Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Tuesday May 2nd News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 56° Overcast. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 56F

- The Lakewood Development Corporation (LDC) today awarded over $300,000 for two contracts to Lakewood Community Services Corporation (LCSC) which is headed by Rabbi Moshe Zev Weisberg, who is also a board member of the LDC. The contracts are for LCSC to do the legwork of consulting prospective grant and loan applicants, processing their applications, and coordinating the business-to-business networking events. Faa

- Tonight is the yartzeit of R' Yehuda Tzvi Steiner the brother of Reb Shayala Kerestirer.He is buried in Staten Islan the Baron Hirsch cemetery will be open tonight May 2 starting at shkiah 7:54 pm  for 24 hours until May 3 @ 7:54 pm There is expected to be refreshments and lighting for the expected crowds.

No Vehicular Traffic will be permitted – Street Parking Only, Car Pools are encouraged due to limited parking availability.

- Atzeres Tefilla tonight for Talmidei Philadelphia yeshiva in Lakewood for the Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Shmuel Shlita, 8:30pm to 8:50pm at Yeshiva Orchos Chaim, 410 Oberlin Ave S. in Lakewood.

- Tehillim: Rav Mattisyahu Soloman shlita airlifted to hospital in Philly again due to his delicate health situation .please daven Mattisyahu Chaim ben Ettel.

- Agudah Congratulates their NJ office director, Rabbi Avi Schnall on making it to the top 100 powerful people on The NJ Globe  power list as number 86 Here

- Recording of  Lakewood Levaya of Rav Meir Hershkowitz ZTL avaliable on Chayeinu hotline 732-301-4043 option 1 than 2 than 829 & 830

- The Levaya of HaRav Meir Hershkowitz ZT”L in Eretz Yisroel will take place today at 1 PM EST  Live hookup number: 1-585-308-3282

- Some local  urgent cares no longer offer the option of giving 2 throat cultures by doing away with the overnight and only administering the rapid test. They argue If a patient tests negative for strep with the rapid but is really sick they will come back for another visit.

- Allergy alert high Pollen count in Lakewood today at 9.2

- Lakewood Shuttle schedule and route information is now available by calling the hotline number: 848-200-2216 (Faanews)

- LDC continues with only virtual meeting due to covid emergency. Meeting today. watch live stream Here at 4:30 pm aee agenda Here  Awarding over $300,000 of UEZ tax money to LCSC $135,000 for marketing events and another $193,304.00 to provide consulting services for the loan program

- Rav Gershon Ribner will host a Q&A on hashkafa Tuesday nights at his shul khal Anshei Talynawr 606 Brower in Tom's River at 8:15 pm Open to the public.

- At least 25 rockets were reportedly fired from the Gaza Strip toward southern Israel on Tuesday with two rockets even hitting Sderot and at least three civilians wounded, starting just hours after Palestinian Islamic Jihad official Khader Adnan died after a three-month-long hunger strike in Israeli custody.


  1. The rapid test they are using is an updated version, and they have shown to show the same as the overnight in 95+% cases. Urgent cares are designed to make money on you and not really help you. You are not their patient, and they always tell you to follow up with your Dr. The sad part is that your Primary Dr gets paid $35 for the visit, while the urgent care makes +150$.

  2. Is the q&a open to the public and will there be a mic as his voice isn't the loudest

    1. Will it be More of the same style or different for different folks?

  3. The not giving overnight strep test is a money grab by the urgent cares and forcing you to come back for a second visit while you could potentially infect others. People should demand another culture or walk out and don't let them get away with it.
    What a chutzpah!

    1. Mr 924 AM, it's total nonsense.
      How many will come back a second time? Almost none.
      You want to be negative? You may but why spread it to others.
      Mark my words You will be happier by expanding your generous heart to your thoughts by thinking kindly of others!

    2. We are all kind but sometimes get pulled in by the Satan to spread hatred. But we can stop and think how much better can I do by just thinking positively.

    3. Sounds like u iare nvested in urgent cares. The rapid are not accurate happens many times that the overnight comes back positive after a negative rapid. Isome people have strep and it does not detect on the rapid. Now they go home having strep and infect everyone around them eventually they feel realy sick when the step grows and they get fever. Now they will go back again to get another culture which vrings more money to the UC as they can charge for another visit.
      Let them have rachmanus on us and think kindly of others.

    4. Sorry I am not vested in any business. However I am very clearly vested in spreading love.
      I don't think that I am better than you because I truly believe that we are all innately vested in spreading good and kindness.

    5. Go spread love elsewhere go speak to the people who are hurting innocent people and ruining their quality of life.
      You love is misplaced having rachmanus on achzarim

    6. Nebach quality of life affected by UCs. I think you should better check yourself into a Rehab for some mental health care.
      Maybe you have a lot of anger bottled up or you were born in Mazel maadim!
      Either become a shochet mohel or better yet the Israeli army or the the NYPD!

    7. Nebach you have such a disdain hatred for whoever does not agree with you as chazel say one who has rachmanus on aczarim will end up being a achzar on rachmanim.

    8. Sorry I am not talking with hatred.
      I simply feel bad for you and anyone else who has no other way in life other than judging others.
      Chazal give us an eitza to be Dan kol adam lekaf zechut!
      Do yourself and your family a favor and get yourself help so you can regulate your emotions.
      I truly wish you all the best.

    9. 355pm anon, it sounds like you are the hot headed writer who can't accept that people disagree with what you perceive as the only truth. That is why in 953 you accuse the other writer as being vested in the UCs, otherwise they wouldn't disagree with you.....! Lol

    10. Urgent cares can do what they want - If any urgent care refuses to do a throat culture - I will go elsewhere - in fact I may make some calls just to find out who I should take off my urgent care list..

  4. The area in front of aisle 9 in Jackson is shut down due to an accident.

    1. And another one was just cleared. What were they thinking when they approved that?

    2. That's Jackson for you!

  5. Which "COVID emergency" are they referring to??

    1. The same imagined one they’ve been using as an excuse for the past few years.

  6. How r u "officially" suppose to make a left onto central when coming out of Isle 9?

    1. With a bit of patience and caution you make a safe left!

    2. That ain't central my dear.

    3. New Egypt...

  7. Aisle 9 shopping center in Jackson is not for Lakewood style driving. I saw someone get a ticket trying to make the left turn sitting in the middle lane.Jackson residents can drive there from the other direction and make a right turn when finished shopping.

    1. Theres no such thing as Lakewood style driving. Its Yiddishe driving. Just like the alte heim.
