Monday, February 19, 2024

Monday February 19 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 42° Abundant sunshine

Presidents day federal holiday banks and post office closed. Government offices closed.

- Trump: Businesses will flee NYC & State after the Corrupt Judge’s ruling!

- Tehillim for the rebbetzin of Vizhnitz Kiamosha who collapsed earlier today, name is Faiga Shifra bas Miriam.

- Bde: Petirah of Reb Itche Goldbrenner ZL, noted baal tzedaka v'chessed Levaya in Brooklyn at Shomrei Hadaas kevura in EY.

- Mikes chicken remains closed due to a fire at the facility yesterday and officials deemed ut as an unsafe structure until the issue is rectified. 

-A recent wedding photo of a newly married Orthodox Jewish couple in Lakewood, NJ. Has gone viral with chosson and kallah posing while holding rifles.

- Lakewood mayor Coles, lashes out at resident who brought up the issue on why the township only has virtual meetings. During the public comment section of the last meeting, a resident asked why wont the township resume to in person meetings and called it despicable that deputy mayor Miller and committeeman Lichtenstein couldn't afford to show the slightest bit of respect and turn on video for the last meeting. Joining the meeting by audio only shows a blatant disregard for the public who is paying their exorbitant salaries the minimum they could show is their face for 15 minutes a month, that is not asking much . The mayor responded well we have only one person in the entire township that calls to complain about them and that is you. The mayor went on to defend the virtual meetings which is obviously a sore point as almost all townships in NJ have resumed to in person meetings since covid. 

- Thousands attended the levaya of the Skver rebbetin A"H last night in New Square. There were no hespedim as is the minhag. The vizhnitz rebbes of Bnei Brak will be sitting Shiva in E"Y.

- Biden told reporters he’s “considering additional sanctions” against Russia after the death of Alexei Navalny. 

Egg prices are up According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, over 10 million birds have been affected by the highly contagious avian influenza virus over the past 30 days Price of a dozen eggs at Aldi $2. 71

- Admor Pinsk Karlin in Lakewood visiting the Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler

At the Levaya of the Skverer rebbetzin


  1. I wish the chosson + kallah much happiness and bracha in their lives. But I also wish they don't allow goyishkeit to infiltrate some of the most precious moments that yidden have such as a chasuna. Rifles have no place in our minhagim. Leave those silly photos for politicians in the middle of nowhere.

    1. The fact that a picture of a choson and kallah went viral is a much bigger problem than them holding guns.

    2. Hashem ish Milchama. [Chumash]
      Darko shel ish laasos milchama.

    3. 11:05AM I agree with you 100% the viral is also bad, different perspectives I suppose..

    4. So an Isha is now Mechuyev in "Pru Urevu"?

    5. The Chosson and Kallah didn't make this viral. A wedding guest must have. Passing around photos without permission is a whole nother story.

    6. From what i understand, the guns are photoshopped.

    7. We don't build a mizbe'ach with anything that could be used to kill
      Interestingly when a marriage fails the mizbe'ach sheds tears

    8. to the anon quoting chumash and gemara: since you are such a scholar, surely you know that a woman holding a weapon is a prohibition of "kli gever"

    9. It is less than an absolute on weapons. There can be heterim. But what is absolute 'lo silbash' is for a woman ever wearing a uniform

  2. Dozen eggs in Lidl is $2.15

    1. Target 18ct 2.89 12ct 1.99
      Which Aldi? as each store may have different prices

  3. Who cares if the township is dumb enough to pay some of unzerer a high salary for sitting on their tuchas? Are you jealous??

    1. Yes we are jealous that Mrs miller geta alsao a nioce salary for searting on various boards in town. How do we get a pposition like thaty? what are the qualifications?

  4. I do its our money

  5. Do you print money ?

  6. As always, the problem is that the local publications are part of the corruption and won't publish anything that criticizes the township. So how can we change things in this town? Is it possible to do a petition without the help of local publications or schools? Would it be a chillul Hashem if it would be reported in APP?

    1. A Public protest with media called in.What are we waiting for

    2. So nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  7. Jackson wants to fire the chief of police cuz reina doesn't like him.

    1. Hmmm and also were supposed to vote for whom? Oh the guys who give themselves raises and put Yidden in. Why?

  8. What's going in with this

    1. Curious also.. what’s the context?

    2. A Beis Din researched something and arrived at a psak.

      Some people, who don't know which Chelek in Shulchan Aruch to find these Halachos, and know nothing about the facts, are running around making a fuss about it.

      That's how amei ha'aretz work. Instead of learning, they make tumults.

    3. the bais din did not give a p'sak.

    4. Some people never gave a hoot about anybody else and worked only to benefit themselves, into a present position with the wherewithal to do research as well.& then feel entitled to authorize such decisions. While others who could have been the same position but gave it away for the community & know when they were in school with the same people they were far ahead of them but they gave it all up.They obviously should be are entitled to voice their attitudes vis-a-vis the former

  9. Are you actually claiming Rav Shlomo Miller is an Am Haaretz?

    1. rav shlomo miller has not commented on the case since the facts were nisbarer. the letter going around was before rav d.c. wrote his teshuva and before the case went to the bais din.

    2. No, he isn't making a tumult.

      The website owner certainly is.

    3. The date on the newest letter is this week


  10. Heaven forbid.But he inclined to follow what's pc

  11. This is turning similar to the Get of Cleves story with rabbonim on both sides

  12. What is pc that R Miller follows?

  13. Which Rabonim are being matir? Reb D.C. reneged his psak.

    1. R' D. C. Reissued his original psak

    2. As of last Tuesday night, he wrote a letter taking back his heter.

    3. What of R' Knopfer, R'Bresler, R'Eidensohn of Monsey
      What they hold should matter the most
