Monday, May 8, 2023

Lag Baomer 5783 Hadlakas Greater Lakewood Area

 Please add locations and corrections on the comments section

Watch Live Broadcast  in Miron HERE (be mindful of Sefira) 
- Rav Meilich Biderman Live in Miron 7pm EST  HERE 
Monday night:
Bais hachasidim Rav Krishevsky  677 8th street Maariv 9 pm followed by Hadlaak and Seuda 

Skulen  647 Park Avenue Maariv 9:15 Nigunnei Hisoirerus 9:45  Hadlaaka 10:15 for updates 848-847-5856  #5

Breslov 423 6th street Maariv 8:55 Hadlaka 9:25

Mordy's Shteibel 8:00 pm hot buffet Music and dancing

Stolin B"M 153 E 7th 9:15 in the parking lot

Khal hachasidim West Gate 9:00 pm Hillside Ave corner  Kelmwoods

Kosson  Bais Medrash Hadlaka at  57 Havens avenue Oak and Vine 9:00 pm

Mevakshei Hashem 1676 lanes Mill Rd 9pm no parking Live music 

Seret Vizhnitz 284 Chestnut street  Maariv at 9:00 pm Hadlaka with Admor shlita with Chalakah and Lechaim 

B"M Khal M'Hallovitz 614 Ocean Ave Rt 88 9:15 pm

 Bais Efraim- Rav Shimano at New Central & Leigh 9:20 pm

Belz- Harmony park Parking lot Maariv 9:00 pm  Lighting at 9:40 pm

Mesivta of Eatentown 1300 New hampshire 8:30 pm

Presidential Estates 9:30 pm
Rizhen 1132 East county line  10:15 pm

Bnei Yissocher 186 Jumping Brook drive  8:45 pm

Lizhensk  2187 Vermont Ave Toms River Maariv 8:30 Hadlaka 9:00 pm

B"M Vorka Bowman Rd Jackson Maariv 8:30 pm

Bnei Yissocher 186 Jumping Brook drive  8:45 pm

Royal Grove Jackson  Maariv 8:45 pm Hadlaaka 9:00 pm

Makadshei Hashem  2390 Forest Circle Toms River Hadlaka 9:00 pm

Manchester 1211 Laketree drive 9:30 pm

 Bobov bais Hachaim in Deans,NJ floral Park cemetery will be open to visitors all night Monday and all day Tuesday with refreshments.


  1. Don't forget Pine Park free food and entertainment.

    1. Don't forget to let everyone know it's a chabad event

    2. Why does Lubavitch hide the fact that they are behind this event

    3. This is what Chabad does they try to rope you in without knowing it. They happened to write it in very small print on the side of the poster but still brazen to come into Lakewood like that
      You think they would tolerate a BMG recruiting event in crown heights? Not a chance!!

    4. actually if BMG would make an event in crown heights, CHABAD would not ban it.
      and at this Lakewood event which I went to 2 years ago when they had Benny freidman, it was very neutral, just about standard mitzvos. no mention about moshiach or anything controversial.
      Let's Stop the Hate !

    5. Starts off neutral and a few years later it becomes chasidish and they start bringing in the chabad garbage. Same thing happened in Boor Park, and many other places. Their ideology and idolatry gets thrown out when they are straight about it, so they use trojan horses.

    6. No one outside Chabad does things in Crown Heights because they are not welcomed there.

      What does chabad want from innocent lakewood kids? Do they simply want to give them a good time? NO
      They are trying to slowly chop them its starts with the 10 pesukim and other teachings.
      The event at Blueclaws 2 years ago was not Neutral at all

    7. The na-nachs tried opening up in crown heights and were shown true chabad ahvas yisroel (harassed relentlessly)

    8. Vhas vishalom it's not about spreading the Rebbe shlita's teachings, we just want little yidishe kinderlach to be frielach, after all it's shnas hakhel and hakhel is about the little kinderlach. Don't forget the Rebbe commanded everyone to hear the aseres hadibris this shevuos, bring everyone in your families even the little infants. For today's prize we have a special chumash to give out, it has a tehlim, and also a very holy sefer from the biggest talmid of the magid printed in the back.

    9. Hakhel is not 'about the little kinderlach'. And there is no such thing as 'shnas Hakhel'. There was once a Mitzvah on Sukkos after Shmitta to perform Hakhel, and that Mitzvah will come back. That Mitzvah is on men and women, children don't have the Mitzvah. The Mitzvah is that parents should bring their children.

    10. How's it going with the ahvas yisroel between crown heights shomrim and shmira?

      How are things b'bveis ' - 770 Eastern Parkway - which has wallpaper/ wall decor declaring the rebbe king moshiach as alive?

      How is all the love between the various factions in crown heights going?

    11. Oh so you are saying that the Chabad event was asking the children to come by themselves?

    12. Wrong. That is precisely why YOU should be learning a sefer like Peshuto Shel Mikra. The pasuk very clearly states, men women and children. Yes,
      we all know what Rashi brings, but the pashut pshat has apparently been completely lost on you.

    13. This year is שנת הקהל therefore, more than other years it's imperative one goes to a lag baomer circus or carnival this year. הקהל את העם האנשים והנשים והטף Showing the רבש"ע we want to be מקיים this mitzvah will bring back מלכות בית דוד, in our times למטה מעשרה טפחים

    14. So from the Mitzvah of bringing the children, it has morphed into 'all about the children'. How?
      And the year is not a year of Hakhel, it is one day of the year that has Hakhel.

      We don't have to 'show the רבש"ע' anything. We need to be mekayem Mitzvos. And we can be mehader in keeping Mitzvos. Not making up stuff from our own bellies.


  3. Any locations in lakewood that will not have anything?

    1. Night seder in BMG and all real litvishe aahkenaz shuls

  4. I have been in Lakewood long enough to remember that there was only one bonfire in the whole town in R' Krishevsky's shul. Another example of how Lakewood has changed drastically. I am not saying whether it's a good or bad change. I'm just saying that it's the reality.

  5. Why don't you ty out about all the yugerlite in Lakewood that run after rubashkin with their touges wagging

  6. Btw there is no heter for music tonight. It’s a chassidish thing but against Halacha.

    1. My understanding is that those that keep the whole sefira can play music tonight. Only those that keep one half can't.

  7. Csne back from skulen, huge crowd but mainly looked like cheder kids out to have a good time. Nobody seemed to interested while the Rebbe was speaking. The most attention went to the many drones in the sky

    1. That depends on what he had to say......................

      Was there good food?

  8. Thank you to all Chabad Bashers,you give us a glimpse of what R Akivas students were like

    1. wow, we have a rav akiva's students basher here. one thing i can say is that you have no musag of what rav akiva's students were like.

    2. As the self-declared nesie doreinu and self-declared king moshiach taught us: the mittlerer rebbe was greater than the Tanoim (he mentioned specific names with a specific 'pshat').

      Anyhow: When and where has chabad shown any appreciation and respect for the Torah of Klal Yisroel? אמרו חז"ל בקהלת רבה, שרבי עקיבא אמר: "תלמידי הראשונים לא מתו אלא מפני שהיתה עיניהם צרה בתורה זה לז

      Sounds like the people who have nothing of respect or appreciation to say about all the gedolei Yisroel and the Torah they taught and teach. "Only we have it right"

  9. Your understanding is wrong

    1. What have you done lately to express Ahavas Yisroel towards the MANY Yidden in Ocean City ,Lakewood is a Very Cold and Unfriendly place unless you're a Party member

  10. Wow ,the Chabad Haters show their Deep insecurity of their Yiddishkeit,

    1. It's healthy to be insecure when dealing with so-called religious jews who in truth have thrown away about half of the יג עיקרים, keep my family far away from anything they do in the name of Judaism. If you want to know how the first generation of christians acted, you need to look no further than chabad of today.

    2. Have problem with anti Semites? Rise Up OC? Their influence?
      Because the Hamon gets persuaded by soiled garbage ?!
      Same here

  11. Keep up the senseless Hatred,your holy children will see this as acceptable behavior and go OTD, R'L

    1. This has nothing to do with senseless hatred. We are protecting our children from people looking to indoctrinate them to a ideology we oppose. Leave our children alone

    2. Yes train them in the ways of the Fruma Cheshbon where greed and Corruption are OK as displayed by our Wise leaders who make Chilul H' everyday for all our neighbors to see

    3. Then you better take your kids to a typical planning, zoning or committee,mtg,where they will learn the art of Chilul H',greed and genaiva, you must be so proud of these graduates,running or Fleecing our town

    4. lol, the otd percentages in crown heights are by far worse from any other area.

    5. Under normal circumstances I would NEVER say anything against Chabad or any other controversial ostensibly frum group but being that I kept getting phone calls asking my children to an event of theirs with a few mentions of the Melech Hamosiach I will repeat what Rav Aron Kotler said about Chabad before the bitters waters were drunk "Es shmekt mit Avodah Zorah!" Stay away. On another note my father remembers in the 1950s debating with people who later became major hotshots in Chabad about where Chabad was heading. They ALL denied the possibility of the mosiach craze happening and said they would leave if it does. But by then they were too sucked in already. Learn from them to stay away from them now !

    6. Love & Tolerance has worked
      till now ?!
      Whose kids?

  12. It's a conspiracy, all Lababs are out to get us, although they don't all admit it they all believe the Rebbe/Ohel is alive & is the Moshiach

  13. And the Senseless Hatred goes on
