Monday, May 1, 2023

Monday May 1 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 61° cloudy. Slight chance of a shower late. High 61F. 
- NWS: Flood warning until 11:45 am Between 5 and 7 inches of rain have fallen.  For N. Branch Metedeconk River at Lakewood: At 7:30am the stage was 8.26 feet. Flood Stage is 8 feet.

- Tonight: Jackson Township's Planning Board on Monday night approved the application of Jackson Cheder Boys School on a 12 acres site off Brewers Bridge Road, near the Flair neighborhood. See Full story at Faanews

- Tehillim: update: The R"Y is B"H feeling better went to the visit to tge hospital was precautionary.
Tefillos for Zkan Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita who was hospitalized in Philadelphia after returning from the  Levaya of Rav Meir Hershkowitz ztl in Lakewood. Name is Shmuel ben Ita Ettel.

- More from R' Aaron Lang motion filed today:
Today we filed a motion for emergency relief before the Commissioner of Education requesting the she should issue her final decision and complete the remand by May 15, 2023. R' Aron (Arthur) Lang and his co-counsel Professor Paul Trachtenberg today filed a Motion for Emergency Relief, seeking for the New Jersey Education Department to expedite their Court-ordered remand which requires them to "thoroughly review their substantive argument - that the State's funding structure is unconstitutional as applied to Lakewood's unique demographic situation." Read full explanation on 

- USA ending COVID-19 vaccination requirements for federal employees, federal contractors and international air travelers.

- Rain totals A high of 5.68 inches of rain was reported in Lakewood. Other reports from the township were of 4.49 inches and 3.29 inches. Jackson had reports of 3.02 inches and 4.44 inches, and in southern Howell, the highest total was more than 6 inches.(Patch)

- NBC: The U.S. military is tracking another mysterious balloon that flew over Hawaii last week. It determined that it poses no threat to aerial traffic or national security, but it's not clear what it is or who it belongs to (NBC)

- Kavod Achron Kavod Hatorah: Tens of thousands of bnei torah talmidei hayeshivos and balei batim were melava the Aron  od Rav Meir Hershkowitz ztl down Forest Avenue. It was a sea of black covering the entire avenue from the Yeshiva on 6th street down to County line rd.

 - BDE: Petirah of Rav Moshe Chaim Shlanger ZT"L Mashgiach of yeshivas Porat Yosef in te old city of Yerushalayim he was 91. He was a brother to Rav Tzvi Dov Shlanger ZtL  R"Y of mesivta of Baltimore. He survived the holocaust a t a young age and moved to E"Y where he was close with the chazon ish and went on to learn in Chevron yeshiva. 

- Over 15,000 currently at the levaya of Rav Meir Herahkowitz zatzal. The mesivtos in Lakewood will be coming at 1pm. Maspidim: R"Y Rav Malkiel Kotler, R"Y Rav Yeruchom Olshin R"Y Rav Yisroel Neuman, Rav Nisson Goodman, Rav Yosef Kaufman. Rav Cohen a talmid, his son.

- Aaron Lang: Monday we'll move for emergency relief for Commissioner to comply with remand.  1 of 2 things will happen eventually. Either they'll fix the formula and get it right for all NJ, or they'll kick the can down the road by throwing tens of millions just to Lakewood to end the case.

- Monday of בה"ב for those who are fasting there will be a minyan mincha with krias Hatorah of ויחל at Rav Forcheimers shul 418 5th street 2:10pm.

- Panini Cafe soft opening for second location in Jackson at 400 S. New Prospect rd

- Hot bagels opening a 3rd location in Lakewood with a drive thru option at corner of Kennedy and Madison Ave North side near Shell gas station by former Chase bank.

- Lakewood zoning board meeting tonight at 7:00 pm watch livestream Here see Agenda Here
on the agenda  Lake terrace 1690 Oak Street To obtain use variance and final site plan approval to allow the use of this property as a catering hall.
 Chestnut Equity, LLC, for a new 28-unit duplex development on the north side of Route 70 between New Hampshire Avenue and Vermont Avenue.

- Regulators seized troubled First Republic Bank and sold all of its deposits and most of its assets to JPMorgan Chase Bank in a bid to curb a two-month banking crisis that has rattled the US financial system.

- Lakewood UEZ Tax dollars: The LDC will give the LCSC over $300,000 in grants  $135,000 for marketing events and another $193,304.00 to provide consulting services for the loan program

- Egg prices have come down. As a chesed someone compiled a list of prices in frum stores see chart below 


  1. Canm someone please explain why the three most expensive eggsd are sold in nthe stores?> It is a clear profit grab and says a lot about these businesses....

    1. Aisle 9 (Lakewood location) just lowered their extra-large egg prices to 1.49
      Their Jackson location is at 1.79 today.

  2. This Egg Price list is amazing. If only somebody could put something like this together on a weekly basis for basic food staples (i.e. bread, milk, eggs etc.). It would be a helpful resource for all. It would also potentially force store owners to keep their costs down.

    1. There isn't weekly movement of prices in Milk and Bread they way eggs fluctuate.

    2. Why don't you give it a shot instead of shouting.

    3. Expanding on this idea - I am curious how difficult it would be for somebody with computer programming knowledge to create a website where you can submit your grocery order and it will look up prices on all local grocery store websites and give you a total for each one. It should not be that difficult considering that almost all stores seem to use the same web designer with similar programming code. It would end all debates about who has the best prices and would force store owners to be more accountable. Only problem is that Bingo does not have a website.

    4. The prices on the website are not the same as the store

    5. why isnt shloimys on the list theyre .99

  3. Food prices are out of control again
    Liebers honey Graham crackers in NPGS $6.19 in ALDI the crackers are $2.
    Fish sticks are $9 a box

    1. I have stopped using the Yiddish stores for paarve items. I use bingo,shoprite,walmart and costco.

    2. Many frum ppl are willing to pay more for pas yisroel. Aldi crackers are not pas yisroel. If your kids have friends over you should check before feeding it to them. Also aldi is owned by Germans (and Trader Joe’s) and many ppl choose not to shop there.

    3. I thought we pasken pas palter is mutar even the mechaber holds in certain circumstances pas palter is mutar (price maybe one of them)

    4. So all the people driving Audis and BMW's are making not to shop at Aldiis?

    5. Buy the loss leader items in Aldi and leave

  4. Urgent allergy alert! Some Abe's Parve ice cream caramel flavored sold locally, are actually peanut chew flavored with peanut chews!

  5. This list is misleading as they don't all have the same quality and size eggs. You cannot compare the purchasing power of ALDI to Liebers. Considering the price of fish, fish sticks for $9 seems reasonable.

    1. Nothing is misleading eggs are eggs everyone has the same quality some are medium and some Large. The prices are misleading

  6. NPGS used to be a cheap store. Unbelievable that Gourmet Glatt and Evergreens is cheaper!!!

    1. Funny. NPGS is much cheaper. The others get you with discounts but them you pay full price on the rest. I've compared prices on non sale items and GG can be 20% more.

    2. That’s not always true. NPGS used to be the cheapest but not anymore. Their sales are good but I’ve often found better prices on non sale items at Kosher West.

    3. Some stores do not keep up with the latest prices - esp. smaller stores who have a slower turnaround so they get their new shipment much later than bigger stores hence they don't raise their prices as fast..

  7. Shoprite bread and hot dog and burger buns still $1.29 vs $4-$5 heimishe. Non heimishe graham crackers a quarter of the price. Same thing for many other staples. Asks your LOR if pas palter is lichatchila if there is a huge price difference. Many shittos hold yes.

  8. It would be a big toeles If someone can publish once a aweek the price of a loaf of bread, dozen xl eggs, milk from all the various stores

  9. Today we filed a motion for emergency relief before the Commissioner of Education requesting the she should issue her final decision and complete the remand by May 15, 2023.,%202023.pdf,%202023.pdf

    If she does not grant the motion, or render final agency action, we will file an interlocutory appeal to the Appellate Division.

    Aaron Lang

  10. Look at the Litvaks, can learn the whole day, but be willing to be somech on a heter to eat pas akum to save a few dollars!! Mamash not normal

    1. pas palter is mutar

    2. If you learn all day, you will find out that this isn't a 'heter'. It is simply muttar. Pas palter is muttar, no ifs or buts.
      I have long found that Chassidishe chumros are generally based on ignorance. From gebrokts to 'nisht mishn', from not eating fish on Pesach because in Hungary there was a chashash to placing a cloth on top of the sheitel, none have any halachic reasoning at all.

    3. It goes well with the cholov Stam Rita's and the questionable slurpeess from 7/11 and quickcheck.

    4. The mishna berurah in 458 says that one who is machmir on gebrokts should not be mocked, for it's a chumrah

    5. Not true! Please stop dissing everyone who is not exactly like you.

    6. Att Anon 3:30pm you talk like a bor rayk and am Haaretz mideoraysa. Do you know if meseches brachos is in seder moed!

  11. Not only mutar, but when there is clear evidence of price gouging on the part of the ‘haimish’ it is even preferable.

    1. Take it off ma'aser
      If necessary

  12. Does any sane person think a box of graham crackers should cost $7? Have they caught cracker flu?

  13. How is Graham crackers over $6 a box called everyday low prices?

    1. Ask the distributor - Do you expect the stores to take a loss? They should lower their 30 percent markup...

    2. BTW why don't you attack the egg distributors - most stores pass on the price they pay to the consumer...

  14. As the old saying goes " a litvak trucked a tzailim offen hartz" That's the problem

    1. Antisemitishe vertl

    2. Typical empty chassidim. Ad hominems

  15. Waste everyone's money leaning for years in Brisk, then move to Lakewood and eat Chalov Akum at Rita's, and pas akum to save a few dollars

    1. At least if you learn in brisk you’ll know the difference between pas Akum and pas paltur - and you may Even know that we hold you can eat pas paltur and possibly because of the price difference everyone holds including the mechaber you can eat it - which would than allow you to eat it in during aseres yimei teshuva

    2. Why the motzi shem ra

    3. We get it, you have no problem carrying on shabbos with a questionable eruv, but you'll never eat cholev stam.

  16. Sounds likeTims River vs Lakewood.

  17. Rabbi Forst brings from Rav Elyashiv that substantial price difference is a better to eat pas palter lichatchila.

    The Sefer zivchei tzedek (early 1800s) says the same as do others.

    The Ramah himself in Torah Chatas writes that he is not going to elaborate on the halachos of pas palter because our minhag is to eat it (even when pas yisrael is available).

  18. Speaking personally: my parents were poor. I worked to earn money for my plane ticket to EY and for living expenses while learning in Brisk. I have never been to Rita’s - nor have I been to any of the CY ice cream stores. The sheer greed of the haimish food producers has run amok, supported by people who feel free to shame others if they don’t shell out $7 for the privilege of buying a package of Lieber’s graham crackers. It is an an aveira to charge exorbitant prices for basic food products.

    1. You're a fossil

    2. Tell me one bochur who learnt in the "real" Brisk in the last 20 years that AJ even knew he existed when he learned there. What a bunch of +?#*

  19. The problem is there are too many people that are not willing to forgo an item when the price gets out of hand - they use the bitachon card to shop irresponsibly! How many people continued to buy the instant soups when gefen decided to double the price? Thank gooodness they came down from their insane high.. a big issue was that the prices were rising while the ridiculous food stamps were still being given out - that didn’t help..
