Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Wednesday May 17 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 66° Sunny. High 66F.
Allergy forecast medium to high Pollen count at 8.5

- Following the filing of this lawsuit, by the tenants  the landlord  served the them with a Hasra'ah (a warning) from the Beis Din of the Central Rabbinical Congress of the U.S.A. and Canada (the CRC). More

  - Montana becomes first state to completely ban TikTok; law expected to become litmus test for rest of United States.

 - A 1,100-year-old Hebrew Bible became the most expensive book ever sold Wednesday when it drew a price of $38.1 million at auction at Sotheby’s in New York City. The buyer of the item, known as the Codex Sassoon, was revealed to be the American fundraising group on behalf of ANU — Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv. The museum said Alfred Moses, a former U.S. ambassador to Romania, and his family provided the funds for the purchase.

-Tax increase: Lakewood Township will be raising property tax after adding 3 Million to the municipal budget. The budget will be introduced at the meeting tomorrow see more

- Today's Daf Yomi ויוקר יאמיר high costs will pile up. Side of Salmon at Bingo $9.99 Potatoes 2 x 5lb in Shoprite Russets $5.00 this week Stop & Shop yellow, 5lb 4.99, buy one get one free.(Submitted)

-  Lakewood township will vote tomorrow to allow highrise buildings in Lakewood up to 150 feet off rt 70 near the Garden State parkway, Township officials have remained mum about the project as to how many buildings wil be put up and who is developing it.

- Despite the covid emergency declared as over, Lakewood continues to have only virtual meetings denying the public a chance to speak up in person at the meetings. Committeeman Delia has not logged into the last few online meetings either. Committeman Miller and Lichtenstein log on with audio. Mayor Coles has said that more people can now join the meeting since they can listen online but refused to hold a hybrid in person meeting while also streaming online. Members of the public who submit comments online can not engage in a conversation with follow up questions. Those who join the audio get cut-off at times.

- This year since rosh chodesh comes out on Sunday there are those who say Tefilas Hashla on Thursday which is erev rosh chodesh Sivan mukdam and also yom kippur kotton (based on rav Chaim kanievsky דרך שיחה פר' יתרו) Others say you can say it on shabbos since asking for ruchniyus needs is allowed (Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach)

- Several Lakewood girls schools have not indicated yet when they will be starting the school year after the summer. in brooklyn the schools will be starting earlier in August before Labor day

- Daf Yomi finishing maseches Sotah today begin maseches Gittin tomorrow.

- Food establishments opening soon in the Lakewood area:
Burger Bar in jackson at NPGS plaza, Hot bagels 3rd location at E kenedy and route 9 Lakewood, Seared restaurant at the Avenue shoppes, Panini cafe Jackson, Klein's Ice cream house route 9 Lakewood/Toms River border.Taam Eden Bakery from New Sq opening at Chestnut and Rt 9' Breadberry opening by Brook Rd.

- Freehold schools was set to eliminate courtesy busing to 300 students but now appears to have it restored through subscription busing although parents may have to pay for it. 
In Lakewood the township pays courtesy busing for public school students while private yeshiva students have to pay. Township officials have yet to explain this blatant discrimination others say it is totally illegal to pay for some and not pay for others. 

- Frum medical centers in the tri state area including CHEMED in Lakewood  are listed as “hosts” for a event this sunday in Williamsburg on improving healthcare for the orthodox Jewish community for healthcare professionals and community members one of the featured speakers , Dr. Peter Hotez, according to a report, believes that it is critical to fight “anti-science” - potentially including legislation to fight the belief that Hashem created the world. see more Here and Here


  1. When you link to blogs of absolute quacks, you lose credibility, and you make us all look like fools.

    1. Name calling won't win an argument you have to refute the claims point by point

    2. I won't lower myself to refute your silly conspiracy theories. "Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig enjoys it."

    3. in your case it would actually be recommended as it might possibly cause you to lift your head out of sand :)

    4. Amazing how someone has the time and is willing to argue and claim:

      1) Blog X are 'absolute quacks'.
      2) Hefkervelt 'lost and loses credibility' by providing a link.
      3) 'You make us all look like fools'
      4) 'silly conspiracy theories'
      5) equating with pigs

      This same person who made these confrontational and argumentative assertions, also claims not to argue. Very rich on trying to persuade by name-calling and attempted character assassination, but nothing about the actual issue at hand.

      Tells us all we need to know.

  2. Boycotting is the only way to bring the food prices down. The industry has record breaking profits using theb nflation excuse

    1. Be careful where you shop in Lakewood.
      There are stores that have good cheap prices.
      There are some that are decently priced.
      And then there are some that are crazy expensive, like 'what in the world is going on here?!' expensive...

    2. It definitely is strange how many products had these dramatic price increases yet they mange to go on sale and the sale is almost identical to previous sales... makes you wonder if they really did need to jack up the price as much as they did.

    3. also the red potatoes @ stop n shop 5lb 4.99 b1g1 - (sale ends thursday)
      Shoprite has salmon @ 8.99 ok cert. packages (possibly side of salmon ask your lor)
      can always ask for a rain check..

  3. This also from today daf yomi Sotah 49b sums up the times we are living in as families are broken up and children are told to disrespect their parents.
    ר' פנחס בן יאיר אומר משחרב בהמ"ק בושו חברים ובני חורין וחפו ראשם ונדלדלו אנשי מעשה וגברו בעלי זרוע ובעלי לשון ואין דורש ואין מבקש ואין שואל על מי לנו להשען על אבינו שבשמים ר"א הגדול אומר מיום שחרב בית המקדש שרו חכימיא למהוי כספריא וספריא כחזניא וחזניא כעמא דארעא ועמא דארעא זלא ודלדלה ואין שואל ואין מבקש על מי יש להשען על אבינו שבשמים בעקבות משיחא חוצפא יסגא ויוקר יאמיר הגפן תתן פריה והיין ביוקר ומלכות תהפך למינות ואין תוכחת בית וועד יהיה לזנות והגליל יחרב והגבלן ישום ואנשי הגבול יסובבו מעיר לעיר ולא יחוננו וחכמות סופרים תסרח ויראי חטא ימאסו והאמת תהא נעדרת נערים פני זקנים ילבינו זקנים יעמדו מפני קטנים בן מנוול אב בת קמה באמה כלה בחמותה אויבי איש אנשי ביתו פני הדור כפני הכלב הבן אינו מתבייש מאביו ועל מה יש לנו להשען על אבינו שבשמים

  4. Anyone know how to get a passport within 2-3 weeks? Ty

    1. Ez Passport from BP or schedule a appointment and expedite it

    2. Call the US Passport office with all travel info you will save hundreds of $$$$.

    3. i just used FastPass. they were amazing.

    4. Call the US Passport office with all travel info you will save hundreds of $$$$.
      Can you please explain what you mean?
      Thank you.



    1. bubbe maysas, u think the girls are coming in from the country for a half day on thursday w no english & no busses, and then they give off friday to go back up for shabbos? and than what happens on labor day ... call this starting early.. they told each mosad that the rosh hamosad of the other one agreed so u too and now they find out no one ever said yes

  7. Anyone know what this new organization is working as a third party for mosdos? What exactly do they do?

  8. Probably have to pay a few hundred dollars to a chassidish guy who knows how to get things done and he’ll get you an appointment.

  9. If you're not happy with these councilmen, then DON'T re-elect them.

    1. As if there's any choice on the ballot

  10. Lakewood is the fress capital of Orthodox jews on the east coast
    We have made it.
    Outdoor seating is now given a hechsher with KCL you have taaruves and pritzus on full display with a hashgocho.

    1. Just a bunch of overpriced take outs if you asked me. Also The hashgacha last time I checked is to make sure the food is kosher not the atmostphere... take your agendas elsewhere.

    2. KCL should admit at least they changed their standards

  11. Where is pritzus on full display? It even has a hechsher?

  12. New. Rule. For every 5 new eateries we open ,we have to open one new high school. Then we will have hundreds of extra high school slots .

  13. Another billboard coming to cross and route 9, just in case it's not enough of a disaster already

    1. I'm sure TLS won't publish any accidents on that corner... Thank you TLS for turning this town into trash.

  14. Would love to know where there is pritzus on display. May want to go check it out.


    1. If you are that curious go to the high-end eateries with outdoor seating there are not tznius ladies sitting in front this is the reality. And the mixed seating atmosphere indoors too. With corporate parties its disgusting

    2. I didn't know tzaddikim who are makpid on shemiras eynaim are busy looking to indulge in pritzus

  15. Why do they sit in front?

  16. Msiras nefesh for the klalMay 17, 2023 at 8:01 PM

  17. Regarding the lawsuit and the Hasra'ah, it was previously reported that the landlord had started eviction proceedings against the tenants. Pretty rich of him to now cry "beis din".
