Saturday, February 17, 2024

Motzei Shabbos Terumah News Updates

- Costume closeouts Purim superstore grand reopening this motzei shabbos 8pm - 11pm at 4518 RT 9 in Howell same plaza as shoprite and Staples

-  Lakewood & Jackson got 2 inches of snow today other parts of  Central NJ got upwards of 13 inches

- Kipshuto now open for Motzei Shabbos for those who want fleishig Melava Malka

 - Donald Trump unveiled his new $399 ‘Never Surrender’ gold high-tops at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia 

- Alan Dershowitz on Trump case: “This tells us so much about the politicization of our justice system...and it’s so dangerous because it will mean that businesspeople are not going to want to run for office because they know...partisans are going to go after them.”

- Trump: A Crooked New York State Judge, working with a totally Corrupt Attorney General who ran on the basis of “I will get Trump,” before knowing anything about me or my company, has just fined me $355 Million based on nothing other than having built a GREAT COMPANY. ELECTION INTERFERENCE. WITCH HUNT


  1. I heard from the highest authority that Obama controls Biden. Everyone who thinks should see the following.

    Bidden will get us through a time when America is at the apex of its power. Bidden, Blinken, and Jake Sullivan have been together since Biden left the Chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Putin wants Americans to think he is too old because Biden will kick his %%$ like we did in Afghanistan.

    We have to defeat Russia whenever they take over a country. Reagan did it, but they all started getting conning all our president. Obama wussed out totally.

    Biden, Blinken and Sullivan were saying war and Obama said no.

    Now it was made public that they might start putting nuclear bombs in space.mIt was banned in the 60s. T

    Without firing upon American territory or killing anyone, an no one holds territory in space. they can take out all our communication and disrupt America for months by blasting an atomic bomb somewhere in space where they don't have stuff but we do.

    No cell calls. GPS, doubt they can hit our AI companies and government stuff. Probably our best companies are prepared.

    The Russians have to be defeated but we cannot shoot at them and cause WWIII. So the Ukrainians have to do it.

    Ponder this:

    At the same time that the greatest crime in humanity was committed against the Jewish people, Jewish people developed the greatest weapon that probably will ever exist. Everyone today is thinking about nukes in a way than we did not since 1979 during Brezhnev.

    So do we go with Bernard Baruch, Einstein and Oppenheimer to limit nukes NOW and enforce the treaty of no weapons in space.

    Blinkin rushed to China to tell them to stand with us to prevent Russia from violating or withdrawing from the treaty

    We put in G H W Bush to finally see through the Soviet breakup and revive American military might. But he (I do not mean disrespect), and all the presidents got Russia wrong . Reagan was the last one to stand up to them until Biden.

    1. Who is the "We"???

    2. "As early as March 2022, for example, the German chancellor loudly proclaimed a U-turn in Berlin’s defense policy, an increase in real spending on armaments, and a build-up of military forces. So far, nothing has been done, and the state of the German economy is not conducive to new spending that goes beyond supporting the welfare of citizens and the corporate sector..The Bundeswehr general’s comments on the likelihood of war with Russia were published alongside the results of an opinion poll showing that 71% of Germans do not consider Russia a military threat.. Observers have already noted that Russia has fallen to ninth place on the list of ‘threats’ "

  2. Dear R' A. Lang,
    'The only kinds of fights worth fighting are those you’re going to lose, because somebody has to fight them and lose and lose and lose until someday, somebody who believes as you do wins.'
    I. F. Stone


    1. To R' A L,
      "The choice for mankind lies between freedom and [superficial]happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.”

  3. Right. That is why we need an understanding with the Chinese that we cannot allow nuclear weapons to proliferate on earth and in space. Space would be very bad because they will be used there. Plus they can hit us with the speed of something coming into the atmosphere. The powers need to return to detente like during Nixon. The Russian will oblige if America has the Chinamen on its sice. China would loath disruption of our banking system and interest payments to China.

    We is me. I voted G H W Bush. In the BMG lunchroom, believe it or not, Clinton had a lot of support.

    Russia is strong enough to put men in space. They still have all the Soviet nukes, submarines, and space systems. Their rockets are old, but they know how to build them. I'm sure they have their people here stealing American technology. After the war, they will quickly learn how to beat AI on the battlefield.

  4. Nixon is so clever,suddenly.Now that he's irrelevant.You guys hated & destroyed him.
    Same old

  5. The former U.S. president says a lot of uncomfortable things. If his positioning on NATO causes some people to wake up and realize that Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, et al don’t give a hoot about a “rules-based world order,” that’s a good thing.
    When it comes to ownership of so-called “reckless new world orders,” Donald Trump has plenty of competition. The leaders of most of western democracies,especially PM Justin Trudeau, can’t turn the keys for energy security over to China fast enough(in their efforts to combat climate change).

  6. I did not like Tricky Dick (no disrespect for the president) but remember being very happy when he went to China. We all watched it on TV. Chevy Chase said the Chinese named a dish after him, "Sweet and Something."

    I am not sure what is wrong with same old.

    I think this same ole is good because it gives America stability and enables it to be the world model of free enterprise (capitalism). The two parties go back to Washington's administration with Jefferson and Hamilton.

    Everyone wants their man to win and criticizes the other party. That is normal. Yes, in retrospect we can evaluate the efficacy of a policy and it is much harder at the time. It takes a president like Reagan or G H W Bush to win over people in the other party but certainly not Nixon. He was too paranoid. He was lucky to have Kissinger, and Nixon might have had a similar IQ (and he was even smarter for picking Kissinger who not a mainstream academic but a hawk that wanted to prevent WWIII at all expense). Nixon recognized our vital interests, one of which is to bring China along by way of trade. Hopefully China will stand with us to force Russia to adhere to the outer space treaty. Even if not now, one day in the future someone is going to try to weaponize space. It is our Oppenheimer moment now.

  7. About that Harvard professor that got OJ off wrongly, you are WRONG again, like you are wrong on everything else. And I hope your cousins are reading this.

    They are not after rich people but they after Trump.

    At any rate, why not a little pushback against people who use their own money in politics bypassing the party system? For 200 years the American people were ensured good behavior and moderation because the only way to get elected was by moving up the party ladder. Today we are seeing people run for the presidency without any political experience because they have money. Trump is an extreme example. It is the old problem going back to antiquity, money in politics, and if it is your own money, you can bypass campaign laws and do not need the party stamp of approval. So there professor. You are almost never right.

    1. You're drunk on too much Kool aid.The system managed only from fumes from the previous"non-democratic"century.It was running out of steam.The chickens have come home to roost.
      Twiddling thumbs rooting for tweedledee tweedledum politics have collapsed

  8. On Kool Aid or whatever but I am right. I can guarantee that the system will not change and only improve by coming down hard on these people who think you can go directly from business to being a governor or president. They just best have a clean record. It will be an improvement.

    What are you, some kind of commie who wants to overthrow the government? Viva la France (Burke and Washington and Adams were right about the French blood bath. . Thomas Paine and Jefferson were wrong). What would you have, Directory in America? Or maybe a Lenin or Brezhnev? I am drinking the Kool Aid? Maybe insult me for showing off how smart I am, but not for twiddledee Alice in Wonderland fantasies! You can have your billionaire president but he has ruined your chances of taking Congress and he does not have a clue how to compromise. Some businessman? Compromise, as Henry Clay said, is the essence of politics.

  9. Gosh I am not even sure what the Kool Aid, Jim Jones, killing Congressman Riley, in Guyana holds. You don't like the two party system? Do you want to abolish geographic representation in Congress? Do you want to abolish Congress? Is your life so poor that you need to take to the streets and overthrow the government? What are you talking aoubt "fumes" and "non-democratic century." America is like Rome with a balance, beltween elements of monarchy, aristocracy and democracy (President, Senate and House of Representatives). Sure when the people are galvanized on an issue, democracy will prevail but the people should not be making decisions on war and peace. That is.mostly the domain of the Senate with its six year terms. Do you want to replace the American system of government? What about federalism, which we are now experience a refreshing revival of state power? What would you proposes Mr. Liberal theorist (not my kind of liberal), basing policy on ideology rather than what works, what brings prosperity and what provides for the General Welfare, what do you say should replace the American Way?

  10. The Democrats pushed & balloooned populist beast-hence the party name. Now when after generations that animal has finally,finally,turned somewhat on them,they're going beserk! Stew in your own juice & file chap.1.If that pulls the system apart,take the punishment..Reap what you sow.

  11. So you want America to collapse? Why? Did not the Republicans have Populists in the 1870s through 1910s?

    Who cares if something in the past was Democrats or Republicans. The question is today, what are the two candidates saying? Same with Congressional elections. What does the Republican candidate say and what does his opponent say. There is no ideology in either party. Again, why do say "reap what you sow?" I am sure King Charles does not say that the Tories do this or the Whigs (Labor) do that. Or one party is good and one party is bad. He knows, and we don't have a king but also know, that the parties just govern, hope to get reelected, and then become the opposition if they lose. Do you really want America to collapse? Will England also go down? Boy, people here are really forecasting doom. America collapses, Russia rebuilds, weapons in space; this is not at all a good time in history.

  12. False.We are where we are now due to dangerous self serving frauds they perpetrated then.Clean the mess so we could move forward.
    "most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”

  13. What frauds? Do you mean LBJ in 1948? Do you mean GW Bush's War in Iraq? Do you mean Nixon's Watergate? What mess? Do you mean the border? Do you mean our failed Soviet policy? Do you mean the NATO? What is your point? Just to say Democrats are dumb? I certainly am happy that you are not serving. The American people are tired or name calling. We want action even if it means bipartisan.

    None of those things are going to hurt us. Our failures of the past make us stronger because we learn from our mistakes. America will prevail in this contest but the world is getting more dangerous unless we change course with China.
