Monday, May 1, 2023

ברוך דיין האמת : הרה"ג ר' מאיר הרשקוביץ זצ"ל ראש ישיבת בית בנימין ד'סטמפורד

                         תורה תורה חגרי שק 
BDE: Petirah of Hagaon Harav Meir Hershkowitz zatzal Rosh Yeshivas Bais Binyomin of Stamford ,who was niftar early this morning in Lakewood at the age of 89. A Levaya will take place at Lakwood yeshiva Bais Medrash Govoha 11:30am in Bais Yitzchok 7th st and Private way followed by a levaya at the Yeshiva Bais Binyomin in Monsey at 4 pm on Carlton rd. The Aaron will go to JFK airport with a brief levaya at 7:30 pm. kevurah in Eretz Yisrael at Har Hamenuchos..
Phone hookup 712- 832- 5656  500# or
857-347-0100. Dial 125005

From Matzav: Rav Hershkowitz was one of the gedolei roshei yeshiva and gedolei hador of America. A prized talmid of Rav Aharon Kotler zt”l, Rav Hershkwitz had a profound impact on talmidim over many decades of harbotzas haTorah. His humility and tzidkus were matched by his ahavas haTorah and ahavas Hashem, as he served as a guiding light in the Torah world.

When he was a yougerman in BMG kollel there would be a line forming everyday from his seat in the yoshon B"M on the left side all the way to the back with people waiting to speak to him in learning. He was briefly at Adelphia yeshiva before going to Stamford. 

Divrei Hesped delivered at the Levaya in Lakewood 

- Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita: He was the rebbe of klal yisrael from the first American bnei Torah a demus of giving over to talmidim for over 60 years and was a demus even for those who did not learn by him He continued the mesorah and added on to what he learned from his rebbe rav Aaron Kotler. 

- Rav Yeruchom Olshin shlita: The world and shamayim is crying on the loss of such a tzadik gamur a gaon in Torah a yochid umeyuchud  its a loss for the entire world. He would answer on the spot in all of nashim and nezikin roshei yeshiva would come to him as a youngerman to hear his torah. He suffered throughout his life and did not change or flinch; he continued his learning he was a malach. He learned Torah Lishmu that he got from his rebbe and as chazal say kol haolam kolo kedai hu lo the entire world was created for him and his learning is mashpiah on the entire briah. he never looked for kavod he was an anav who was marbitz torah for over 60 years. 

-Rav Yisroel Neuman shlita We lost a tremendous talmid chochom nothing else in the world was counted to him but the Torah he was fully misbatel to torah we should all get a chizuk to go in his ways and keep on shteiging totally misbatel to the Torah 

 - Rav Nisson Goodman shlita: He was a person who the shechina rested on him nothing stood in is way he lived a life of kavod  shamayim

- Rav Yosef Kaufman shlita: when Rav Meir was a bachur  the  R"Y Rav Ahron was mechabed him and gave him the mesorah for future generations he was zoche to be from the mosrei hatorah like the 5 talmidei Rav Akiva. he was from the mekablei hatorahto transmit it,

- Talmid Rav Nosson Stein Shlita: He was constantly mechadesh chidushei Torah always looking for the emes that was his tafkid always with ameilus. He was a rebbe that had everything in him

- His son shlita: Spoke about his midah of  dikduk and thinking everything through oisgehalten.

Photos courtesy of the photographers


  1. His pashtus will be missed
    How have we as yidden moved so far away that

  2. are there any recordings of the lakewood hespedim online?
