Saturday, May 13, 2023

Motzei Shabbos Behar Bechukoisei Lakewood

 היום שמונה ושלשים יום שהם חמשה שבועות ושלשה ימים בעומר/לעומר

- A ceasefire between Israel and the Islamic Jihad terror group is in effect as of 10 p.m. local time, over 1250 rockets were fired into Eretz Yisrael from Gaza Israel killed 33 terrorists. 

- Beware of Missionary material sent to Lakewood residents in the mail. The return address is from Howell, NJ.

- Judge dismisses Cell tower lawsuit for the one ontop of Levovitz building on Clifton Ave. FAA In a blow to the neighbors on 5th Street, Ocean County Superior Court Judge Francis Hodgson on Friday formally dismissed a lawsuit filed by the neighbors which sought to overturn the Lakewood Zoning Board's approval of a cell tower facility on Clifton Avenue. See more at faanews

- Boys Yeshivos send home note to parents about a disturbing trend among frum barbers that are giving haircuts bordering on חוקות העמים as well as not leaving enough for peyos.

- Tomorrow Home owners show atvTWJ Barnabas Arena 1245 Old Freehold rd Toms River 10:00am - 7:00 pm Admission fee.

- Lakewood restaurant owner receives letter with money repaid from former customer.


  1. Barbers need a hechsher, any Barbershops who won't commit to not violating halacha, should not be used even for a "regular" haircut.

    1. Now that people are starting to realize that Jewish barbers need a hechsher it is a wake up call not to rely on therapists just because they are Frum.

    2. Halachos of haircuts can be set to specific guidelines, for therapy and therapist, every case is unique.

    3. Therapists are so much riskier than barbers. Every therapist should need an hamlatza from two rabanim once a year. It should be the same two rabbanim who update their hamlatza. A change of rav should be viewed with the same suspicion as a change of hechsher.

    4. The barber thing is very serious and dangerous.

    5. I wish someone would compile a list of Barbers who are fully committed to only give haircuts acceptable to halacha. The rest should be boycotted.

  2. whats a חוקות העמים haircut?

    1. Look in today's daf yomi Sotah 46:

  3. It's shocking how little boys are walking around with half shaven heads and zero peyos left. The parents are clueless but these are the new styles. The barbers should be told to stop this nonsense and issueei doiraysah.

  4. The parents are clueless, as are even many Bais Medrish bochurim who RL only look at giyeshe trends as guidelines. It's a pellah that the Roshey Yeshiva of these bochurim don't open their mouths. They let them go with these goyish haircuts, top few buttons if shirt open, skinny pants etc. They keep their mouths shut and rather have a TLC accepting Yeshiva, than no yeshiva at all. These bichurim need to be taught how a Ben Torah goes, not just a blat of Gemorah!!!!

    1. Shirts open and skintight pants are a problem in top tiered yeshivas too, not just TLC yeshivas. The bigger issue is teen boys general obsession with chitzoniyos, the specifics are usually immaterial. Mesivta and beis medrash boys wardrobes cost thousands of dollar each zman. The source of the problem is not goyishe haircuts, it's teen boys the overwhelming need to follow the trends. They are very insecure when it comes to dressing. Maybe a kosher therapist can deal with these issues.

    2. Are you comparing open buttons to an issur de'oraysa of לא תקיפו פאת ראשכם?

    3. Why would you think a therapist is needed? These are NORMAL desires and behaviors for teens. Attempting to suppress them is what will lead to the need for therapists, OTD, etc. Yeshivas MUST know how to respond properly and with sensitivity.

    4. Rumspringa is also NORMAL for teens
      should we now allow it too?

  5. My son's mesivta didn't send any letter. Does than mean it's not a problem in yeshiva? The hanhalah does care? They feel helpless?

  6. here's a little secret when the mothers give treat their kids like little play dolls and give kids goyishe haircuts at ages 1-8+ they don't suddenly grow out of styling their hair when they turn barmitzvah

  7. There is special place in gyhenom for township board chairs that trample the little guy.

  8. Can some elaborate on which hairstyles are considered chukos haamim?

  9. does anyone have a recording of the shiur on hair cutting that was given at the eastontown mesivta by the forest park rav?

  10. very sad what was once an obvious halachik issue now needs awareness campaigns and schools sending letters

  11. Above comment about mothers 100%, many think children are cute like pets
