Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Tuesday October 31 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 51° Generally cloudy. Much cooler. High 51F. 
today marks the 22nd yahrzeit of Rav Lazer Schach ZT"L

- Halloween today expect trick or treaters early evening 

- Daily Tehillim for children at 6:45 PM, including stories and Divray Chizuk, led by the renowned Reb Aaron Brustowaky Shlita, live on the Chayeinu Hotline: 732-301-4043 option 9

- Ned Thompson in video message: I know how the conferences work i can guarantee you for sure that Avi Schnall  will never be able to avoid voting the democratic line  to get anything done in the democratic party without voting for the democratic line that is LGBTQ and abortion issues I  will assure you just as i have in the last 11 years  you I will always vote with the moral values of the community of lakewood thank you and vote republican

Asifa in Lakewood last night on the Matzav in Eretz Yisrael:

The Lakewood  R"Y Rav Malkiel spoke on the matzav in E"Y we have to be mishtatef batzaar and know that we must look inwards and strengthen ourselves in areas of weakness which through that will have others be mischazek in those areas  He quoted rav Shach that as much as it is our fault we get caught up in kochi veotzem yadi and  think that the IDF and  American ships will  protect us and  we daven to hashem that they should help us  but these thoughts enter our minds where we rely on them. During the Yom Kippur was r the R:Y said he was there in EY when the first few weeks  everyone saw the IDF was losing but after a few weeks as the tides turned in israel's favor the kochi veotzem yodi was back with words of Kochateinu" Yes the soldiers on the front lines are being moser nefesh but we have to go back to strengthen our emunah in Hashem. There are campaigns for tehillim for soldiers and say brachos  for them
 What we don't see is any campaign to daven for  the youngeleit they should be matzliach he continued if we would be stronger in  emunah the emunah of klal yisrael will be stronger  we also have a weakness of tznius the yesod of tznius is Pnima not going in public and on one hand we are doing great but there is still much to be rectified  such as long sheitels  that look like natural hair  with bright colors if we strengthen in this it would be a chizuk for all of klal yisroel.  Shabbos too we are shomer shabbos  but we rely on kulos such as relying on eruvin in some places  which became a weakness in the fire of shabbos so by them the chilul shabbos goes on in public. In the area of avodah zora there's a question of tikrovas avodah zora in certain clothing yes there are those who say it is not an issue but why do we take a chance  but where is our fear maybe there would not have been a concert where they danced with a buddah getchkeh R"L.  rambam says we have to be mechazek ourselves and it is in our hands to get rid of the gezirah and if not it adds others to not repent from their ways  .

- Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel spoke he said we are living in a very dangerous time not only in Eretz Yisrael but here in the US and all over the world antisemitism can flare up instantly and we can become a Germany overnight. The R"Y recounted that he got a phone call from a very choshuv talmmid chochom who is verssed in the writings of the vilna gaon that this shmini atzeres he a milchama will break out  and this will be the last step of gog umagog as the chofetz chaim said that the 1st ww was the beginning. he reiterated what a nes it was that the terrorissts  had maps of every single shul in the area and they knew the shuls were full on simchas torah with men women and children hashem  sent them to other places  we are living in this time of open nissim but it all depends on where we are holding. the churban of the internet has brought upon so many churbanos in klal yisrael even in the best miahpachos, thousands of people have fallen, even without the chatoim or aveiros   there is the bitul torah, the secular hashkafos  that we emulate. it is a churban and michshol we have to protect ourselves  texting pictures from a simcha publicizing itto the whole world this is the nisayon for us. and nmatter how big a excuse of parnassah or loss of money we justify to have it, it pales in comparicant to the sakana we are facing now we need a shmira our  job is to withstand this nisayon so it will save us.

- Ned Thompson for Assembly: Time's running out, but your opportunity to vote by mail isn't. We can't afford to let Lakewood Rabbi Avi Schnall's Democrat-backed platform take hold in the 30th District. It's time to TAKE ACTION!  Apply for a Mail-In Ballot

- Early voting numbers for Lakewood yesterday 341 total votes 

- Elon Musk: Having children should be incentivized, not be a financial penalty like it is in most countries! We must create the next generation of humans or spiral into oblivion.

- Wall GOP: Avi Schnall of Lakewood is running against Sean Kean and Ned Thomson for control of Wall, Howell, Belmar, Avon, Lake Como, and Farmingdale. Vote Tuesday, November 7th, and stop another Phil Murphy's cronies.
- Howell GOP:  Democrat Rabbi  Avi Schnall is running to represent Howell in Trenton. Yet he’s really only running to represent his hometown of Lakewood! Howell can’t afford to be represented by Rabbi Avi Schnall! Vote no on Rabbi Schnall!


  1. I don't think Schnall has ever denied that he will vote with the Democrats whatever way they tell him to. Including on issues of LGBT and abortion and pro crime. I have no idea how he will vote when these issues come up but his avoidance on this issue speaks volumes.

  2. What a kitrug it is on us that our goyishe neighbors are fighting for morality and voting republican and we only care about the almighty dollar voting for the Democrat platform of hashchasa because some deep pocketed gevirim say that maybe in 5 years there will be tuition relief.
    How is this not a chilul shem shamayim to vote for them and help them keep a majority to push anti G-D legislation woe onto us for sitting idly by and letting lakewood get sucked in to power hungry askanim

    1. Did you consider theyre just saying that because they need your vote. Does schnall Really need to voice his opposition to abortion in order for you to think hes anti. Vote for him or not but just realize its all politics. Stop hating him just because that's what the GOP tells you to do.

    2. Um...Yes. Schnall really needs to voice his opposition to abortion in order for me to believe he will vote in opposition to it. Based on what I've seen from him so far I can easily see him telling us "it was going to pass anyway....I asked Daas Torah... we anyway don't want them telling us what to do so we won't tell them...." and voting for some expansions of abortion funding for late term abortion or some other toeavah . I'm not saying he will of course. I'm just saying that based on what I've seen from him so far I do not think he can be trusted or that he is committed not to.

    3. Mr thomson is more trustworthy? What exactly have you seen from that leads you to believe so?
      Republicans are politicians also just bear that in mind. Also jews registered as democrat can still be frum.

  3. Such sinas yisroel all over and we are turning our friendly neighbors in Ocean and Monmouth county to hate us. We are kicking out a friendly incumbent and looking to put in unzere who is the face of Jackson lawsuits. Do we need to Raitz uhn whatever we have left and put us all in sakana??
    The askanim should take achrayus and suspend this campaign TODAY.
    Now is not the time.

    1. The youngeleit in bmg are very angry about it they feel used because they get a paycheck and therefore askanin feel they can control their hearts and minds
      The olam will not be voting for the democrats

    2. It's gneivas dass from the olam what they are doing with sound trucks taking advantage of clueless individuals using daas Torah to do it.
      So disgusting that unzere askanim act like that with no shame knowing that this campaign is all about marketing to get a result that they want using the olam

  4. Thompson is better than any other candidate on all issues
    As for who should be his running mate, will leave up you ladies & gentlemen

  5. What happens if they don't succeed in dethroning Thompson?
    Will Thompson revenge the people who tried to dethrone him?
    Do we need a mishelanu there?
    Don't they have one passaic, & loook how it looks?
    Is he so desperate for seat, that he couldn't wait until Thompson retires?
    Has anyone come up with a reason why we should dethrone Thompson?
    I wish Thompson himself & the other guy would answer my qs.

  6. Fact Ned Thompson has little to no accomplishments don’t really see how we loose by trying out Schnall. Hearing lots of fluff - nothing has stMirphy from doing what he does - the republican opposition in this state is just optics

    1. He has little accomplishment because he was in Opposition
      & Because of sellouts like Kean
      The republicans have a good chance of getting a majority this election
      even the media admitted that
      IF you guys don't throw that away

    2. Little accomplishment if he is holding the dike as he guarantees is usually much better lately than worse alternatives
      That get worse

  7. Pulling place at the township building is hopping tonight. Be sure to use your brains when you vote.

  8. The only candidate that will be a consensus candidate who lower the thermostat & absolve us is Thompson

    Check out the scary thing happening already is the other townships are casting us as responsible for Schnall whether he loses or wins
    - Kean & that other democrat are ok for us to be slammed with the flak

  9. I see there are smart people on this forum. Can't the people see through all this sheker??
    This group of bal habbatim going all out to get. Shnall elected and they think the people are naive enough to believe they are doing this for the people??? Anyone who buys this is a fool. Especially since the non existent Lakewood vaad had to stick their 2 cents in and also endorse they are trying all types of tactics vote with unity blah blah this election will show zero unity will have the brainwashed sheep and those that see through this. The message is so clear. If they cared about the people why they fighting with Aaron lang shouldn't they endorse his 3 candidates??

    Sorry vaad it's 2023 the oilam isn't fools anymore...

  10. We need to explain why Achdus in voting is bad for us.

    When we arrive at the politicians with a bloc vote, that bloc is controlled by someone. That someone is not a full-time askan, he has a business to run too. The politician can offer him a million dollars and he will vote for him. The tzibur needs much more than a million dollars, and they will lose out.
    If we voted our interests, not achdus, the politicians would have to campaign to us. They would have to show us what they have done for US, not demand that we show achdus with someone else. They will have to fight for every vote. We will all gain, not just those who control the bloc.

    Additionally, a bloc vote means that they have us over a barrel. They can hold bussing hostage every year and not allow us to ask for anything else.

    1. If everyone voted their interests, the politicians would not risk a vote by only providing bussing.

      Achdus in voting is our downfall.

  11. Is anyone going to speak about the censorship of all media to any party that runs not approved by the VAAD? What is wrong with having a discussion of ideas? Just making like the other side does not exist is just plain wrong. They dont allow the other side to exist. Nobody allows for Schnalls or other opponent to advertise in most mainstream print or website/social media.

  12. Why vote for Ray Coles? How many tax abatements were handed out to 'special interests' to the detriment of us all. Ave of americas it is beautiful but we the people get practically nothing from it as it is Tax free. We pay more and more taxes while special insterests pay less or nothing. Vote what is best for you. THINK before you give away your vote. What is YOUR best interest.

    1. & the interest of your decent neighbors
