Friday, February 2, 2024

Friday Feb 2 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, February 2, 2024 / כ״ג שבט תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת יתרו מברכים חודש אדר ראשון
Candle lighting 4:58pm
Shkiah/Sunset 5:16pm
Weather: 43° Steady light rain this morning. Showers continuing this afternoon. Chance of rain 80%.
Rosh chodesh Adar 1 is Friday & Shabbos

- The U.S. has begun airstrikes on Middle East targets from multiple platforms, a U.S Defense official has told Fox News. 

- Building collapse on 50th Street and 13th avenue in Boro Park where a construction worker was pronounced dead on scene. Misaskim services  not needed.

- Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita will spend shabbos in Lakewood in the Kol Aryeh neighborhood 14ty st and hope chapel area.

- Welcome home yeshiva bochurim for off shabbos

- Thousands attended the Levaya of Rav Baruch Weissbeker  zatzal in Bnei Brak, at the levayabitvwas announced that his sons Rav Yehuda and Rav Tzvi were appointed as Roshei Yeshiva.

- NJ senate race: Latest results from a FDU Poll, shows Congressman Andy Kim, from New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional district , leading Tammy Murphy 32 to 20 among likely Democratic primary voters, with 31 percent saying that they are still undecided.

- Roshei yeshiva of American bais medrash age bochurim met this week in Monsey to discuss ways in helping out the shidduch crisis.

-Groundhog day For New Jersey and other parts of the eastern U.S., AccuWeather is calling for a stormy start to the spring season  with shots of heavy snow possible in early March.

- New Jersey Natural Gas wants to hike its rates by 24%, the monthly bill for the typical residential heating customer using 81 therms will rise from $122.84, to $151.85, up $29.01, or 23.6%.

- Police release details of recycling center tragedy in Lakewood as recycling employees were in the process of moving a large container that had just been delivered. At some point during the process, 50 year old Timothy Hannold of West Creek, entered the container. Unaware of his presence they continued to try and upright the dumpster causing the doors to shift and pin Mr. Holland up against an inside wall. Sadly he did not survive. 

- Video: The Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita told the Slabodka Rosh Yeshiva that Lakewood yeshiva has over 9,000 talmidim. Rav Moshe Hillel responded When Moshiach comes, and 10,000 talmidim of Bais Medrash Govoha come to greet him, that will be a richtige kabbolas ponim for Moshiach!


  1. אֲנִי מַאֲמִין בֶּאֱמוּנָה שְׁלֵמָה, בְּבִיאַת הַמָּשִׁיחַ, וְאַף עַל פִּי שֶׁיִּתְמַהְמֵהַּ, עִם כָּל זֶה אֲחַכֶּה לּוֹ בְּכָל יום שֶׁיָּבוֹא.
    Unless he misheard him adding 1k talmidim takes time and negates בְּכָל יום

  2. have our askanim told us for whom to vote for? Murphy or Kim?

    1. Please do not ask such a question again publicly. It sounds like they have your confidence to do the right thing. Just hang in there. Everything is going to change soon. A Lang

    2. The rabbonon and gedolim tell me that they are just out for themselves and not the oilam.

      My take of their perfidy is that they are just peewee junior leaguers with a sixth grade education, at most. They do not understand NJ, its politics, history or what is historically important to its people. Hence, they can be forgiven because of the immense peer pressure on them to not learn English when they were in seventh grade and beyond. I cannot say right or wrong to not know English, and I knew that was the reality when I came here in 1985, but that is the result. They grow up to think that English does not matter, that they are great because they are clever, and so secretive meeting behind closed doors to do important public business, and in particular, they see how few people in Ocean Country go to four year post secondary school. Unfortunately that is not the case for the rest of NJ. Statewide the politicians runs circles around them due to their ignorance and failure to understand the American way.

    3. Is that satire?

    4. Politicians appreciate campaign and other donations
      Don't have to have a brain to make donations, but it's not sustainable.

    5. Not satire. Many talmidei chachomim in BMG, the roshei yeshiva, rabbanon, say that the askanim are not doing the right thing. To be dan l'chaf z'chus, I ta'ana it is not because they are evil. They are just dumb. On that point, rabbanan, and probably the oilam, disagree with me. They say it is because they are avaricious (out for themselves). Efshar both are true. It reminds me of before the election. They said vote for certain candidates because they are corrupt and keep the state of their backs. I they are not corrupt and there is nothing to hide. I know I am right. But since they do favors, they get people to think they are bending the law, which they are not. Mamash m'chapik hu. Bizzare place. Low class. Totally.

  3. 'That satire?' was supposed to be a retort for-
    'have our askanim told us for whom to vote for? Murphy or Kim?'

    1. I don't know for a fact but it seems that they will support Mrs. Murphy.

      It depends upon how much the governor is coordinating with his wife. They already made a deal with the governor to deliver an Democrat to the Assembly. Unfortunately this Assemblyman is on the record as opposed to the school funding litigation because (get this) it interferes with his efforts to lobby legislators to change the formula. The stupidity is, how will a court order hurt? Of maybe because he wants a voucher pilot program that will deliver five million of so dollars, but remember, in 2012, most of the vouchers were reserved for school choice, which means public school kids who want to go to nonpublic schools, not those already in nonpublic school. So best case scenario, he wants to be m'yayaish a billion dollars to stabilize our public finances and public debt over Mini-Mouse voucher plan (like Pavlov's dog), if it happens.

      Yes, I think Murphy has the clout to deliver something tiny but he sure does not want to admit that the state is not providing the proper funding for Lakewood school district and any shortfall should be picked up by the local tax levy.

      Perhaps people can get together to form an opposition to reform the BOE and township. I can help. My job is administrative, like Robert Moses. You can get more done as an administrator than as a politician, particularly in NJ. Not sure, but I cannot represent the Lakewood voters in an election. It is better to get things done and let others make speeches.

    2. Well when NJ turns into another total
      NY who you gonna hold accountable
      after they wash their hands from it

  4. I like NY in many ways because the askanim there are not such dumb ba'alei gavohs worried about their turf. It's the big city. Lakewood is like a playground for the little 'uns. The Lakewood political fiefdom is juvenile mess of confusion and secrecy, and its askamin are cowardly and ignorant backslappers.

    1. So they are arranging to have the disasters of both. Just vote Tammy. Approved with appropriate Chasimos

  5. it does not matter because Murphy is going to lose on the Lakewood issue before he leaves office. Sure he will get a teensy-weensy voucher program out of the legislature for the chumps to show you but will fight tooth and nail to continue to pass the financial burden of the public schools and services, to the extent they are financed at all, and this includes mandated services for all of Lakewood's 50,000 children, onto the next generation of Lakewood residents who will not be able to afford to live here. Since they are just LOANING the money now, your askanim can tell you we are not paying. Sure, how can a town the with a $100 million school levy pay a billion in debt? Guess, what? We now pay 10% of the debt each year out of our levy and eventually the whole Ponzi scheme will collapse. Thankfully, the Courts will put an end to this charade.
