Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Wednesday February 7th News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 44° Sunshine and a few afternoon clouds. High 44F

- Tonight Asifa on Emunah and Bitachon commemorating the 10th yartzeit of Rav Yaakov Galinsky ztl. Speaking: Harav Dovid Schustal shlita, Rav Yehuda Mandel shlita, Rav Yisrael Meir Galinsky a grandson, 8:30pm at sons of Israel 6th st corner Madison Ave

-Last night at the planning board 
The board approved the BMG application to build a new dormitory  off Lakewood Avenue bet 7th & 8th with a additional parking lot. Several older residents in the area asked the board to postpone the application for 2 weeks as they just received the notice last week and have not had time to get their own professionals. The board voted to approve.

- The Cheshek shlomo kollel application was adjourned to March 26 after a lawyer opposing the application brought up the accreditation issue to the board claiming the applicant can not use the educational campus loophole without having been accredited yet. The board pushed off the application and notified the applicant to provide more information. There was a plan to split the daycare application as its own without the need for an education campus but that was pushed off.

- Lakewood area eateries have put out ads with special menus for super Sunday there are other restaurants that are bringing Hookah bars to their locations for a few nights. One store advertised for the superb owl in Yiddish

- Sanz B"M on Chestnut st will have a Yom Kippur koton tomorrow erev Rosh chodesh with krias Haatorah and selichos for shovavim those fasting should be mekabel Taanis today at Mincha

- Adirei Hatorah is hosting fundraisers  for the kollel Youngeleit learning in Bais Yitzchok as even the kollel members want to contribute to the campaign the asifa will take place tonight at the home of Rav Aaron Olshin shlita on Forest Ave.

-  Lang lawsuit: APP reports Now that a new education commissioner has been appointed, questions have arisen about whether a court-ordered plan to improve Lakewood Schools funding will be delayed. Attorneys who brought the case nearly a decade ago are concerned.

- Lakewood taxpayers now owe $173 million in state loans to keep the public school district afloat.


  1. Why do we the chosen nation need to celebrate stupidity like superbowl ? This sounds like straight out חוקות הגוים , which once we seek that its a no brainer to התבוללות! What happened to the Jewish Pride?
    We have such a rich historical culture! Why does anyone need the trivial babyish enjoyments of their stupid fun etc..

    1. What would you like? Another asifa in some stadium? Studies have shown following sports is good for your mental health - not such a bad idea for many people around here

    2. I’m under a rock I feel like lol. Where are these companies even advertising

    3. one of the teams in the super bowl in the 49ers. the number 49 is, of course, a remez to the 49 days we count in preparation of receiving the torah. this symbolizes that we should be using this time to purify ourself in preparation of receiving the torah anew.
      49 is also gematriah of "hadam" (the blood). this is a remez to the blood of the korban pesach, and a reminder to start preparing for pesach and, b'ezras hashem, to be able to bring a real korban pesach this year.
      the other team is the chiefs. their name is a reminder to us to remember who the real "Chief" is.


    4. Stupid hitbollelut -- There is several hundred millions probably billions being spent on Super Bowl.
      Can you imagine how much overpriced kosher food, silly clothing online purchases (I know some yidden in that business), car service fees, that yidden are making money on?

  2. Its a chilul Hashem that some of these restaurants are not only celebrating the emptiness of the tinyBowl, but also are offering discounts in its honor that they dont offer for Jewish holidays. The Avoda Zara is palpable.

  3. BMG needs dorms to house all the bochurim stuck in the freezer.

  4. Why would they go for approval on the the daycare without a campus? Didn’t they falsely claim the daycare isn’t going to cause any traffic because the the 400 kids will be coming from the students!

  5. any establishment that ADVERTISES the super bowl should lose their hechsher, what people do on their own is their cheshbon

  6. Gevaldig!
    The pchisus of collecting money from the Yungeleit has stopped, and some people even respect Yungeleit enough to want to give them more money. Gevald! Yungeleit might be respected! Oy vey! How can we allow that?

    No problem, we will turn the entire thing around and demand that the yungeleit support their Adirei Hatorah. If Chas veshalom any Yungerman thought that he had some chashivus to himself, and that the askan was not the only inhabitant of the Mizrach vant, he will learn his lesson.

  7. Agree to comments.Won't those restaurants make it official already & serve yayin nesech?

  8. Funny that nobody seems to realize never mind care for the lack of kviaas itim by today's baalei battim.. And even someone who is looking for a shiur or chabburah has a difficult time finding one. Years ago every shul had shiurim , today almost nothing. But when it comes to the Super Bowl everybody gets upset. What in the world should they do if they are not learning?its just a symptom of the emptiness. And the bnai torah are responsible.(for every yid)

  9. And of course with KCL hashgocho with the new kcl brand lettuce this is what Lakewood has become to

  10. The kids are inundated with the LBA teams and weekly scores pushed on them by lakewood media and weeklies MIT a haskama from the mechanchim

    Why should the adults be any different of they want to have a superbowl party
    Until we stop the hypocrisy nothing will change.
    Yiddishkeit in Lakewood was sold out there are no red lines
    Shame on us for not nipping these breaches in the bud now it us too late to stop the goyishkeit that are stuffed down our children's throats with sports leagues and high end gashmiyus

    1. How come we're at fault?!
      We tried.Cast the guilt to where it belongs

    2. Kids playing basketball in a league and having a kosher outlet with other yidishe kinder is very different then adults making a moishav leitzim at best if not other worst things betting etc vedai l chakimo veremizo . Although I wander if we could bestow the term chakimo after not being able to discern the difference. Just wondering!!!!

    3. Anon 518 well said

    4. There's a big difference when kids play sports for a kosher outlet as opposed to organized leagues with heavy marketing making sports a culture in Lakewood with official teams and marketing that are taking away their heads from learning.
      Nebach with a farshtuupteh kup you can't differentiate

    5. It's very unfortunate!

    6. Anon at 6:17 yes with my farshtopte kop I can’t differentiate. Let us analyze a kid has to seat and Lear for almost 11 months a year he feels sometimes he is drowning but he has his organized league where he could let out steam . Or the boy thats missing confidence but he is good in the well organized league. They don’t need to look in places where they could be exposed to other influences with the right hashpo from the counselors they channel that in a good way but the chakimo say no that will make him a bum . I hope you are not in Chinuch as we have enough chakimos in the field with your discernible veltachtung . Just wondering!!! Agav why are you so angry I did call you a chochom in a sarcastic way but a chochom nevertheless. Believe me being called a farshtopte kop by you is a groyse kovod

    7. Your talking points ignore reality and pretend that there is no system in place
      Most schools give recess and have fields for the kids to play a few times a day the yeshivos have gym and than there's camp to bring out all points mentioned but these are not just organized leagues it is something that is a huge distraction from the mature development of a frum boy in cheder or bochur in mesivta. Stop trying to justify something that mechanchim in Lakewood tried shutting down until some pull and protektzia got in the way
      It is a churban hador
      And would be better of the kids followed the Yankees and Mets knowing that it is goyish than getting caught up in a new culture with the guise of a kosher outlet

    8. So what is better - playing the game and trying to be like the goyim with uniforms coaches etc. or following the game and rooting for your team? I vote for both - as long as the kids aren’t going to be stealing cars and driving them into lakes or worse..

  11. In lkwd it all comes down to who you know if you are well connected the approval goes 123 no matter opposition from neighbors
    If you're not from the inner circle oh well they again

  12. Such a beautiful place we're told

  13. Why are they taking money from younerleit to pay back money from one pocket to the other this was the same mistake of the tent event
    They should ask balei batim to give more but why pressure youngerleit to give back from the check

    1. Because every yungerman gives maaser.

  14. Adirei hatorah is still fundraising? Are they raising the checks again?

  15. Not sure what you mean the kids are inundated with LBA teams. Me and my kids don’t know what it is though we’ve seen pics of a bunch of clowns dressed up on basketball courts.

  16. Listen, and listen well!February 7, 2024 at 3:15 PM

    Rabbi Shimshon Dovid Pincus ZTL
    War in Eretz Yisroel - the message for us!

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    1. Hatzadik Reb Shimshon hits the spot! Thank you for posting

  17. Why does every yungerman give maaser you claim? If they don’t have enough money they shouldn’t!
