Thursday, March 28, 2024

Bagatz Ruling: Halt Funding to Yeshivos as Exemption from IDF Draft not Legal

 From Jpost- The High Court of Justice on Thursday night issued a blockbuster decision ending a significant portion of state funding to charedi yeshivot beginning on April 1.

The decision's immediate financial implications were not immediately clear, but the ruling indicated that the blanket exemption for charedi yeshiva students is no longer legal.
The decision could potentially destabilize Netanyahu's government if its two haredi parties, United Torah Judaism and Shas, decide to exit the government.

The original law that granted the haredi exemption was ruled unconstitutional already in 2017, but did not officially expire until the end of June last year. Prior to its expiration, the government passed a decision to give itself until the end of March 2024 to formulate a new law. State funding for yeshiva is contingent on the number of students with legal exemptions, and with March ending and no new law in sight, the court ruled that there was no longer a legal basis for the funding to continue.

However, the ruling applies only to those who reached military age after the law expired in June 2023, or those whose military deferral ended after the law expired. Yeshivot will continue to receive funding for students who do not fall into these categories. In addition, yeshivot require a minimum number of legally exempt students to receive funding, and if the ruling pushes certain yeshivot under that number, those yeshivot can continue receiving support for their legally exempt students until the end of the yeshiva school year on August 9.

The decision went further Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara's position, which was that the yeshivot should be granted a short period after April 1 to adjust to the new reality.

At press time, the court did not issue a ruling on a second set of appeals that demanded that the state begin to actively enlist yeshiva students.

Technically the decision was an interim order, such that the court also ordered a hearing before an expanded panel of nine justices to be scheduled sometime in May to resolve a variety of issues raised by its decision, and which could lead to the decision being final.

'I can understand those who don't want to serve in IDF' Shas chairman MK Arye Deri lambasted the decision in a written statement.

"The interim decision that the High Court of Justice gave to immediately halt the yeshiva funding is a mark of Cain and an unprecedented mistreatment of Torah students in the land of the Jews. Precisely during days when the nation of Israel needs heavenly mercy in the North and South, the High Court of Justice is leading a harmful approach against Torah students, upon whom the world stands. Shas will continue to fight for yeshiva students' right to persevere in Torah, and will consider its next steps," Deri said.

The Movement for Quality of Government in Israel, a central petitioner in the case, said in response to the ruling:

"The court issued an historic interim order this evening, marking the end of unlawful discrimination in the draft - no more support for those who do not share the burden. This interim order is a precedent-setting step on the road to equality, and those who serve thank the court for its important decision."

Construction and Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf accused the High Court of attempting to separate the State of Israel from Judaism. 

"Israel was established as a home to the Jewish People, no force can deny that. Without the Torah, we have no reason to exist."

Earlier on Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took an extremely rare step and wrote a letter to the judges on the High Court of Justice on Thursday, requesting an additional 30 days to solve an impasse with Israel's haredi parties, with whom he had not been able to reach a compromise on the issue.

Netanyahu argued in his letter that while the government initially gave itself nine months to come up with a solution (July 2023 – March 2024), in practice it only had three months, due to the outbreak of the October 7 war. According to the prime minister, a "short period of time" was necessary in order to "conclude the professional staff work" and set up specific frameworks that will enable haredi soldiers to maintain their lifestyle during their service, as well as enable yeshiva students whose "vocation is Torah" to continue studying. The prime minister's letter broke with precedent, which dictates that the attorney-general must present the government's position to the court.

Opposition leader MK Yair Lapid said in a written statement in response to Netanyahu's letter, "During wartime, the only thing that Netanyahu dealt with during the last few days was to seek a blanket exemption from enlistment for haredim, that will ensure the stability of his coalition. His response to the Supreme Court is an affront to one's intelligence, there is no reason to approve another delay."

Labor MK Gilad Kariv wrote on X, "After six months of war, Netanyahu's response is not just a slap in the face of the mandatory and reserve soldiers, but a total abandonment of Israeli security."

"The prime minister can think that life goes on after October 7, but the Israeli public has changed. The foot-dragging, the lies, and the attempt to gain time will no longer work."

The government was originally due to file its position with the court at the beginning of this past week, but a series of last-minute delays led to its position being filed at approximately 5:00 p.m. pm Thursday evening.

The court did not yet rule on the major issue of the haredi exemption itself. In the balance is whether the High Court orders a universal draft that would finally include Haredim and could cause the government to fall, whether a compromise can be struck, or whether the court will grant an additional delay on the issue.

In her legal opinion, Baharav-Miara asked the court to order a universal draft but to grant a delay of any financial sanctions against violators of the draft until sometime in June, when the current academic year ends. The attorney general said that such an extension was necessary to allow students and institutions to prepare for the significant changes in their lives and operations that would occur once the new draft went into effect.

Despite this sentiment, the entire government has known since the summer that a new bill had to be formulated and presented to the court by this week. The court struck down the old policy as unconstitutional over the summer but granted several months to make exactly the adjustments for which Baharav-Miara now asks for additional time.

In fact, the government's plan until October 7 was to pass a Basic Law granting a total exemption to Haredim as well as to take other additional measures to prevent the court from being able to veto the exemption. Haredi parties have reportedly been incensed with Netanyahu over the past few days, as he never delivered on his promise to enshrine the haredi exemption in law.

Normally, a major event like the war since October 7 would be a strong argument for the government to be given more time to discuss the issue, given how busy it has been.

But due to the war's transformation of public opinion into demanding a much larger army to protect the borders as well as the 1,500 Israelis who have died, the war has actually strengthened the public's will to demand greater Haredi involvement in the IDF or national service and may have emboldened the court as well.

Earlier on Thursday, National Unity chairman MK Benny Gantz refuted anonymous claims that he had made a deal with the haredi parties in which he agreed to extend the haredi exemption from service in exchange for bringing down the government.

"I never conditioned the subject of enlistment on an election, and I will not support proposals whose purpose is to bypass the High Court of Justice, and not provide a solution to the needs of the IDF and Israeli society, which the government has proposed until now," Gantz wrote. 


  1. So much for all the Shai Groucher videos
    So much for those heartwarming clips from MKY status and Sparks of Nation for attempting to validate the zionists and change public opinion within the yeshiva world.
    So much for all those stuffed dufflel bags sent to the zionists
    Well now the world sees what these Reshoim for what they are waging war against the Torah and Hashem.

    The kochi veotzem yadi was shattered again on simchas Torah in a epic fail to the IDF as terrorist walked over the border slaughtering 1300 Jews.
    Instead of looking to Hashem the zionist continue their arrogance against the Torah.

    1. There is no question that the people on the Bagatz are terrible, terrible rashoyim. But the Israeli public is not responsible for the decisions of unelected group not accountable to any group elected by the Israeli public who the overwhelming majority of JEWISH members of the Knesset successfully voted to limit their power. You can also be sure that none of them are motivate by any Zionist principles. The majority of them are a lot closer to the Neturei Karta/Palestinian view of Israel than they are to any Zionist ideals or beliefs

    2. Terrible as this ruling is, what do you expect, that the secular Israeli public will continue to fund people who feel like you about them? Had I been born a secular Israeli I would certainly be on the side of the supreme court with this ruling. Why wouldn’t I feel that the government should not be funding Yeshivas for those who don’t serve in the army when they produce students who hate me as much as you do?

    3. Why was "kochi veotzem yadi" shattered but not "Torah Magna Umatzla"? Maybe the yeshivas should have to show up at the va'adat chakira too.

    4. Torah magna umatzlah is a fact dobwe understand Hashems cheshbonos, NO
      What happened during the holocaust? We don't know Hashems ways but we know that Torah protects

  2. If they would finally realize that they don't belong associating with the Zionists , and not get involved with the government , then we should support them like the Satmar and Brisker Mosdos. But only if the promise never to ge involved with the Zionists any more in politics .

    1. The only reason the Satmar and Brisker oilam wasn't drafted yet was because the haredi parties insist on the ptur from Giyus for everyone.

  3. They are well aware that little is going to change.
    But they're putting the screws on because
    a.elections are coming up & they want this to divide charedim away from natural traditional allies who have taken tragic casualties r"l
    b. they assume in the ensuing horse trading, charedim will be willing to abandon away larger tradition & decency which will be a bigger deal,to keep their parochial demographic,which will also separate them from from natural traditional allies
    c. charedim brought this on themselves.It was so predictable.That is frankly because they refrained recently from 'sharing the burden' in taking on the Bagatz (which they claimed they needed as much as anybody)when finally the country was on the verge of potential enforced change Shoftim 5:16
    They even became useful idiots backstabbing the ongoing movement.

    1. The Charedim 'joining' the movement to defang the Bagatz would have helped nobody at all. Their assistance was not needed, and would have only hurt matters.

    2. So let them reap fully what they sow.
      They made a massive demonstration against it a quarter century ago.
      Been endlessly whining about since. But when They could have been the crucial difference, now that others joined their side,they turned on their own side!

    3. How can they complain now ??They probably weren't needed in the streets & nor was it our crowd,but were they sorely needed where it mattered? Yes
      Obviously are different ways of 'joining'

    4. So a decision was made by the people involved, and you have no more information now than you had then. You don't know if their assistance would have done anything, nothing changed now.

      But you are sure that they were wrong.

      The bull-headedness is unbelievable. Everyone is an expert in everything. Halacha, medicine, Israeli politics, geo-politics, international warfare. Lack of knowledge is no hindrance to being an expert.

    5. Unlike you, some have been following the developments for decades.
      & Guarantee you the answer:
      Walk into any anti- charedi Israeli office.Have a party (with alcohol being served).When they are ready & open, then ask frankly if the charedim would have been involved if that would have tilted the crucial difference on the seismic issue.Go for it.

    6. Sounds like an awesome way to gather information.

      How about we take some 'shrooms and use our super consciousness to figure things out? Who needs alcohol and 'any anti-charedi office'? Why follow 'developments' for decades?

      I am sure you have some inside insight, for decades, how things are developing. It's not just articles in the Hamodia, Mishpacha, Yated, and the FJJ.

      As I said, every yatzmach is an expert. Every yoizel can 'follow developments', all they need is a mouth.

    7. Yep,yoizel. Sit around, cop out, accomplish nothing.Because every possibility is fraught,that's so much easier. Then shrei aganst the frei as they pull things go south.Over.& over. & over. Change nothing at all.
      How come we who care must also suffer because of it? Super record your crowd keeps having. Could "join" on up with 'chalmer clothes.

    8. So let's figure out the super record 'my' crowd has.

      The politicians of Agudas Yisroel/Degel Hatorah, that all armchair kanna'im like to make fun of, have been working since 1948 to ensure that Charedim can maintain their lifestyle in EY under the Zionists. How has that worked out? Has a single Yeshiva bochur been disallowed from staying in Yeshiva? In 1999, the Supreme Court disallowed the ad-hoc deferment for Yeshiva bochurim. For twenty-five years, the politicians have finagled a way out. An entire generation grew up and went to Yeshiva, without the law's blessing, thanks to the politicians.

      I think the track record is pretty solid.

    9. Ha. Agudah/Degel were of the biggest proponents of Judicial Reform.Where have youuuu been!?
      Gafni forced a mishpacha interviewer last spring who kept getting off subject & minimizing it ( that after a generation of J Rosenblum in the same magazine emphasizing how crucial it would be) just how important it would be.That was till it was just, just, on the verge of becoming reality.
      Some record,eh.
      But the shrewd secular- who you claim you & they are so suave in dealing with- offered some minor goodies & nice insipid obviously empty temporary phrases about peace & charedim- & the whole past disappeared like a flash flood!

  4. I hate the word "Zionists" the way it is bandied about by the armchair pundits in this forum. The use is blatantly anti-semitic and frankly, ungrateful! I would expect our enemies, lo aleinu, to speak this way. We are all Zionists! We daven 3x a day "Vesechezena einenu bshuvcha l'Zion". We want to live and see it in our day. The State of Israel has been supporting the yeshivas in Eretz Yisrael since its inception. There is no other place in the world where Torah is flourishing B"H like it is in E"Y. Netanyahu supports the Yeshivos, even if a great motivation is to keep his coalition intact, and he will do everything in his power not to undermine them. And yes, the onus on the Yeshivaleit is enormous. If they hold that their shtaiging is the source of protection, then they cannot slack off! Or pretend to be a yeshiva student by being registered in a place, but in fact be working off the books. May we indeed be zoche to the final redemption bimheira.

    1. Who cares.You use that excuse for anything

    2. Has anyone thanked the Israeli government for all the support that they have given the Yeshivot till now.

    3. No need to thank the israeli government, then I'll explain. If not for the Israeli government supporting religion the. Religious people living in the diaspora will not be giving any money to the state of israel period everything will be going to religious institutions. Don't think for a second that A. Government will be doing something to benefit you period any government

    4. If it was a military issue, they'd be drafting the tel Aviv elites off the streetsvtyat don't show up to the draft board. This is purely sinas Hashem.

  5. What's wrong with serving in a milchemes mitzvah? The dating leumi soldiers are very religiously committed. A few years in the army won't do anything other than making men out of our boys. If people want to learn Torah they can do that just fine till 18 and from 21 and on . .

  6. With all due respect. Currently, there is no army in israel as the october attack has shown period. Whoever joins the army, he will be purely canon fodder. This should be explained to every israeli idiot. There is no army period get over it. When they will be an army, we can discuss drafting students

    1. When I read posts like this I really wonder "what on earth is this guy thinking" What criteria would you need to accept the existence of the Israeli army?

  7. Female chayalot aren't out there in Gaza getting wounded r"l, they're just staying behind getting promoted

  8. Last year, tens of thousands were killed in unprecedented Earthquakes, fires, floods in Africa and in Ukraine. The last half year we had October 7th, multiple ponzi schemes, and now randomly, three firms that are major sources of income in our area are under investigation and losing much business. I know of other frum business going under, but in a not public way.
    Now bnai torah in e"y are in great financial trouble. Can anyone see a message beyond "tziyonim"?

  9. Which milchemet are they there for

  10. If a country is without established rules it can't be a "Ruling".Which it so happens judicial Reform was about.
    Likud told them that over a decade ago for small different unconnected subject -& as it was unimportant they under the table agreed, but kept far out of the media

    1. Did you write that on english?

    2. Stick to the subject,avoid annoying retorts

    3. We can not accept converts from certain nations, yet we can accept mitzrim because we lived in their land. Think about it, the whole shibud in mitzrayim, the killings the beatings, yet the torah commands from us Hakoras Hatov. The state of Israel has given Billions and Billions of shekel’s to the yeshivas since 1948. I am not talking here about what the policy should be regarding Beni torah joining the army, what I am pointing out “where is our Thank You” to the state of Israel. Next week all that you will see in the Jewish newspapers and magazines is how terrible the state is to the Beni torah. Can we at least acknowledge some hakoras hatov for how they helped our communities

    4. You're right, after we leave Golus Israel we'll accept Israeli concerts.
      You think when Moshe killed the Mitzri he was concerned about hakoras hatov?!
      Do you think while the shibud was ongoing hakoras hatov obligated us not to take actions to protect ourselves?

    5. thanks for the mussar shmuz. i'm sure you also have hakaras hatov to the nazis for creating world sympathy, which led to the state of israel's creation, which led to yeshiva's getting funding. think about it. can you at least acknowledge some hakaras hatov for how they helped?

  11. We are told to never go back to mitzra'im

  12. If you can’t acknowledge the good that the state has done for “YOU” you do not deserve to get a penny from them. At least those who follow Rabeinu Hakadosh V’hatohor Rabeinu Yoel Ztzal are consistent and don’t demand or expect money from the the state

  13. I guess it is too much to ask that “unzerer” be thankful for all the benefits we have received from the state. disgraceful!

  14. But who is helping who more

  15. Doesn’t make a difference. If you are a mentch you have an obligation to be thankful for all the $$$$ you are getting from them.

    1. Are the public school students thankful to the Medina ? Are the college students thankful to the Medina? Yeshiva bochrim get all of 120 dollars a month ,about 20 % of what non religious kids get. And believe me the frum pay plenty of taxes. Just the 17% VAT from the frum is huge amounts of money. The total that is going to the 60,000 bochrim and yungeleit is about 120 million dollars. It's a joke compared to what colleges and universities and theaters get. Less than twice the adirei hatorah campaign for the entire 60,000 talmidim over 18.

  16. It’s amazing how the MK’s from Agudah/Degel demand and then threaten with the help of the chareidi press. I get it. Their job is to advocate, represent and do all in their power to help our communities. תבא עליהם ברכה They should stick to their guns and continue to help all of us, however it will do them and all of us a lot good to be thankful and express it during negotiations and how it is reported about, in the chareidi press. and a little humility would also not be that bad

