Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sunday May 28 Isru Chag Shavuos 5783 News Updates

 Weather: 73° Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 73F.

- NJ Senator Joe Cryan of the 20th district reacted on Twitter to the news that the NJ AG plans on appealing the Eismann verdict: "so outrageous @NewJerseyOAG OPIA (Office of public integrity) lost, cheated & got caught. Time to stop persecuting the Rabbi 4 pride only. Bankrupting him & trying 2 force a plea by driving up his legal bill. Apologize, & pay his legal bill 2, since your guy cheated. Then clean house at OPIA, a NJ disgrace".

- Tehillim for "Rebbe Alter" from the kids music tapes and songs, who is in critical condition name is אלתר צבי אריה בן חנה חיה

- Continued tefillos for Rav Gershon Edelstein who is hospitalized in Bnei Brak Yerachmiel Gershon ben Miriam.

- Update: Adirei Hatorah partially obstructed seats are available for $100 a ticket. The schedule has yet to be released.
-Adirei Hatorah only VIP tickets available to purchase online via the website for $360 each. Waiting list for general tickets. Local Shul gabbaim still have availability for shul searing tickets.

- Satmar rebbe speaks out against AI chatgpt. The rebbe told those assembled for neglected on Shavuos whoever stood at Har Sinai should stand far away from the AI technology as it poses a great danger and full of kefirah.

- Chasunah seasons resumes tonight with halls booked until 17 Tamuz
- Grand opening weekend Boutique at Jackson crossings 

- NJ AG office respond to judge ruling in Eiemann case: "disagree strongly with the Appellate Division's opinion, and we will be appealing further to the New Jersey Supreme Court."

-Today Bowling tournament  fundraiser for Yeshiva Nesiv Hatorah for post E"Y bochurim who are working located in Tom's River. Eventvtakibg place at Ocean lanes with 48 teames Day of Strikes Here

- Hachnosas Sefer Torah today to Khal Meor Chaim Tav Herzkas shul procession leaving from 100 Reagan ct 4:15pm to the shul 2 Adam's st.

Continued tefillos for 10 year old girl injured in a car accident last week on the GSP name is Chana bas Esther Ettil.


  1. Which Satmar Rebbe?

    1. What's the difference? Teiteldee and Teiteldum


  3. Adirei has plenty of tickets available why are the middle class getting priced out of attending the choshuva Maaamad and have to pay 360
    The gevirim are giving out tickets and the youngeleit get free they should let everyone come

    1. It's also stupid this shtick with the adirey website pretending that it is beyond everyone's control and putting up signs against it while at the same time telling everyone to purchase through the website. They have to stop playing the olam as fools

  4. If u Wana go see the latest Rick & roll tuna bagels perform u gotta pay!!!

    1. You obviously were not there last year. The music was beautiful and the singers are not the latest up to date performers.

    2. So if the music was beautiful, that makes these 'events' kosher?!

      Singing is for Davening, singing is for Shabbos Seudos, singing and music is for Chasunos. Not for stam entertainment.

      It is sad that Bnei Torah are becoming so desensitized that they can't even articulate what is wrong with this event.

  5. It's a little childish to have a website that you need to go to to buy tickets and then put out a letter that the website is against our shitos.

  6. NJ Dem Senator Cryan comments on Eisemann:

  7. I was there, and besides the chosheve Torah warriors pushing and shoving to get a little yeshivishe food from BMG kitchen which was suppose to be provided by gourmet a caterer the same old tuna bagel performers

    1. You dont deserve more than a tuna bagel for your disparaging comment.

    2. I was there. It was a beautiful event. If you want to find the negative about everything you can. And obviously you have.

  8. Parnooseh is not childish.
    In the olden days the were mechallel Shabbos for parnooseh.
    Today they are mekadesh the treif web internet lecoovid Parnooseh.

  9. Why isn’t Senator Singer screaming the same thing?? Where are all the Askonim who kiss up to the AG at any possible opportunity?
