Thursday, February 22, 2024

Thursday Feb 22 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 48° Mostly cloudy skies with a few showers this afternoon. Chance of rain 30%.

- US Spacecraft on the Moon since 1972, as “Odysseus” a Nova-C Moon Lander produced by Intuitive Machines equipped with several NASA Science Payloads has Touched-Down tonight near the Moon’s South Pole and is now Transmitting a Faint Signal.

-Lakewood rosh yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita is visiting Eretz Yisroel  he will be speaking at yeshivas Bais Mattisyahu divrei chizuk in memory of Rav Boruch Weisbeker ZTL.

- Mesivta farhers update:
There was a line going around "no nesivtas can give farhers until all boys have a mesivta". A sad reality of what went on this year despite initially everyone signing on not to start farhers before Tuesday, nevertheless alot of mesivtos jumped the gun and started accepting bochurim even before the farhers. This caused other yeshivos to start giving farhers on Sunday since they lost out of having a chance to meet and farher the boys.
As of today despite what some are saying as the easiest and best year ever for the acceptance process, there's are still many boys who were not accepted and are waiting around to get placed.

- Mesivta of Eatontown will host a Purim Katan concert featuring Nissim Black

- The zev Brenner show on Talkline communications network will discuss the controversy surrounding a kohen marrying someone who went through geirus, this Motzei shabbos at 12:00 am

- The listen line for Lakewood radio station 104.7 is 732-901-7777. The station features shiurim and shmussen

- Jackson BOE has signed an agreement with the LSTA to provide busing for mandated non public school students. 

- AT&T, T-Mobile And Verizon Users Hit By Large Cellular Outage In US US cybersecurity body says there’s no indication of cyberattack amid hours-long nationwide AT&T outage - NBC

- There will be a nightly minyan for maariv a during  shiva  at the home of Reb Leizer Gotleib Z"L through Sunday night. 9:40pm at 7 Brisk Ln in Westgate 



  1. No school year ever began with bochurim who don't have a place. Why are people whining? Yes, it's work finding and getting into the right Mesivta. Since when is work a problem? Who promised you an easy life that this became a crisis?

    1. When? When the system is a big cheat & your work is mostly useless

    2. A big cheat?!?
      Chill out.

      There are plenty of Mesivtos out there, and many of them are very good. Even if some people have more pull than others (btw, I have very little pull myself), there is still space for everyone in a Mesivta that will help him shteig.

    3. You said a mouthful. Some folks are only unhappy when they can find someone to rail against.

  2. So basically getting into 9th grade now depends on who you know instead what you know
    The poor boys who gave it all they had in order to succeed were out maneuvered by those who are more shrewd
    seems like this was another case of binyan yelodim stira

    1. Massive understatement. Note- yelodim referenced are usually the parents & grandparents

    2. Utter nonsense. I reviewed my son's class and where they're all going and it actually makes lots of sense. The stronger boys ended up in the strong mesivtas like Keren etc. and the average ones in average places and the weaker ones are in place where they'll be able to thrive.
      The system works well.

    3. Really. A tiered system. And you think this is ideal, and what the RBS’O wants. How strange.

    4. Someone received some enlightenment from the RBSO here. Let's hear from you, what does the RBSO want? Does he want the Magid Shiur to say a Shiur geared to the stronger boys, so the weaker ones feel like losers? Or does he want him to say a sixth grade Shiur, leaving some boys bored? What exactly does he want?

      This new age 'equality' business is foolishness. Bochurim can and should be segregated according to ability and learning styles. Yes, the RBSO wants a tiered system, whether the modern liberal sensibilities like it or not.

    5. Wow. ASFAIK, there are no mekoirois for such a system. Every yeshiva had stronger boys and weaker ones, and sometimes there were two shiurim at each age level, sometimes not. Even yeshivos that had two shiurim often scattered a mixture of boys into each shiur, not a ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ shiur. The point is that the ‘weaker’ boys were part of the system, and often had strengths that the ‘better’ ones didn’t. They were possibly very strong in hasmoda, etc. I recall one ‘weaker’ brochure who rewrote his notes on each day’s shiur twice each day, working for hours. By the end of the zman he’d raise his hand and say things like, but at the beginning of the zman the Rebbi said differently. The Rebbi knew he was in for a tough time when this bochur raised his hand. Stratifying bochurim by intellectual capacity is a terrible idea also because a bochur who is ‘weaker’ entering 9th grade is often developmentally slightly slower, as some make the turn to abstract reasoning more slowly than others- and by tenth grade he’s just as strong - but if you condemn the ‘slow’ guys to a ‘slow’ place you will hurt them forever, unjustifiably.

    6. This 'every Yeshiva' began in the US of the 1960s, hardly a mesorah. They took the boys that were available, and built what they could.

      And 'stronger in Hasmadah' is not necessarily an advantage. If the hasmada is coming from frumkeit, it is not the hasmada we are looking for.

      And your contradiction should have stopped you in your tracks. A 'slow' bochur is not really slow, but a 'slow' Yeshiva is always a slow place. How do you figure?

    7. Hasmoda. Middos Tovos. Many others. Developmental stages seem foreign to you. Stick with your ‘metzuyonim.

    8. So why is the 'slow' Yeshiva not measured by the same yardstick, like midos tovos and hasmada? You wish us to respect the 'slow' bochur while showing disrespect to the 'slow' Yeshiva.
      Not cool.

    9. Wha? I think ‘slow’ and ‘fast’ and all of those labels are negative. Midos Tovos etc are not yardsticks. They are part of a necessary mix to produce true Gedolei Yisroel who we follow not because of their brilliance but because of their shleimus in every aspect of Avodas Hashem.

    10. Wha? I think ‘slow’ and ‘fast’ and all of those labels are negative. Midos Tovos etc are not yardsticks. They are part of a necessary mix to produce true Gedolei Yisroel who we follow not because of their brilliance but because of their shleimus in every aspect of Avodas Hashem.

    11. "Really. A tiered system. And you think this is ideal, and what the RBS’O wants. How strange."

      Yes. No doubt about it. I speak with Him every day and I have a fair sense of what He would want.
      FYI - we already have a tiered system. 13 year olds are in 7th grade, 12 years olds in 6th, 11 year olds in 5th and so on.
      We also have Kohanim, Leviim, and Yisroelim, and 12 shevatim - each with a different mission.
      The entire Torah is predicated upon tiers.
      It is definitely what the RBSO wants.

    12. So how dare you call Yeshivos 'slow'? Have you checked the Middos in those Yeshivos?

  3. The fact that they didn't hold to an agreement that was signed means nothing is binding. Parents should also have leeway to break contracts with schools

    1. They did not sign a contract with the parents. Technically they did not break what they signed, as the bochurim that were accepted were without a farher, so they technically did not farher in advance.

    2. Girls & their parents want the boys that have the shpitz titles & those boys will soon be in charge.
      Everything else eg Midos is phony lip service.
      Predicted this a couple of decades ago.

  4. The system does not work as it puts down the average boy and never gives him a chance to shteig since he will be put in a lower grade yeshiva and denied an opportunity.
    This concept of roshei mosdos bragging that they got the top Boyd is disgraceful and does not have the Eibishter in mind it is all Gaavah

    1. So what is your proposed solution?

    2. Clearly the Aibeshter wants it this way.

    3. He also wanted Doson & Avirum.The mabul.The shidduch crisis.Haskalah

  5. There are numerous boys left hanging by this fiasco

    1. The bochereim and parents who follow their sons 8th grade rebbi and menahal usually get placed and accepted in to the yeshiva that they recommend.
      It's the parents who are smarter then tho and decide they know better trying to get their metzuayan of a baby into the best yeshiva because they know better which causes the agmas nefesh.

    2. The eighth grade Rebbeim and Menahalim have experience and knowledge in one thing only - how to get a boy into a Yeshiva. They cannot advise you as to which Yeshiva is best for your son, because they usually have no clue.

    3. Absolutely not true in my son’s Cheder. The Menahel and 8th grade Rabbeim bend over backwards and really have their finger on the pulse.

    4. "They cannot advise you as to which Yeshiva is best for your son, because they usually have no clue."

      Winner of the Dumbest Comment Ever Award!

      Congratulations. You bested some stiff competition with this one. You are officially someone unworthy of anyone's time or attention.

  6. as I have posted elsewhere, a possible solution would be for chadorim to extend till 12th grade.this would solve many problems.but the extremists would never let it happen.shaya bassman

  7. A class of all metzuyanim is not healthy look how many kids snapped from the all metzuyanim yeshivos. You need a healthy balance with a mix. The average boys will work a bit harder and the metzuyanim will be normal and learn how to interact if they are chavrusos with a bochur a little less then their level.
    Lakewood mesivtas has become a showoff game for parents to brag that they got in and for roshei mosdos to outdo each other as they fight for bragging rights on who has the אא boys and not chas veshalom א minus or a ב

    1. You are right that the difference between an א bochur and an א- bochur is too little to warrant a different Yeshiva.
      But some eighth graders are not personally motivated to learn, and they need a Magid Shiur who will deal with them and uplift them. Others are motivated to learn already, and they need a Magid Shiur who will teach them how to rise above the superficial learning they have done until then. They are not the same, and don't belong in the same situation.
      In the end there is no guarantee who will become the Talmid Chacham. But they still need different teaching styles.

    2. All reasonable posts.As long as the selection would be as reasonable.
      There should be a unattached third party broker involved deciding who make fair cuts ignoring implicit hints,threats,etc.

    3. Sure. Please fund it and we'll all be sure to use it. Thanks

  8. Parents are also at fault for sending to 9th grade that has over 40 kids in a class. There should be a cap on the size. It's not right for the kids to be put in a kollel style when in 9th grade. They get no attention or looked after. Is it worth to show off that my kid got into .... while his ruchniyus and emotional health are comprised being in a class of 40 to 50 kids?

    1. That could be dealt with later.
      But it's now or never for your niche place in society

  9. The rabeim do not know the yeshivas, they may know a few, but they don't know 60 yeshivas, nor have they visited most of them. They give suggestions based on all kinds of assumptions and raid. Additionally how many follow up with the talmidim down the line to see if their brilliant suggestions panned out.
    Besides the strengths in elementary is mainly memorization and by 11th grade it starts to be lomdus. So it's not that simple

  10. There's negius from rebbeim to push certain yeshivos over other ones. There's a whole industry of giving part time shtellas to 8th grade rebbeim to push buchurim to those mesivtas
