Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Tuesday October 10 News Updates Lakewood

 weather: 46° Clear to partly cloudy

- Thousands of Bochurim attended the Asifa at Bais Yitzchok they heard Divrei chizuk from Rav Malkiel Kotler, and Rav Uri Deutch who spoke about tefilah and Zeaakah.

- In a strongly worded letter to President Biden on Monday, Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) called on the Biden Administration to “use all appropriate US resources and tools” to secure the immediate evacuation of US citizens in Israel who are desperately trying to return home.
Smith’s letter comes as a follow-up to his request to State Department officials on Saturday for evacuation assistance.

- Pizza plus will be limiting the seating area during the war asking customers to take home om order to be nosei B'ol during  this time 

- Lakewood Planning board meeting today at 6PM watch livestream here see agenda Here 

- Tonight asifa for all Mesivta and Bais Medrash bochrim and their Rabbeim, at BMG, Bais Medrash Bais Yitzchok.  8:15 PM with Maariv and Tehillim followed by Divrei chizuk by Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita and Rav Uri Deutch  Shlita.

- Tonight divrei chizuk on the situation in Eretz Yisrael in English by Rav Avrohom Helberg shlita at the Bais Medrash of Kelmwoods 47 Kelmwoods in westgate 7:45 pm followed by Tehillim and Maariv

- Ocean county Sheriff: Our office is assisting with extra patrols in Lakewood during these uncertain times,”

-  New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy will meet with community leaders in Hoboken for a vigil to honor the victims of the terrorist attack.

- Arrests of juveniles in Lakewood reaches new highs In September 2023, there were a total of 114 arrests in Lakewood. Uniquely, 9 of these were juveniles as young as 16. This number is considerably higher than in previous months. Additionally, for the first time this year, the juvenile arrests include for unlawful possession of weapons. Faa News 

- The New Jersey Department of Transportation (DOT) is running to court because a Lakewood property owner is delaying their long-awaited Route 9 intersection widening project, FAA News has learned.


  1. Is there a call in number for the bochurim asifa?

  2. What in the world is pizza plus's objective. If he wants to be noseh beol he should donate 50 percent of his profits to one of the many organizations that could use it now in time of war

    1. Objective? How about watching some of the videos or pictures of what is going on! Anyone that can go on with their daily life as if nothing is going on, while children are locked up in dog cages, hostages on the brink of getting beheaded, hundreds of thousands of soldiers about to go into Gaza - not to mention the horrific killings that already took place! I’m being don lekaf zchus you were the one decrying the videos being shown - Everyone out there ought to be shown the pictures/ videos or at the very least read the atrocities that took and continue to take place!! Honestly, I felt the Tehilim being said in the less “yeshivish” places are being said with a bit more “Hartz” maybe it’s because they aren’t being sheltered from the news!

    2. Dear Anonymous Person, I’m sorry you don’t understand pizza plus’s objective. But klal yisroel understands and appreciates. As well as appreciating all the years he didn’t have seating and listened to the Roshei Yeshiva. Please don’t lecture to others what they could do in order to minimize the great things they do. An apology is in order for embarrassing such a special person in public for the great things he does. And if you won’t apologize, I’m apologizing on behalf of a tzibbur that allowed such an embarrassing public comment to take place. And I’m asking hefkervelt to please delete such inappropriate comments from being published.

    3. Tehillim in less "yeshivish" places are more Hartzig?? Have you been in BMG the last 2 nights?? 10,000 people in 8 Batei Medrash on Monday night with a kol that shook the building! Thousands of bochurim last night in Bais Yitzchok- upstairs, downstairs, outside.... Seriously?? Pizza Plus should be commended for their sensitivity....

    4. quantity vs quality - https://lakewoodalerts.com/worldwide-unity-10000-gather-in-bmg-lakewood-in-support-of-acheinu-bais-yisroel/
      Looked pretty tone down to me...
