Saturday, May 13, 2023

Emissary of The Gedolim, Ambassador for Klal Yisroel - Rabbi Moshe Sherer z"l

  On the occasion of the 25th yahrtziet of Rabbi Moshe Sherer z'l Agudah released full feature film Rabbi Moshe Sherer z'l Emissary of the Gedolim Ambassador for Klal Yisroel watch below or Here   


  1. A little bit of it ,ok.
    Every magazine
    Every outlet
    Agudah has gone over the top.Unsurprisingly

    1. If only you'd appreciate how great a beneficiary of his you are.

    2. He was a superb executive manager who brought Madison Ave & Hollywood style
      to operate in service for frum society.
      Today that's passè & normal,back then it was nearly an oxymoron
      Let's keep it at that

    3. If only you & Agudah
      appreciate how great a beneficiary of a few dozen Persons who nowadays are nameless -flaunting instead the heintige honchos whose families were once busy partying & fressing or social climbers who can't deal with life outside that organization -you are
