Monday, February 19, 2024

Israel At War Monday Feb 19

 Israel at war day 136

- A resolution that condemns an Israeli military operation in Rafah, Gaza and urges a temporary cessation of fire will be presented by the US to the UN Security Council!

- Another soldier dies of his wounds after he was injured in Gaza last week bringing total to 236. 
Maoz Morel,22, from Talmon.

- The IDF has uncovered footage of hostages Shiri Bibas and her two young children, Ariel and Kfir, from the early days of the war, according to Hebrew media reports. The reports say that the military has shown the footage to Bibas family members and is awaiting their approval to publish it widely.

- אם ה' לא ישמור עיר.. IDF reports over 900 unmaned Aerial vehicle with explosives were launched at Israel from neighboring countries including Lebanon,Syria,Iraq,Yemen and only 11 of them entered Israeli territory

-Saudi Arabia sent a request to Israel through the USA - to recognize a Palestinian currency.

- Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 235
Simon Shlomov (20) from Kiryat Bialik

- Sirens sound in galil  and Kiryat Shmona for fear of infiltration by drones.

Giyus bill: Yair Lapid to propose  IDF draft bill, seeks equal secular and Haredi service  require people of all backgrounds, genders, and levels of religiosity to draft, in Knesset the following day, Israeli media reported.

- IDF dismisses Unconfirmed report that Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar has been arrested after a viral photo that appeared to show a look alike getting arrested

US Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew dismissed reports about potential US unilateral recognition of Palestinian statehood, “We have never said that was our policy,”“Our policy is that there should be an over-the-horizon process” toward Palestinian statehood that involved Israel.

Int'l Court of Justice to hear case on Israeli 'occupation' of Palestinian territories

As operations in Gaza continue, IDF troops have: Identified and eliminated a terrorist who fired a rocket toward Kibbutz Be’eri from central Gaza. carried out targeted operations in western Khan Yunis where AK-47s, drones and explosives were located. Directed an aircraft to eliminate a terrorist cell and conducted targeted operations on terrorist targets in Khan Yunis.

- Officials in the Middle East: Iran wants to avoid a direct confrontation with the US and, therefore, is appealing to its proxies to show restraint. According to Hezbollah officials, the message conveyed from Iran: "Starting a war between Israel and Lebanon will result in the loss of the advantage of the 'Axis of Resistance'" (Itamar Margalit)


  1. So Lapid has bundled together Yeshiva bochurim with girls, guaranteeing failure.

    Although many frumme Yidden don't understand why Yeshiva bochurim shouldn't fight, they all understand why girls should not.

    מתוך צרה המציאם פדות ורוחה

    1. Lapid is our secret friend.

    2. 2013 Op-Ed on the then-Finance Minister, Yair Lapid.

      It began:

      “Yair Lapid is the most dangerous man in Israeli politics today, a good-looking, charismatic, overconfident fool, an affable ignoramus with no intellectual gravitas, devoid of moral principle, but with the gift of a silver tongue and the unmistakable – and largely undisguised – penchant for demagoguery and dictatorship.”

      Sadly, this caveat is no less relevant today than it was then—arguably, more so.

      Confounding “cause” & “effect”
      Thus, earlier this month-2021- at an international conference on counter-terrorism, Yair Lapid, now Foreign Minister, floated a policy proposal for dealing with the perennial problem of Gaza.

      Although there was scarcely anything new about the idea, appearing to be little more than “old goods in an equally old wrapping”, it garnered considerable media attention.

      Depending on one’s perspective of Israel’s mainstream media, this is either somewhat surprising…or preeminently predictable.

      Unsurprisingly, the parameters of the Lapid proposal were entirely within the guidelines of accepted wisdom on Gaza, prescribing that, somehow, the enduring violence in, and from, the luckless enclave is due to the poor economic conditions with which it is afflicted. Of course, little reflection is required to grasp that precisely the opposite is true. After all, in Gaza, it is not penury that begets the violence, but the violence that begets the penury.

      But then, sadly, reflection does not appear to be Lapid’s core expertise. After all, his public appearances have been afflicted by some of the most embarrassing faux pas, mortifying gaffes, and bumbling blunders—which, for some reason, have left his public image largely unscathed. But more on that mystifying enigma—and its disconcerting implications—a little later.

      Stating the painfully obvious
      But for the moment, let’s focus on the substance—for want of a better word—of the Lapid initiative for quelling the violence emanating from, and fermented in, Gaza.

      In mid-September, the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs put out a 2000 word statement, setting out the parameters of Lapid’s alleged “vision”. In it, Lapid states the painfully obvious: “The policy Israel has pursued up until now hasn’t substantially changed the situation… We need to change direction.”

      Accordingly, he asks: “What should we do?”—and answers: “… we need to start a large, multi-year process of economy for security.”

      In Lapid’s view, his initiative is a “more realistic version of what in the past was called rehabilitation for demilitarization.”

      In an attempt to forestall any criticism, which he apparently foresaw, he preemptively parried:

      “There will be experts who tell you that this plan has no chance. The answer is – we never tried. For too long the only two options on the table have been conquering Gaza, or never-ending rounds of violence…[A] serious proposal of “economy for security” in Gaza has never before been put on the table”.

      Lapid is wrong—on both counts

  2. Its time for the chareidi world to stop servicing the leftist anti Torah world. Eli bear should tell the Knesset that if united hatzalah which is full with chareidim is not recognized as a contributors then just don't use their services. (I believe its not state funded) & the same goes for many other orginazations

    1. Who can be the judge of whose life to save and whose life not to save? Ichud Hatzlaha certainly does not want to be. It is not state funded (it wouldn't be a chesed organization it it were) but they do receive limited government funds. (mostly municipal) Not all their volunteers are frum or even Jewish. (most are)

    2. Saving lives should not be hijacked by your politics.

    3. Ichud Hatzala is not Charedi.
      All types of people volunteer, from Arabs to Charedim, leftists, rightists and all other sides.

  3. -Saudi Arabia sent a request to Israel through the USA - to recognize a Palestinian currency.

    The Saudis are more than capable of sending this message themselves, if that's what they wanted to do.

    The Saudis were punished by Biden(Hussain O.) from the moment he got into office, supposedly for murdering a single trouble maker 'journalist'. Biden legally declared the houtis - who are fighting the Saudis from Yemen - as not a terrorist group, in order to strengthen them, their attacks and their threat against the Saudis.

    Are we now to trust the claim that:
    A)The Saudis want Hamas/PA to have their own recognized currency???
    B)They sent a message to Israel through the Biden(Hussain) administration???

    It is the wannabe king, Hussain who's sending the message.

    May Hashem continue to protect us against him and all reshaim.

  4. Dr. Martin Sherman served for seven years in operational capacities in the Israeli Defense establishment. He was a ministerial adviser to Yitzhak Shamir’s government and lectured for 20 years at Tel Aviv University in Political Science, International Relations and Strategic Studies

    Dr. Martin Sherman
    "..For Lapid’s core constituency, the demand for haredi conscription is a great drum to beat – so long as it remains unfulfilled. For I have a very strong suspicion – corroborated by recent pronouncements by several prominent left-wing figures – that if it were to begin to emerge as a tangible prospect, the biggest opponents to it would be many of those who demand it most vociferously today.

    After all, the last thing Lapid’s “core” wants []is battalions of bearded ultra-Orthodox enlistees with M-16s slung menacingly over their shoulders...
    Lapid consistently used his widely read Friday column in Yediot Aharonot to besmirch, berate and belittle them. The introductory above excerpts are but a small sampling of his frequent endeavors to denigrate, demonize and delegitimize the Jews living across the 1967 Green Line, in the most malevolent – and at times, manifestly mendacious – manner.

    Thus, for example, in a masterpiece of malice titled “This land isn’t Israel” August 19, 2008, he begins by declaring that, three years after its perpetration, Israelis should be proud of the disengagement because – wait for it – “it turned out that the state is still able to implement something once it decides to do it.”

    No kidding – check it out on Google. He then proceeds to “excommunicate” the “settlers/ settlements” – the main blocs of which he now perversely purports to embrace – from Israeli society, writing “They define the place they live in as ‘not Israel.’ This is a lawless land, lacking respect, where people who are different than us live and conduct themselves in line with codes we don’t understand.

    It is a land that has rejected all the basic values that hold us together.”

    He concludes in a tone of vindictive vitriol: “These people create a situation whereby, when the day comes, and the agreements are signed on the lawn in Washington, it will be easier to give up this land, which isn’t really ours; this land where not only the laws and landscape are different, but also the people.”
