Monday, May 1, 2023

A Gabbai - Deals with Dinei Nefashos

 Hashkafa By Rav Gershon Ribner shlita

How some gabbaim abuse their power at great personal risk


  1. He says "you have to be זהיר מאד בגחלתן של תלמידי חכמים". Quite right. When a yungerman learns all day and is a true Talmid Chacham, but the Shlishi aliyah is given to some guy who used his shver's money to open a Yeshiva, the Gabbai is doing something terrible.

    But his central point seems to be exaggerated. I am a Yungerman, and although I enjoy an Aliyah, I don't feel denigrated by the fact that I do not receive an Aliyah. My self-worth is not measured by vapid yardsticks like attention. I would love for people to hear my shiur or speech, but an Aliyah?! What does that say about me? It could be that others feel differently, but he made a blanket statement.

    Additionally, he decided that when there is a choice between which choshuve Yid receives the Aliyah, the decision is based on which one needs it more for his ego, not who is more choshuv. Although it is a nice sentiment, I don't think that is right. The Halacha does not take that into account, and the כבוד התורה is based on the person's chashivus, not his needs. If you are buying an Aliyah, by all means buy it for the person who needs it more. But the Shliach Tzibur of the Shul may not take that into account. והנלע"ד כתבתי.

    1. Youre younger now, but as you age the amount of kavod you get will probably begin to take on increased significance . .

    2. אמר רבי יוחנן משום רבי שמעון בן יוחי נוח לו לאדם שיפיל עצמו לתוך כבשן האש ואל ילבין פני חברו ברבים

    3. Don't get me wrong. I love kaovd. But attention is not kavod. Being honored at a dinner is not kavod. Getting an Aliyah is not kavod. Hearing someone discuss my chiddush is kavod.

  2. As a gabai I think this was so important something that is not spoken about and it’s not important only for gabaim but for everyone to look out for those who are quiet and recognize them

  3. It's a generational thing the older dor lived by who got shlishi or shishi by how often they get an Aliya or why some ppl get more than others. Nebach today we don't have the passion or erect for kavod hatorah by wanting an Aliya and getting upset about it.

    1. Instead we're unfortunately into our cars, fancy upsherrins, food and gashmiuous.

    2. Why is it a greater kavod hatorah for ME to the aliyah? Someone will get it, why would a torah'dik person be insulted over not being chosen to do it?

  4. Rav heineman shlita from baltimore has aid a gabbai goes straight to gan eden, he gets all his yissurim in this world

  5. This is a very important shiur for everyone to listen to even if your not a Gabbai.
    Yasher Koach to Rav Ribner

  6. How powerful. So true. Many special gaboyim, however there are some self serving who totally use the gaboyis to get ahead in life by catering to the people that will do them favors and ignoring people that don't kiss up to them

    1. I've davened in many places and I've yet to see any gaboi receive any tangible personal benefit from being one.

  7. How about putting more on Rabbi
    & Board
    where usually it belongs,
    Less onus on the Gabbai ?
