Sunday, May 7, 2023

Sunday May 7th News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 76° A mix of clouds and sun early followed by cloudy skies this afternoon. High 76F.

- Divrei Hesped and gathering in memory of Rebbetzin David a"h at Ne"emas Hachaim hall 8pm. Divrei Zikaron by Rav Naftali Jaeger Shlita R"Y Yeshivas Shaar Yashuv. Call in number 732-839-3003 ID 7763828486#

- Tonight: Kinnus Hisoirerus and Tehillim for Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita at Yeshiva Ktana hall 120 2nd street 8:15pm -9:15 pm divrei Hisoirerus by Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita And Rav Chaim Meir Roth shlita

- Minyan shelanu annual Lag Baomer fundraising campaign donate Here

-Update:  לקיים בנו חכמי ישראל continued tefillos for:
Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita Shmuel ben Ita Ettel  still in hospital
Rav Mattisyahu Salomon shlita Matisyahu Chaim ben Ettel, has serious infection the Yeshiva said tehillim on shabbos
Rav Moshe Wolfson shlita Moshe ben Freida Rivka serious condition Badatz Eidah Hachareidis of Yerushalayim wrote letter to daven for him

- Return of the in person yeshiva dinner. For the first time since covid the yeshivios and schools have reverted back from  online campaigns to in person dinners with many scheduled events coming up. After the schools raised tuitions last year there were those who said that the parents will give less at the fundraisers throughout the year.

 - Philly Update: On Friday the Rosh Yesoohivah Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita was transferred to a rehabilitation center in Philadelphia.

- Boycott in EY continues against Angels bakery after board director refuses to apologize for demonstrating at the hoke of Rav Gershon Edelstein shlita. Several Roshei Yeshiva addressed their bochurim over shabbos that anyone who is mevazeh the gedolim will pY a price. Rav Gershon said it is time for the secular to realize that our survival is not dependent on them. 

- Buses to Monroe KJ for Lag Baomer will be living tomorrow from Stamar BM and Evergreen parking lot round trip $50

- BDE: petirah of R’  Shraga Feiviel Muller Z”L 85 origionaly from Brooklyn mobed recently moved recently to Lakewood Levaya 11:00am at The Lakewood chapel on 7th street Kevurah in Deans at 2pm Shiva at 24 Queens ct.

- Vizhnitz rebbe of Montreal will be visiting Lakewood a kabolas panim will take place tonight at BM Toldos Mordechai 1501 Clifton Ave after 10:00pm Maariv

- Adirei Hatorah over 230 Rabbonim from the greater Lakewood area sign letter in support of campaign calling on all mispalelim to join .Tickets can be purchased online with a link for each shul. A letter hanging over shabbos in Lakewood stated the website is not with the approval of the roshei yeshiva or event organizers but was run by a 3rd party vendor.

- Skulen Lakewood will hold a Hachana for Lag Baomer shiur tonight in the BM on Park Ave with the attendance of Rav Refoel Paskez shlita of Bais Elimelch at 9:45. There will be a hadlaka on Monday night.

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Esther Shulamis Blier A"h wife of Reb Aaron ZL daughter of Rav Yonasson Shteif ZTL Levaya in Lakewood tomorrow 1:00pm at the chapel. She had donated the building to the Satmar Mosdos in Lakewood


  1. R shmuel was not transferred on Friday. He is still in the hospital.

  2. Adirei tickets are expensive they better give good food. Last year most of the olam didn't get anything to eat unless you were invited to the VIP

    1. For $100 you can buy a good meal here in Lakewood, have lots of change leftover, and save plenty of time.
      What a bargain!

  3. Go online and order your own meat boards .

  4. What's the point in this whole thing? Stay local and learn and donate whatever you'll donate

    1. On second thought, its probably an elaborate ploy to serenade the few that give the big bucks so that the golden geese keep layin em eggs . .

    2. If this was billed as an event to give thanks to the donors, I would not have a problem with it. They truly deserve our thanks.

      But the game of 'pedestal' is an insult to the yungeleit of Lakewood and drags us all into the morass of sheker and hevel that surrounds us from the outside world.

    3. If they opened the “books” you would be paying much more tuition. Vehamavin yavin.

  5. How do schools expect parents to give money at the dinner after they raised tuition by thousands of dollars. They charged for covid and didn't give back any credit made money off boxes and covid tests off our children. They should open the books so everyone can see for themselves

    1. They will never open the books even if they're investments were dependent on it.
      Vihamavin Yavin...

    2. Why do you need to exaggerate. My nieces high school wrote a very apologetic letter about needing to raise tuition . And they raised last year by 350 dollars. Even if you had 2 girls, it was still 700 dollars. Not thousands. And they have a very yeshivushe crowd and don't expect or demand any donations. I know that the 350 did not come close to covering the raises they had to give the teachers in order not to lose them to other new schools desperate for good experienced teachers.

    3. You are obviously not aware of what plenty of other schools did who raised the tuition by thousands. And the teachers got no break despite what Torah Umesorah said with their PR campaign.
      The extra bonus for teachers went to pay off the new tuition hikes in other schools for their children.
      No one came out ahead and the ones who ended up footing the bill were the parents who struggle to pay tuition.

    4. I know several schools and theories were in the nundreds ,not thousands. Some 350 ,some maybe 500 but definitely no thousands. Maybe the more balhabatish schools raised more but all the schools I know are mostly yeshivaleit and didn't raise by thousands

    5. It’s not the school’s responsibility to teach YOUR child. It’s YOUR responsibility. You brought him/her to this world thus it’s YOUR chiyuv. Let’s get that out of the way. If the school raises money then they can be nice to you. If they don’t raise enough money then you have to make up the difference.
      Ah. I’m a Yingerman with no money. Then you raise the money from the outside. No one owes you anything. On the end of the day it’s YOUR “baa’yah”.

    6. If everyone thinks that the Rosh Mosdos are secretly raking in money, how come no-one went to beis din or court??

    7. The schools always claim that the parents are partners and shutfim in the chinuch but when it comes to financials it's a business without involving the parents

    8. Why cant somebody make a couple of schools and charge much less tuition if it's true that that tge tuitions are not necessary ? Why are Lakewood tuitions do much lower than anywhere else out if town?

    9. Halacha is that the town/beis din/tzibur needs to pay to educate those who's parents cannot afford.

    10. Correct. The school is not the town. The tzibur as a whole needs to create a fund to pay peoples tuitions if they can't afford it. But that will never happen. People give only to Adirei, Yeshivos in Yerushalayim and other good and worthy causes . They believe that chinuch needs to be paid by the users . Nobody is asking people to support private schools. But just support your neighbor who can't afford to pay tuition.

  6. What's the line up for adirei this year

    1. Some possible names
      Rav Eli Chaim Swerldloff
      Rav Aviezer Piltz of Tiftach


    1. I am not chareidi, nor am I particularly attached to the circus Meron has become, but if someone from the Hartmann institute is calling something "avoda Zara" then it's probably a mitzva min hamuvchar. Concern trolling at it's finest.

    2. Fair enough

  8. Maybe I’m naive - doesn’t TAG enable/approve acceptable sites - like a sign-up for this event?

  9. The Zidichover Rebbe, שליט"א needs רחמי שמים.

    הרב יהושע העשיל בן שארצא באבצא
    HaRav Yehoshua Heschel ben Shartza Babtcha

  10. Ginik shoin mit de vishnitzer Rebbe's in Lakewood??!! How many already do we need??

    1. oh, about 50 or so.

    2. Why do you care? Either visit them or don't. They deserve a tremendous amount of credit

    3. That's the Zidichover Rebbe of Chicago

  11. A Special Feature Shiur for Lag Baomer was delivered last night by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a with a unique overview about תקופת חכמי המשנה with a special focus on רבי עקיבא and רשב"י.
    The topic of the Shiur was " והיה העולם שמם" based on the סוגיא in מסכת שבת דף לג:.

    1. גוואלדיק
      Every shiur and drosho from him is a bombshell. The only speaker in L'wd that you know what to expect. He will never disappoint anyone. משכמו ומעלה

  12. How much is adirei hatorah charging?

  13. Will not listen to a speaker w/o a beard telling me about Rashbi

    1. בארד בארד ווי'ז דיין איד?

  14. על פי קבלה אין לגדל זקן בחו"ל ורק באר"י וכמש"כ הרמח"ל באגרותיו לגבי עצמו, וכמו"כ הרמ"ע מפאנו. והדברים עתיקים וכבר גן בזה החת"ס. וא"כ רק אודות רשב"י יש לשמוע ממי שאין לו זקן....

  15. Are they crazy? Why would anyone go at such crazy prices?

  16. He has a shtickel beard. Anyway remember what the satmar rebbe said about beards.

    1. Reb Michoel doesn't shave. His beard simply grows that way like many other gedoilim over the generations. Simply wrong of making degrading comments.!
      Apart for this ridiculous taine; his shiurim and droshes are a living testimony about him being a giant in all parts of Toira. Halevai, we should have a few more on his level. אלף נכנסים- אחד יוצא
      He is the one.

  17. Find yourself a picture of הרב שְׂרָיָה דבליצקי זצוק"ל one of the biggest mekubalim of the past dor, and then preach your nonsense about big beards.

  18. Even the biggest amaretz in Lubavitch doesn't touch his beard, & u Litvaks have your nose in the Gemorah all day and don't think twice to shave your beard with an electric shaver which is a issur daraysagh according to Rav Aaron Z"L , Chazin Ish, & R Shach. LOL Go make some sense out of that!

    1. No one uses a shaver that hasn't been approved by his rov, and that is perfectly fine.
      You chassidim have plenty to work on, start with actually learning something and perhaps davening before zman tefilla.
      Stop harping on beards which is not halacha, and litvaks have a strong mesorah on shaving

    2. Shus .
      The Amshenover replied when challenged how he took beardless non-chassid as eidem:a beard anybody can put up later .These are the real thing

    3. Lubis follow a daas yachad that any cutting of beard even with a scissors is prohibited. Chasidim don't trim beard not due to halacha, but because they like the look. Litvaks shave because that was the mesorah in all litvishe yeshivos for the past 120 years. Mir Kelm Telshe Slabodka etc etc. Which instrument may be use to cut beards is a separate halacha question.

    4. And chasidim have a strong mesora about davening later in the day. Neither is correct l'halacha. The difference is that your own Roshei Yeshivas have asserred it.

    5. Reb Shniur Kotler, Reb Malkiel Kotler, Reb Yerochum Olshin and Reb Yisrpel Newman all shaved as bochrim. You keep your mesorah and we'll keep ours.

    6. Rav Malkiel Kotler did not have a beard but he didn't shave. He used powder due to Rav Ahron's view on shavers. I heard this from him personally.

    7. There is no strong mesora among Chasidim about davening later in the day. Which Chasidish gadol explicitly encouraged people to daven after zman tefila or miss zman krias shma? There certainly were Ltivish Gedolim who felt strongly that (at least) bochurim should not have beards


  19. Tefillos are being requested from Dr. Eli Eilenberg, a Lakewood pediatrician who suffered a heart attack.

    Dr. Eilenberg has decades of experience in medicine and is one of most popular pediatricians in the Lakewood area.

    Please daven for Elimelech Ben Chana.

    1. elimelech ben chana yehudis

  20. The Adirei website signs against having the site is a joke and was likely done just to calm down any opposition that may come

  21. Lol you am Haaretz must’ve never heard of r Moshe. Is having our heads in the Gemara a sore topic because you wouldn’t know which side to open a Gemara?

  22. Whatever u want to say, shaving with a electric shaver goes against Rav Aron! And BTW the Amshinover's beardless son in law ended up getting divorced from the Rebbe's daughter

  23. Shame on you hv for posting the nasty chassidish comment about shaving but not allowing any opposing comments except one politically correct one. If you allow chassidim to attack litvaks like that you have to be fair and consistent. This is not what we call a voice for the tzibbur by the tzibbur it’s censored just like TLS.

  24. It is a well known fact that when Volosian the Father of all yeshivos started, all the talmidim had untouched beards & payos, until after the haskalah crept in and one bochur cut off his payos he was thrown out, and all the other students protested and would not learn until he was let back, and the rest is history ...

    1. Fallacy.The Czarist gov't mandated shaving & modern dress.
      The Harim Alter (who was forced to change his last name because of his polish patriotism) Made It a
      harog V'al Yaavor
      Others disagreed with that

  25. BTW the Gra, Did not touch his beard or payos, was makpid on tvilas Ezra, said tikun chatzios, & karbanos every day. Can u find me 10 Litvaks in the USA that do that. They claim they are Litvaks as an excuse to cut off their beards. Lol what a joke!

    1. Minhag Lita and Minhag HaGra are two different things.

    2. there isn't a single chasidisher in the world who is makpid on tevilas ezra. in fact, they openly flout tevilas ezra. btw, aren't you aware that the entire point of chasidus was to justify modernity and keep am ha'aratzim from going off completely by declaring that secular ukrainian and polish culture (mode of dress, food, music, dance) was "heilig" and could be used as a replacement for torah and halacha?

    3. The Gra kept many minhagei chasidus (as in לפנים משורת הדין). He did not expect anyone outside of his close circle of talmidim to take these hanhagos.
      BTW he considered chasidus a greater danger to Yiddishkeit than not being makpid on tvilas ezra

    4. He would've have liked if worthy others adopted them also

  26. Huh? They claim they are litvaks to cut off their beards? What did you have to drink today? R Moshe was matir shaving and that is what everyone relies on, nothing to do with the gra or volozhin.

  27. Rav Moishe was also MATER many other things that although maybe HETERIM like VERY LOW mechiytzas, eating chalav stam, etc, these HTERRUM were not made for Bnai Torah sitting and learning in Kollel!!

  28. BTW fyi most Chassidim are makpid on tevilos Ezra & lechatchilah with a kosher mikvah, u like the few Litvaks that are makpid but lechatchilah use a shower

    1. i don't think you know what tevilas ezra is. if you go to the mikvah every day, you are not makpid on tevilas ezra.

    2. That is incorrect. It may not be accomplishing the reason for the takana , but its not correct to say you are not makpid on the tevila . You can bring proof from the takana that the minhage wasn't to go every day ,but you can't say that if somebody does go ,then he is not being makpid on the takana .

  29. Oh yes because someone may need tevilas Ezra during the day not just at 10 AM.

    1. Chadudim are very makpid to leave the mikvah open during the day for this reason

  30. Anyway if you don’t talk to your rebbetzin tevilas Ezra is not so nogeia. Hence it’s not necessary for many chassidim.

  31. Welcome back mr cohen. Haven’t heard from you in a while.
