Monday, May 22, 2023

Monday May 22 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather73° Sunny. High 73F.

- Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita went to Passaic to personally invite the Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Meir Stern shlita to the Adirei Hatorah event in Philadelphia. 

- Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita traveled to Baltimore to deliver a shiur at yeshivas Ner Yisroel and presented a personal invitation to the roshei Yeshiva Rav Aaron Feldman shlita to attend the Adirei Hatorah event

- Ocean County Superior Court  judge overturned the Lakewood Planning Board's denial of an application on East 8th Street because the Developer refused to install a full-sized cul-de-sac bulb on the long and narrow road, which, he claims is not required, in this particular case, by local or state laws. See full story Faa

-Tzedek organization lobbies congressmen to have insurance companies pay couples struggling with fertility issues. 

- WABC reports Police search for people who tossed explosive from truck in Lakewood, New Jersey over shabbos

 Bais Din issued a ruling on when neighbors may or may not oppose the yeshiva's upcoming Planning Board application, FAAnews l

- Adirei Hatorah: In addition to Rav Meir Tzvi Berman shlita, It was announced that Rav Dov Landau shlita will also be attending the event. As for local speakers there's talk of Rav Elya Chaim Swerldloff shlita and Dayan Dunner shlita from London may be coming too. 

- Bingo will be open nightly this week 12 am until shavuos XL Eggs now .79

- N.J. seat belt ticket blitz starts today he state’s annual crackdown on unbuckled people  the “Click It or Ticket” campaign runs through June 4, Lakewood will be participating after it received a grant  for  $10,500, Howell too is joining with a $7000 grant

- Ahead of shavuos there's an abundance of cheesecakes and other cheese products on the market more than previous years says industry expert R Menachenm Lubinsky in a interview with Kol Mevaser 

- Lakewood police continue to investigate the incident Friday night on Squankum Rd near Shafto when 2 pick up trucks threw an explosive device towards residents Detectives are urging anyone with information related to the incident to come forward

- Lakewood planning board meeting will take place tomorrow evening 

- Daf yomi shiur delivered in Lakewood yesterday afternoon by R' Eli Stefansky he apologized to the bochurim and youngeleit due to a flight scheduled the event was held earlier which they were not able to attend watch video below


  1. Bais din's ruling is for this specific case. Both sides agreed to go to Bais Din, and this is their psak. Not sure why people are getting so upset by it, it means nothing for anyone else. And the same idiots saying that B'D can't pasken unless they hear both sides (which they did) are OK with R' Forscheimers alleged psak, where he definitely didn't hear both sides.

  2. FAA News are lying, as usual.

    The psak from that Beis Din did not limit itself to the family of the child who is unwell. The sickness is completely incidental.

  3. Mamesh yemos hamashiach to bring Rav Dov Landau and Tav Meir Tzvi Bergman together

  4. Why is BMG so desperate to shlep one of the Ziknei Roshei yeshiva to America? I think they realize nobody is interested in this event thing but they ppl to show up so they need to make hype

    1. You're such a nice sweet person, I'm sure your family really gains a lot from your keen and upbeat insight.


  5. Saying that we can not prevent one or both of the sides from doing something isn't really a psak halacha

    1. They weren't asked to give a psak to the general public. The "psak" is based on the issues they were agreed upon in the shtar berurin.

    2. ab, your non response to 10:29 was thoughtless.

      Where in the "psak" does it say anywhere what the neighbors may or may not do?

    3. The issue before bais din that was agreed upon was stopping the other party from going to the Township. Bais din psak says they can't stop the specific party. This is not a Halachic ruling for the public, this was a narrow defined question dictated by the star berurin.

    4. ab. Stop blabbering about the public. No one here is discussing the public.

      The discussion here is.....may the NEIGHBORS oppose or not. FAA implies that the BD issued a ruling that they may not oppose. We are claiming that the posted letter from the BD does not state the neighbors may not oppose

    5. Then you need a lesson in א ב

  6. I ASKED MY RABBI IF i HAVE TO GO TO ADIREI hATORAH, HE TOLD ME THAT IF I EVER WENT TO rEB sHAYALE ZTZ"l THEN i HAVE TO GO.He never said that if I never went I don't have to go. Well I never went, I am a little older & wake up eraly so I guess I will have to decide myself.
    Basically how I understand it, if you go to all other things you have to go, if you never go then you are not snubbing the yeshiva by not going.
    What do your Rabbis say?

    1. I asked my Rabbi if I should go. He asked me to give him a reason to go, and then he will answer. Meanwhile, no reason was given why we should go, so there is no לידת הספק.

      If you are paid to go, then money is the reason. That is a legitimate reason.

  7. "Sarim Redofuni Chinam" - Another brilliant Shiur for the forthcoming Chag HaShavuos from Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a about the Yichus of Dovid Ha-Melech and Megilas Rus.
    A must see:

    1. שפתיים יישק.



  9. Most important who will be signing at AH?
    Concerts are banned as Arvei Shira, the only concert alllowed is AH. It is so important for all of us concert lovers to know who will be the concert at AH.
    Pleease let us know. THe gedolim are boruch Hashem open almost all the time, whilce concerts are forbidden, all the time. Except when the gedolim make them. Please let us know who will be singing at the tim of the singing>
