Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Tuesday May 16 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 82° Sunny to partly cloudy. High 82F.

Yeshivos in Brooklyn have agreed to start the new school year earlier than Labor Day to close the gap between camp and start of school. The plan is for the Yeshivos to start the school year on Tuesday, August 29/12 Elul, and the Bais Yaakovs to start the school year on Thursday, August 31/14 Elul.

- "Apartment tenants in Lakewood have served their landlord and property manager with a "laundry list" of allegations including illegal rent increases as well as associated harassment, intimidation and retaliation. FAAnews reports

- Codex Sassoon, oldest near-complete Hebrew Bible, set to fetch up to $50m at auction tomorrow by Sotheby's, NY likely to become most expensive book or historical document ever sold, touted as ‘undeniably one of the most important and singular texts in human history’ Known as the Codex Sassoon, the book — which was written by a single Jewish scribe on 400 pages of parchment about 1,100 years ago  it will be sold at auction and is estimated to fetch between $30 million to $50 million.

- Mir yeshiva in Yerushalayim makes some changes to the daily shachris minyan in the mercazi main bais Medrash trimming 10 minutes off the previously daily time ending at 8:00am instead of 8:10am. In order to make it appealing and get more bochurim to daven in yeshiva the R"Y Rav Lazer Yehuda Finkel enacted some changes including putting up only Israeli bachurim for the amud who go at a quicker pace, and moving the mi shebeirach lecholim to the tehillim recital after davening. 

- Chasdei Hashem: Rav Avrohom Noach Palei shlita who lostb2 sons in the Ramot terror attack came home today after spending a few month in rehab for injuries he sustained back then.

- Update: Cedarbridge construction project will take place overnight 8pm -6am. Apparently Lakewood Township Committee were not aware of the projet details and when it was starting.

- NJ baby wipes Ban Legislators are backing away from a proposal to ball all non flushable baby wipes from New jersey as it clogges the sewer systems offering a new proposal that would require non-flushable disposable wipes to be clearly labeled as such and would prohibit the sale or distribution of these products without stringent “do not flush” labeling.

- NJ.com reports on the latest news with the Lang lawsuit to fix the founding formula for Lakewood after the New Jersey  education chief requests another report "One of the public school students’ lawyers, Arthur Lang, questioned the need for the report, noting that the department has had monitors in Lakewood for a decade. “They wear you out for 10 years to produce a record,” he said of the department, “and then, when you finally win based on the record, they say that the record is too old.”nj

- The Lakewood Zoning Board is scheduled at their next public hearing to consider an application from Verizon for a new cell tower at 1364 River Avenue, in back of the Taubers store building. This new tower will replace the tower installed behind Finnigans Lanes on Locust Street Faanews reminds readers  residents who wish to oppose this application for any reason are urged to bring an attorney to the public hearing.

- Lakewood daf yomi chaburah has traveled on a European tour visiting kivrei Tzadikim. R' Eli Stefanskybof MDY will be in Lakewood next Sunday with a live shiur at Ateres Reva starting maseches Gittin.

- By the numbers on a tour of BMG yesterday it was pointed out that 3.6 Million cups of coffee are drunk annualy to help the talmidei hayeshiva with their limudin.

Sign posted Lakewood regarding threat to kedushas shabbos by construction of Eruv with people possibly carrying on Rt 9


  1. Wow 3.6 million cups of coffee. How many minutes are wasted drinking them and bittul Torah? How much shtussim talk is talked during these 3.6 million cups of coffee?

    1. i bet you never drink a cup of coffee because you don't want to waste a minute of learning except to post important things on blogs

    2. You sound like an AH who didn't learn much in yeshiva.
      How many hours were gained by energized, focused learning?

    3. Spoken by a true masmid atzom who nevers wastes a second online. It averages to about 1.5 to 2 cups of coffee a day per Talmid. To have koach to learn. Not hock online

    4. While not condoning bitul Torah, there are several things to keep in mind. First, during learning there are no distractions allowed, no phones no eating no coffee at your desk so you're forced to go out and drink a coffee. Don't start telling me to manage without it, this after being up with your kid in the night etc. And you need to concentrate and focus intently. Secondly people need help and advice and this is a time to get some info, from shidduchim and dating location info, to medical housing and many other things. You are there till 730 pm with not much free time, no Sunday to deal with everything. So just like the proverbial water cooler at the office the coffee room serves a valuable purpose.

    5. Chazal call you a person who says מאי אהני לן רבנן
      You should ask mechila from the bnei Torah

    6. Their שיחת חולין is worth far more than your learning.

    7. Every tragedy has a wake up call message directly from Hashem that you're not going to find in any sefer in the world or read in any newspaper from a Gadol Hador or speaker saying about the tragedy. Neither is it from me a internet writer businessman.


      Do YOU drink coffee, I'm just asking? See that's your corrupted human psychological mind (יצר הרע) fooling you and convincing you huh I had my morning coffee, now I feel strong and ready to go to work/learn. What would be if your spouse or parent woke you up one morning and asked you, how are you feeling today? now that you slept longer than usual? You would reply I'm feeling much better and more ready for my day. And then a minute later the person yells back at you, no it's a mistake that was 2 nights ago, don't you remember last night we had a late night wedding and didn't return home until after 2:00am? What would happen to you as soon as you heard that? Your entire body would weaken now that your corrupted human psychological mind told you that you slept the same many hours as usual. Showing you that it's all in your corrupted human psychological mind (יצר הרע) and the way how a person thinks. What's A Pill/Vitamin? 100 crumbs put together to make it into a pill but nobody in the world can heal anyone besides Hashem Directly and all strength comes DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM as we say in davening every morning Boruch Hanosein layoeif Coach-Blessed is Hashem for giving us strength. Sure we still have to do our part hishtadlus and eat, drink, sleep etc…. But in truth it all comes directly from Hashem. Who do YOU think has a bigger chance of their tefillos being answered directly from Hashem? Go to a Gadol Hador for a Bracha for Children or a Shidduch etc … or go to the corner of your house and call out directly to Hashem? Your right He's a big Gadol Hador and there's a famous line called "צדיק גוזר ה מקיים" but the pro of YOU going directly to Hashem is WAY more powerful. What's the message? Stop depending on Rebbe's, segulahs, doctor's & Lawyers and turn directly to Hashem for help as we say in bentching from Tehillim "ודורשי ה לא יחסרו כל טוב" i.e. for one who seeks out Hashem directly lacks nothing that is good.

    8. Shalom - never stop taking your meds. It may seem like a small thing, but it makes a big difference.

  2. Why is there no names on the letter? Who is talmidim? It's a call for gedolim and rabanim. Not talmidim.

  3. The clueless mayor has no idea what goes on in town had no knowledge about a major construction project but than goes on TLS for propoganda to show how he got involved to switch the work to overnight shift. In a normal run town it would never come down to that in the first place
    And the sheep should all vote for him again this election for a fantastic job.
    Well played.

  4. If the eruv has poskim that say it is kosher than people who do not like that have the option of not using it.

  5. Here is the correct link.


    Note Tina Kelly, in the first paragraph of Monday's article, calls out the Commissioner for not following the court order.

    "Responding to an appellate court order to decide if Lakewood public schools are funded fairly, the head of New Jersey’s education department has instead called for an“expedited comprehensive study” of the district."

    The Commissioner ordered a comprehensive study of Lakewood when she ruled in 2021 that the state is providing for T & E in Lakewood. And now she was reversed and she orders it again?

    Her job was to come up with recommendations to adjust funding.

    And we are back to court.

    Here is another link to the article if the first did not work: http://arthur2240.ipage.com/documents/In%20lengthy%20case%20on%20Lakewood%20schools,%20N.J.%20education%20chief%20requests%20another%20report%20-%20nj.com.pdf

    A Lang

    1. Thank you for your extraordinary effort even when at times it's seemingly futile.

    2. You're welcome. We will prevail IY"H. Everything has been with siyata d'shmaya.

  6. The coffee room is for prusta litvishe Yungerlite who learn all-day with out going to the mikve in the morning where all worldly info can be gathered

  7. Saw a video of the daf yomi chabura singing a kumzit at the kever of the chasam sofer
    Since when is it allowed to sing songs at a kever

    1. Why is different then Miron and Uman

    2. 2 wrongs don't make it right
      There's also a difference between live music at a cemetery and singing dveykus songs

  8. Potatoes 2 x 5lb in Shoprite Russets $5.00 this week
    Stop & Shop yellow, 5lb 4.99, buy one get one free.
    Any better deals?

  9. what times does shachris start in the Mir?

  10. I'm assuming it's the chasidim that are making the eiruv across rt 9. I have no sympathy for BMG hanhala for opening up Lakewood to the chasidim, now you lay in the bed you made.

  11. Look like they are putting up a digital advertising board at the corner of rt 9 and Cross.
