Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Kevurah at 6:50 pm
- Petirah of  R' Gedalya Ber "Jules" Brotsky z"l. following injuries he sustained in a serious car accident a few weeks ago on w county line rd in Lakewood, he was 82. He was Originally from Pittsburgh/Wlizabeth, he moved to Lakewood  20 years ago and lived in Westgate.  
Update The Levaya and kevura will take place at the  7th St Chapel at 6:50 pm, as the body has yet to be released, time may change. Kevurah at the Lakewood bais Olam. He is survived by his wife and sons R' Shmuel Meir, R' Yehoshua R' Avrohom R" Dovid.
Shiva is at 49 Maplewood Terrace in westgate


  1. I have known him for years. Such a caring individual. No words. BD"E.

  2. A victim of the dangerous roads of Lakewood with daily accidents of ppl injured or worse RL
    while our committee men are busy with photo ops

  3. Kevurah at 6:50 sharp in Lakewood Bais HaChaim followed by hespedim. Besuros Tovos.

  4. Is no one going to report that the 18 year old driver of the black Tesla is in Jail right now on manslaughter charges? He was driving recklessly speeding over 88 miles an hour in a 45 mph zone.
