Thursday, March 28, 2024

Thursday March 28 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 50° Cloudy with periods of rain. High near 50F Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall near a half an inch.

- GIYUS: The Bagatz Israel's Supreme Court ruled today that, effective this Monday, April 1 the government will withdraw funding from Yeshivas whose students Bochrim refuse to serve in the IDF. There will be funding for those that are exmpt

-Correction  Chasdei Lev pesach distribution for rebbeim  taking place this Sunday at Blueclaws stadium. The trucks ate already setting it up today.

Solar eclipse on April 8 visibility In Lakewood, the moon will cover about 87.1 percent of the sun at the peak of the eclipse, according to a NASA map that is searchable by ZIP code.(patch)

- The Loft restaurant soft opening at new Lakewood location taking reservations as of April 1st on the website 

- Geziras Hachinuch in NY several kehillos call for a yom tefilah today as a judge will hear an appeal on the intrusion of the state education dept in mosdos hachinuch

- People should check on the purim credit card donations as some zeros may have been added to donations.(social media)

- Sam Bankman-Fried founded the FTX cryptocurrency exchange sentenced to 25 years in prison

- The New Jersey chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NJ) today acknowledged Gov. Phil Murphy’s support for a ceasefire in Gaza but said he must also address the Israeli genocide in Gaza. 
.“CAIR-New Jersey will withdraw ourselves from his administration’s celebratory events, such as his anticipated annual Ramadan iftar and/or Eid celebration until the Governor addresses the root cause of violence in Gaza — that is, Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people. Over 40 of the most prominent New Jersey mosques and Muslim organizations across the state have also agreed to do the same.

- The Farmingdale man accused last week of attempting to kidnap a teenaged girl in Lakewood  began his alleged crime spree in Burlington County, where he struck his pregnant girlfriend on the head with an aluminum baseball bat, according to police documents.

- Lakewood  Teachers union leaders say that district morale and safety are among the lowest levels ever, claiming that staff are being attacked by students without penalties and are being unfairly reassigned at an alarming rate. “Morale in the district is at an all-time low, according to a report in ApP. superintendent and attorney  Inzelbuch offered no response to the testimony at the boe meeting, although Winters spoke when questioned by Board Member Moshe Raitzik. “What could make it more palatable to them if they feel they have been slighted in the process?” Raitzik asked Winters. “The LEA was asking to be told before anyone else, of the changes,” Winters responded. “They were notified.” When Raitzik asked the LEA speakers if they were notified, Inzelbuch interrupted to say, “we are not having a dialogue.”


  1. Chasdei Lev is Sunday. Not today. I kind of panicked when I read its today, as I wasn't ready. Checked the email again. It's this coming sunday

  2. Can't we just finally fire Inzelbuch?

  3. I was a teacher at the BOE and left last year after being there over 10 years. The reason I left is that they were constantly transferring me between grades and schools, and I was constantly being asked to sub for other classes. All the teachers hate the administration, especially the attorney. You should hear what the non-Jewish teachers say about the attorney. Everyone hates working at Lakewood BOE. There's a feeling that the administration just doesn't care about the teachers or students.

    1. The biggest proof that the administration does not care is their opposition to the school funding case. Of course they should fire Inzelbuch, but more importantly, they should put a man (as in real man) in control of the organization. Get rid of the cowardly and submissive leadership. My gosh! We are talking public revenue of $400 million with federal funding. Shouldn't the people have SOME say in its management, most particularly now that all else has failed.

  4. Chasdei Lev presumably provides food for Rebbeim, because they are poor.

    Why are they poor? Why aren't they paid a living wage? How is it that full-time working people, who are paid by the community, need to take free food to survive? How can Mosdos make their 'non-profit' by relying on people giving Tzedaka to the Rebbeim?

    Whenever I see pictures of a chaluka in Williamsburg, with the caption מי כעמך ישראל, I wonder who are the employers of these people and why are they giving Tzedaka instead of paying a living wage. Now, we have the same thing here.

  5. Wait, until now the israeli govt not only allowed bochurim not to serve in the army, they also gave them funding to learn?! I kept being told tzionim arurim, because of how they treat the frum?

    1. Kept them on the margin.any alternative would be worse for them

  6. Faa bit the dust?

  7. FAA might have done teshuva...

  8. Michael is DEAD WRONG. It is like no one can discuss the horrible morale and treatment of heroes. Is there some kind of union negotiation going on that would preclude his clients from discussing the MOST IMPORTANT public issue in Lakewood, the failure of the BOE in running the schools, the organization and the solvency of the taxpayers? This whole secrecy stuff is retarded. But you will just follow your marching orders. And this Raitzik guy does not impress me. He told people that the BOE opposed the school funding case because it would make the taaxpayer financially liable for compulsory damages. There is no such thing! Also something about a state takeover. Not going to happen. And he should not be taking this nonsense from Inzelbuch that they cannot have an open public discussion. He is just a scaredy-cat like the rest of them, going with whatever Inzelbuch says, and of course the roshdei mosdos junior leaguers that ultimately control the superintendent and her cabinet, a bunch of yes-ladies, and the $300 million a year revenue organization.

    Lakewood, if you are men, and men are not what the Athenians called Idiots because they engage in their responsibilities of citizenship to become aware of the issues and government, the BOE, the Vaad, every elected official, IY"H, soon enough, will be out of office due to their cataclysmic failure of providing for the general welfare and that could cost taxpayers billion. I

    1. Inzelbuch was saying in his official capacity as attorney that the public portion of the meeting is not the place to have this discussion. That is why Raitzik backed down. You have to know how the board operates. Also, Raitzik was right about the district being open to lawsuits or a State takeover. In fact many are advocating for it already. Don't say what you don't know.

  9. "Compensatory damages" not "compulsory." There is no such thing as educational malpractice. And the state does not want to run Lakewood with a 10 foot pole. They are much happier just loaning money to fools that will encumber every homeowner for decades. It is unbelievable that you can fool all the people all of the time. Lakewood is unique.

  10. LNN also not updating so often
