Sunday, May 21, 2023

Sunday May 21 News Updates Lakewood

 ראש חודש סיון תשפ"ג
Weather:  75° Sun and clouds mixed. High around 75F.

- Adirei Hatorah:  Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman Shlit"a zekan gedolei Eretz Yisroel chasna debi nesia will be coming in feom E"Y to participate and speak at the event. Rav Elya Chaim Swedloff shlita will also address the olam Hatorah.

- The sefer שונה הלכות of Rav Chaim Kanievsky with his own handwriting sold today at the Genazym auction for $380,000.

- Tenants respond more at Faa

- Rt 70 eastbound Left lane reopened right lane remains closed East of CR 623/New Hampshire Ave in Lakewood due to a downed pole and wires. Line and pole work continues. Use caution, slow down and expect delays

- Shavuos shopping Bingo rye bread for $2.99, (Remember yizkor candles)
Grocery price list here

- Adirei Hatorah 80% sold out according to organizers, ticket sales via shuls will be closing on Wednesday. 

- Hachnosas sefer Torah at B"M of Pitney, Jackson 5:00 pm from 10 Bear trail to 45 Pitney

- Park Place kosher of highland Park will be closing for good as of June 4th after serving the community for 16 Years Park Place is under the strict supervision of the Vaad HaRabonim of Raritan Valley.

- Genazym judaica auction today here

- Mercaz Daf Yomi live shiur with R' Eli Staefansky today Sunday at Ateres Reva hall Lakewood 

- The annual post pesach Chometz sale will take place this year this coming Sunday May 21  from 11am - 6pm at 1965 RT9 in Toms River The price is  $20 a box, empty boxes provided

- Bais Din issues hasraaha in Lakewood Landlord  Tenants dispute more


  1. Does anyone know the real story behind this landlord tenant dispute?

    1. עיקר חסר מן הספר

  2. No what’s the story?

    1. Reuven and Shimon both liked money. Problem is, they both wanted the same money. So they are fighting.
      But for the rest of us, who cares?

  3. This whole landlord tenant dispute makes me very nervous because of the anti-semitism it can cause. Why can't they come to agreement without bashmutzing everyone. I'm not such a landlord guy. But come on kabbalos HaTorah over Por Toullars! This is disgusting on both sides. Himmel Gishrayy!

  4. That 'BD' letter is full of contradictions. First he is דן לכף זכות the yungeleit that they don't know the חומר הענין. Then he attacks them with a לא לחנם הלך הזרזיר אצל העורב, as though they do know what they are doing.
    There are more howlers, contradictions, and simple mistakes. Quite funny for an unsigned letter.

  5. Great Adirei Hatorah joke in that letter too

    1. Do you think that leitzanus will encourage people to take this Beis Din more seriously?

    2. Reb Yid - that ship sailed many years ago

  6. Do you need a beis din to passenger that you can go to a civil court? I would think not…

    1. Ask the people in westgate - they’re the pros...

    2. There are many poskim who think that you do need a beis din to paskin that. Look up שו"ע חו"מ סי’ כו ס”ב

      אם לא רצה לבא נוטל רשות מב"ד ומציל בדיני עכו"ם מיד בעל דינו
      Clearly first you need to go to Beis din. If he refuses to come (plays a game of chicken etc), then he gets permission from the beis din to go to...

  7. What is the plan with the no left turn into Chemed? Do they have to present to the planning board exactly how a car coming from route 9 north is going to access Chemed? I wonder what the claim was? Most of their patients will be coming from tr? Did they claim a car is going to drive around 5 minutes to turn around- cause everyone knows it’s either going to be many cars disregarding the sign and making the left turn or going into the nearest plaza to turn around! these no right turn gimmicks that the builders throwing are nothing but a distraction to their upcoming man made disaster!

    1. What do you think? I noticed it as well. Also no left turn out of chemed.. give it one week both signs will be down. Give it 6 months, the township will build a road behind chemed with a driveway in and out of chemed... I called it first..

  8. At this time of the giving of the Torah, in Lakewood in many of the post EY Bais Medrish' s outside of BMG the Roshey Yeshiva are RL have created a system that bochurim can learn Gemorah all day but they can do so WITHOUT dressing, acting, or looking like Bney Torah!! Gevalt!! These boys learn all day, but go around with goyish haircuts, tiny modern yarmulkes, some with clips, shirts open all the way, skinny pants, silly Purim hats etc etc, and the Roshey Yeshiva don't say a word!!! They are scared they will leave and they won't have a yeshiva anymore. I understand not all Bais Medrish boys are able to learn intense every day , but why does have to compromise their frumkiet? Why can't they still go like Bnai Torah!!! A himmel geshriy!!

    1. How are the Roshei Yeshiva of BMG to blame? These bochurim were mechunach in their homes and Yeshivos before they came to BMG. By the time they are in Lakewood, it is too late to change these things.

    2. It would be nice if you'd cross rt 70 and actually come visit BMG before spewing this stupidity.

    3. Look at the other side of the coin. Even these boys who don't dress, act, or look like Bnei Torah are learning in Yeshiva! Gevaldig!

    4. He didn't blame BMG - he said 'outside of BMG'. Outside meaning besides or other than

      I don't necessarily agree with him or even know that it's true. Just clarifying what this guy wrote.

    5. So someone who doesn't dress a certain way should not learn? Where do you pick stuff like this up?
      I know some of these Roshei Yeshiva of non-BMG Yeshivos, and they are no less choshuv than the RY of BMG, they can learn just as well, and they are no less לשם שמים. Stop looking at chitzoniyus.

    6. I understand not all Bais Medrish boys are able to learn intense every day , but why does have to compromise their frumkiet?

      If you are so understanding, why not flip it on its head? Some people can learn intensely all day, but they cannot handle the creased shirt, crumpled suit, dusty hat lifestyle. Instead of writing them out of Torah, they sit and learn with their small yarmulke and 'purim' hats. Torah is for all of Klal Yisroel, not for a select few.

    7. What doe s 'bnei torah' mean? It seems it is a relatively new term. Up until around 25 years ago colored shirts were worn by all, even in BMG of years ago they were colored shirts. Were they NOT bnei torah because of it? Did everyone wear a hat in yeshiva? not necessary and especially in the world of today that is so 'casual' if a bochur isnt wearing a hat its ok. So take a chill and be happy that in the crazy world that exists today there are yunerleit and bochrim in yeahiva learning torah. The chasidim have influenced the litveshe world with the stress on white shirts and how to look. It didnt exist in ltveshe yeshivas years ago. Just the facts. There are rosh yeshivas of years ago eating together with their wifes (Mixed seating) and no hats on. Just the facts. All the latest 'look' og bnei torah is from the chasidim and not our mesorah.

  9. U missed the point, NOT the Roshey Yeshiva of BMG, it is the Roshey Yeshiva of all these OTHER post EY yeshivas who turn s blind eye to the way the bochurim go around instead of guiding them to act like Bnai Torah
