced.

  3. To HH
    Needs to be drama ,nice message though

  4. Avram going down to mitzrayim—a grievous sin or praiseworthy?

  5. Shiur from Rav Sorotzkin on why different parties involved are doing certain things, why is it taking so long for the ground war to begin, and why different countries and armies are taking different moves.

    Daily shiur uploaded to - or can be listened via phone - 848-777-GROW (4769) - menu option 3 and then 4

  6. It's an unfair comparison to compare townships around us which actually have law enforcement and people actually abide by the speed limits and signage posted. Where as lakewood we don't have any law enforcement to speak of and the only reason why the numbers aren't any higher is our superior reflexes and driving abilities....... A better comparison might be to compare the ratio of Summonses Versus accidents.....

    1. They don't want you to think of it that way, they want you to think of it as somehow unfair. The same goes with everything in this town.

    2. ???Superior reflexes? Driving ability? Like the kollel couple that sailed through a stop sign and smashed into my son a few days ago? B’H for airbags - a lot more people would be dead in Lakewood if not for them. (The couple was very apologetic - I would rather they had stopped for the stop sign.)

    3. Sorry for what your son went through. But what a disgusting comment. Of what difference is it whether the driver earns a parnassa as a plumber, apple-picker, store owner or anything else.

    4. How do a 'Kollel couple' drive? AFAIK, only one person drives a car at a time, not a couple.

  7. This Mark Meadows thing is so stupid. I don't care how Red (I don't mean Commie) or Blue you are, YOU ARE NOT GOING to wear a wire when you are speaking with the President of the United States, maybe a reporter, but no one serving him, particularly his chief of staff. It might not be treason but TOTALY inconsistent with the reality of ANYONE who serves the president. These people alleging this stupidity have no conception of the American Experience, and the unanimous awe that Americans have historically shown when call upon to serve the president. How stupid to allege this!

    It's quite another thing, that like Nixon, Trump is going to be connected to the criminality of his underlings. Nixon, at least, was record on HIS OWN tape and Congress had to go to the Supreme Court to get it. I find it very hard to believe with all those guilty pleas that the government does not has not yet found that link. But what a joke someone would say the Chief of Staff would make his own tape at FBI request.

  8. You’re right, of course. Apologies. I was responding to the person who was directly referring to how wonderful (evidently) we drive, and I was simply saying these were not non-Jewish people.
