Saturday, May 6, 2023

Motzei Shabbos Emor 5783 News Updatea

היום אחד ושלשים יום שהם ארבעה שבועות ושלשה ימים בעומר/לעומר

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Esther Shulamis Blier A"h wife of Reb Aaron ZL daughter of Rav Yonasson Shteif ZTL Levaya in Lakewood tomorrow 1:00pm at the chapel. She had donated the building to the Satmar Mosdos in Lakewood 

 - Tefillos  for Rav Moshe Wolfson Shlita who was hospitizesld before shabbos as his condition worsend name is Moshe ben Fraida Rivka

- Hundreds of American Talmidim learning in EY gathered at the Kosel Thursday night to say Tehillim for Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita see video below

- Adirei Hatorah tickets for event go live on the website or through the shul representative.  Suggested donation per adult is $360 the cheapest ticket is $100 for adults. Children tickets are more at $150.

- Tomorrow divrei Hesped and gathering in memory of Rebbetzin David a"h at Neemas Hachaim hall 8pm. Divrei Zikaron by Rav Naftali Jaeger Shlita R"Y Yeshivas Shaar Yashuv

- Today marks 86 years since the Hindenburg disaster in Manchester, New Jersey after it caught fire while attempting to dock with its mooring mast at the Naval Air Station in Lakehurst. 35 of the 97 people on board were killed, along with an additional fatality on the ground. (@OneJerseySchorr)

 הממליך  מלכים  King Charles III was crowned Saturday at Westminster Abbey, he was anointed with oil from har Hazeisim in Yerushalayim. In a ceremony steeped in ancient ritual and brimming with bling at a time when the monarchy is striving to remain relevant in a fractured modern Britain.
At a coronation with displays of royal power straight out of the Middle Ages, Charles was given an orb, a sword and scepter and had the solid gold, bejeweled St. Edward’s Crown placed atop his head as he sat upon a 700-year-old oak chair.
In front of world leaders, foreign royals, dignitaries and a smattering of stars, the monarch declared, “I come not to be served but to serve,” and was presented as Britain’s “undoubted king.” Inside the medieval abbey, trumpets sounded, and the congregation of more than 2,000 shouted “God save the king!”.(AP)

Video: Tefilos for Rav Shmuel at the Kosel

Video: Crowning moment 


  1. Tickets for adirei are double than last year why???

    1. Since Adirei, BMG stopped collecting for Kollel checks. So the cut the fundraisers took disappeared. Someone has to cover it. So 'putting Yungeleit on a pedestal' can also be monetized.

    2. That’s 1000% sheker. As a matter of fact, it’s exactly the opposite. Since Adirei, ALL fundraising goes to the Kollel payroll. All operating expenses are supposed to be covered by government grants and tuition.

  2. Yes quit pigish

  3. Giving Yungeleit extra money puts them on a pedestal and shows that someone appreciates their struggle. Helping organize convenient babysitting, that works around their schedules, shows that someone appreciates their unique lifestyle. A Yeshiva office that is open before and after Seder so that people that need to arrange something don't need to disturb their learning, shows that someone appreciates Yungeleit's time.

    Saying and repeating 'putting Yungeleit on a pedestal' does not do anything.

    1. Depends on how they give it

    2. The office for Yeshiva is open from 9-5 so anyone can take care of what’s needed before first Seder or anytime Bain Hasedorim between first and second Seder. In my dealings with the office, I’ve found them to be very accommodating and professional. I’ve even had someone meet me late in the evenings to fill out paperwork as that worked best for me. No complaints in that area

  4. מאן מלכי? רבנן
