Monday, February 5, 2024

Monday February 5 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 45° Sunny

- UK: King Charles diagnosed with cancer
King Charles III, 75, has been diagnosed with cancer and will be avoiding public events after being advised by his doctors to minimize in-person contacts, Buckingham Palace announced Monday.

- Lakewood zoning board meeting tonight 7:00pm watch livestream Here see agenda Here

- Tefillos for the Skvere rebbetzin Chaya Chana bas Leah Esther who is in need of a refuah sheleima

- Rav Reuven Leuchter will be giving a shiur this afternoon in Lakewood at Madison Manor/Bais Horaah 1:00pm followed by Mincha @1:30pm

- Westgate community members met again to discuss safety in the neighborhood following a recent shooting, a committee of block representatives was formed and they will continue addressing the issues with management to have a safe  neighborhood 

- Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita left Lakewood this morning and headed to Baltimore he will remain in the US this week and spend shabbos in Monsey 

- Tomorrow the Planning board will have a closed  session on the  SD 2553 Chestnut Holdings NJ LLC application previously submitted  to construct 13 duplex structures (26 houses plus basement apartments) on a new cul-de-sac bulb off of Chestnut Street, across from Evergreen Avenue.
The planning board will also continue to hear the application of kollel apartments and a 400 child   day care center on White street for kollel cheshek  shlomo. Also on the agenda  new BMG dorm on Lakewood avenue bet 7th and 8th streets The 114,926 sq feet dormitory building will contain 144 bed rooms. The ground floor will contain an 84 space parking lot, plus an additional parking lot bet 8th - 9th with 108 spots

-App profiles Bagel shop: There's a giant pizza bagel on the menu at this Lakewood shop Measuring about 2 feet wide, the bagel was added to the menu the version offered at three Hot Bagels stores in Lakewood begins with an everything bagel that is sliced in half, hollowed out (the inner bread is used to make garlic knots), filled with housemade tomato sauce, topped with shredded mozzarella and cheddar cheese and spices, and baked. If you want one, plan ahead: The stores need 24 hours notice to make the giant bagel, each half of which serves about 15 people ($40 for half, $75 for the whole bagel) more

- The number of marriage licenses issued annually in Lakewood has more than doubled in less than a decade, according to the Township Clerk’s Office, which revealed that 1,089 licenses were purchased in 2022, up from just 457 in 2014. APP reports on the shidduch crisis

- Democrats in NJ introduced Senate Bill 2421 the “Freedom to Read Act.” It would create an exemption for obscenity laws for minors to exclude teachers & librarians and award monetary compensation to teachers and librarians who are criticized. Teachers & librarians would get a free pass to show obscene material to minors. (Libs of Tiktok)

- Trump: Only a fool, or a Radical Left Democrat, would vote for this horrendous Border Bill, which only gives Shutdown Authority after 5000 Encounters a day, when we already have the right to CLOSE THE BORDER NOW, which must be done. This Bill is a great gift to the Democrats, and a Death Wish for The Republican Party. It takes the HORRIBLE JOB the Democrats have done on Immigration and the Border, absolves them, and puts it all squarely on the shoulders of Republicans. Don’t be STUPID!!! We need a separate Border and Immigration Bill. It should not be tied to foreign aid in any way, shape, or form! The Democrats broke Immigration and the Border. They should fix it. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!


  1. Will democrat assemblyman Avi Schnal vote against the bill to show shmutz to children

    1. Do those in control of his strings care?

    2. If he's a jew there's no doubt and no way he won't vocally vote against and do all he can to convince and persuade all his colleagues to oppose it it harshly.

    3. AS had no problem with unorthodox marriage and gender transitions. He called the Jewish opposers 'chullul hashem'. The most he would do is abstain claiming he had an important meeting......

    4. I voted against Schnall and would do so again. I'm still 100% confident that he will vote against this UNLESS it is a part of a larger budget that includes money for Lakewood OR it doesn't look like it will pass without his support and he is warned that he better support it or expect nothing from the Democrats. That is where he will be in a difficult situation.

    5. AS uses whatever little hebrew vocabulary he has. In order to avoid having it all boomerang back on him, it's necessary.
      For these particular bills it's already all taken care of. AS & his string pullers under the table approve, then once the Dems have a settled majority they tell AS now go up to the podium & vocally oppose. In order to placate that element of naive sincere constituents of yours with the appropriate photo-ops.

      Go ask Murphy & the backroom dealers in Trenton what behind the mic low opinion they really feel about him. But so what? As long as he delivers who he represents into serving their rotten agenda, who could they have wished for better?
      Same sick story over & over. Cry, my people.

  2. Avi Schnall was installed to "build Torah"that is his first priority everything else is secondary.......

    1. First step in building is draining the swamps.
      Clear the area. Can't build on filth.

    2. So AS is a pervert lover too?
      & What is that he supposedly trying to build?Again?
      What vocabulary will he attempt next? Tikun olam?!
      Or is he just a parrot?
      A Mechallel personified

    3. Again, what is it he claims he going to build? jewish culture? which denomination?
      & which vocabulary will he try next? Tikun olam?

      A Mechallel personified
      Where has it gone so awry? is it him? Is it the hanhalah? Is it us?

  3. I was driving home from the yeshiva where I teach secular and the road were filled.

    Why would anyone think that you will get anything from Congress or the state if you do not allow the people decide. Our delegation, and the governor, will always do favors (they ask for seven a year and get four) but NEVER get the big money that transforms can transform a hic town into a city.

    Look at what Prof. T. did for Jersey City and the Abbott districts. Money for schools leads to money for economic development, a stronger work force, and ROADS. Robert Moses found a way to use federal money for parks to build the NYC infrastructure.

    Yet when a Robert Moses, or for that matter, any normal Congressman that needs public support, appears on the scene, we have to push him away because he is rocking boat, or as Rabbi Schnall says, interfering with their connections.

    It's all the STUPID European mentality. A bunch of losers.

    1. I found the following April 4, 2014 email with the same negative feedback from a high-level elected leader, askan, after I contacted the NJ Dept. of Comm. Affairs.

      "Currently there are efforts made by me on state level. Pls do not send emails to the state without running by me first. Well intentioned requests may compromise our efforts. Thanks XX"'

      When I said I will write the Commissioner of Education, the boss of the Igud screamed, "Nobody contacts the commissioner without our permission."

      When the future assemblyman was asked last year if he supports the school funding litigation, he said, "It harms my ability to work with legislators." Funny, that is exactly what Trenton says, "Let the legislature fix it, not the courts."

      So there you have it Lakewood. Everyone has friends that they have to ask for favors. No grand public projects, just running to Trenton with open palms.

      If someone figured out how to get federal funding to make Route 9 south of town four lanes, nay build a whole infrastructure of roads, he would be told, "Do not contact Washington because it interferes with our efforts." Like someone is going to do you a billion dollar favor.

      No Vaad, no Igud, no marching orders, then you will have a city that works.

      You can fool some of the people all of the time (those going to the polls with the Vaad list), all of the people some of the time (by promising vouchers and ignoring the billions), but you can't fool all of the people all of time (not sure in Lakewood).

      We can be on the cusp of stabilizing our public finances into the 22nd century and all they have to do in November is to cry "Vouchers" and the public salivates likes Pavlov's dog straight to the voting booth.

  4. Can we refrain from tolerating the pretense of calling it Torah
    Darker jackets & swanky sheitels? Is it somehow different from those who built the earlier opulent pious synagogues that later switched fealty to JTS??

    "שמעתי מהגה"צ הגרא"א דסלר זצ"ל, שבעת השואה האיומה כאשר
    צדיקים וקדושי עליון נחנקו ונהרגו בעינויים קשים יחד עם רבבות מעם
    ישראל שנזרקו לתוך כבשן האש, אז שאלו כולם "איפה אלוקיך ישראל"
    ואיך הקב"ה מיצר כל כך אפילו לצדיקים וקדושי עליון, וביאר אז הגרא"א
    דסלר זצ"ל, שנכון שהיו הרבה צדיקים וחרדים, אבל לא דאגו לשמירת הדת
    של אחרים ולא מחו ברשעים מספיק, ועל זה הקב"ה מאוד בחרון אף
    וכמוש"כ בחטא העגל "ואנכי אסתר אסתיר את פני בעת ההיא", ובביאור
    תוכן העניין, אמר הרב דסלר זצ"ל, שזהו מידה כנגד מידה, שהקב"ה אומר
    "אתם לא מחיתם ולא התערבתם למחות על החילול ה', אז גם אני לא
    מתערב למנוע את האויבים מלהרוג בכם

  5. The big pizza bagel for all of Lakewood's tuna bagels!!

    1. How about making a 2ft tuna bagel 🥯 ??? That can also double as a streimel!!

  6. The border bill in the Senate is superb. Mark my words, if Trump gets elected, which he won't, and if gets both houses of Congress, which he won't, he will not get as good a bill (unless he gets 60 in the Senate). And the chutzpah with these House clowns is they tied national security aid to fight the Soviets to a deal on the border, and now that is cancelled. Instead, they will give Israel money separately, nothing for Ukraine, and let the Russians rebuild their empire.

    In the mean time, how many more millions of illegals will be here by the time Congress again takes up the matter during the next administration?

    This bills gives the president authority to close the border at 4,000 and mandates closure at 5,000. It turns them away on the spot unless they are escaping from a real genocide or something like that, which might be one in a thousand that pour into the country. Almost all asylum seekers, prodded by the Cartels, come for economic reasons, like most every other immigrant before them. They will be sent back within days if not immediately. And the law will keep track of those waiting for a court appearance that will only take months instead of a decade. No one will be allowed across the border without processing and it allocates billions to build detention facilities, hire judges, and guards to block entry. It is as conservative as anything that can come out of Congress and severely, radically, will change immigration. The American people are tired of the chaos, and self interest of the man who puts his own good above the nation's. At least Reagan denied that he contacted the Iranians in 1979 to undermine Carter and the nation, and there was no proof that he did. This guy does not even try to hide it.

    It is like the election. It was fraud even before the votes were cast. How dumb can anyone think there would be fraud in multiple states each run by independent Democrat and Republican parities. There is too little coordination and too much federalism to pull something like that off.

    No one read the bill and once the Supreme Soviet Leader says to oppose it because it will help Biden get elected, the comrades just get in line.

    1. The alternatives of your side are all worse.Getting forever worse.

    2. A chief of your crowd disagrees with you evidently-

    3. Thanks for the Leiberman article. He may be right about Iran but we need to secure the border now and we need to stop the Soviets from rebuilding their empire. It is not important who does it, Republican or Democrat, or both. They just need to be done. Iran is a tough call but I think the wise words of the former senator is definitively worth discussion. For now, I am with the President that we should not escalate. Let Israel clean up, at least until the US says "enough" and then let the Saudis step up to the plate to began the process of stabilizing (Americanizing) the region.

      As for alternatives, true. But the Republicans are also, or even more, extreme. You will see that moderates in both parties in the coming years will return the nation to its footings. Look at what the good senators just accomplished. No Dreamers. Nothing but strict enforcement with just a little bit of justice for true asylum seekers. Say goodby to your illegal cleaning ladies (maybe that is the problem?).

      Like Walter Isaacson wrote in his biography of Einstein concerning McCarthy, that the pendulum in America swings far right and left but always settles in the middle. This is structurally because of the two-party election oriented, not issue based, system. Parties put forth candidates, not stances on issue (they change from year to year) as in a multi-party system (labor party, religious party etc.). Candidates put forth the issues. This ensures a reasonable degree of moderation.

      Americans (and England for that matter) thrive on stability. The business of America is, business. Our form of life, our American capitalist, free-enterprise system, abhors chaos. A little here and there, but nothing permanent.

    4. Coolidge was feebly simplistic & so is the rest of the post.He,at least, kept his opinions brief

    5. To paraphrase R'Gifter : They aren't middle of the road moderate.They're moderate of the wrong road!They drove on to an another road.

    6. Did you not learn something in the post? At least do you understand why we only hav two parties? Geographic districting is winner take all. It tends to stabilize the nation that, like Britain, businesses can invest, people have expectations, and I would say, we can live normal lives pursing our individual goals.

      I love this quote from Tocqueville in 1831, who to the present day is still taught in every school in America:

      There is certainly no country in the world where the tie of marriage is so much respected as in America, or where conjugal happiness is more highly or worthily appreciated. In Europe almost all the disturbances of society arise from the irregularities of domestic life. . . . When the American retires from the turmoil of public life to the bosom of his family, he finds in it the image of order and of peace. There his pleasures are simple and natural, his joys are innocent and calm; and as he finds that an orderly life is the surest path to happiness, he accustoms himself without difficulty to moderate his opinions as well as his tastes. Whilst the European endeavors to forget his domestic troubles by agitating society, the American derives from his own home that love of order which he afterwards carries with him into public affairs.

      My foreign policy professor in 1981, the famous Robert Divine, summed it up simply. "America is stability, the Soviets are instability." So true today. I hope this is not too long. I heard that kids today have a short attention span.

    7. That is funny about the wrong road but you need to admit that the bipartisan group of senators got it right and the House Republicans are wrong on the border. Either way, it is going to exact a cost to them.

      The American people are tired of the chaos at the border and the bill would have ended that. It is not prudent to put this off another year with an uncertain future because the Democrats are now willing to give in on all the Republican demands t but probably not next year. The gave in on the Dreamers which has been a big issue. The only way they will get a better bill, as mentioned, is if they take both houses with a supermajority in the Senate, and what is the probability of that, and win the White House, and who says even then the bill will be better?

      And you have to admit that we can't allow the Russians to win in Ukraine. That seems to be the same road, I hope, that you are on.

    8. They say that a lady made a bet that she can get President Coolidge (keep it cool with Coolidge was the slogan) to say three words since his word were brief indeed. She told him about the bet and he replied, "You lose."

    9. I once took an internet test, which is baloney anyway. It asked, do you love America? Do you think America is a good country today? Do you believe in the Constitution? At the end, what do you think these dummies said? I am liberal (actually it said " Establishment Liberal" ).

      I guess if you are patriotic you are liberal. Some kind of connection. It does seem to be true because the Republicans do not seem very patriot. They're almost like the European of Tocqueville (he had the French in mind), agitating his country. Nothing but chaos. Our elections are not good. Who knows what they think about the Russians? It's like all our American institutions are under attack. And my ancestors and relative fought for them in WWI, WWII, Korea and Afghanistan. B. Franklin that they created a republic, "if you can keep it."

      I understand why Reagan wanted to abolish the Ed. Dept. but the whole government? How would they replace it? It's totally the opposite of Burke, the father of Conservatism. Attacking the Congress of the United States? Crazy stuff. I think the whole lot of them are just Commie Pinkos. That of course can be argued but the Republicans have really lost their footing. Talk about the wrong road.

    10. So the net had you nonsensically applaud yourself.You're in good company,tragicomedian.Your Liberals are traitors.The less,the better.The country somehow survived in spite of your sick buddies.Just.We have finally run out of that luck.

    11. You see, that is the point. I don't see we ran out of luck. I still hold of America Exceptionalism. I am not sure what the other side wants to replace it with. Unitary government (no states), dictatorship, Communism, it does not matter because they won't succeed. America and its institutions are strong. Trump steps out of line, like he does often, Roberts won't let him get away with it.

      And I support the Mahan/Roosevelt approach, not Wilsonian/Wolfowitz (although Wilson was right with the League but his ga'ava undid it).

      There will always be two sides to every issue. The problem is when we use labels. Yes, I am not happy with the Progressive part of the party, but you should be more ashamed about the Communist part of your party. (communism means fascism, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, all those countries that were and are our enemies). They thrive on instability. That is why I say China is different and we need to rethink our policy over the next century years toward them.

      Political parties are the vehicle of governing and opposition, but today, it seems the Democrats are more conservative, wanting to preserve our Constitution and institutions, crush the Soviets, believe it or not CLOSE THE BORDER (this is going to hurt the Republicans and give Biden the House). We can go through the list. So call me a Democrat. And boy, some of you will be really unhappy if Biden is reelected and get Congress. Then those stupid Progressives be empowered, kind of like what you did with the Commies like Trump and his followers.

    12. Some people have the urge to turn everything into local domestic affairs.Some like yourself have the opposite need.To ignore the domestic kernel sources,that is,& pretend everything is foreign projected inward.Or extinct anachronisms
      eg your type so love to drop names out of any context for which they would whatsoever have had intent.It impresses the untrained perhaps.
      Even the devil quoth..

    13. My type? I am not a type. What is exactly my type? Smart? Conservative? Democrat? True Blue American? War monger? Want to shut border person? What is it? Are you a type or are you and individual? You can't size me up any better than that internet test.

      What is foreign? We know America will rot from inside one day. It is not happening now. It took 100 years from the time the Gracci assassinations until the Roman Republic fell (the Roman Republic, although a free country with elections, is classified as a "Civic Republic"). The Romans were so concerned bout a strong executive that when they finally needed a permanent office (rather than 6 month dictator in times of extreme emergency or the regular two annual consuls) all the checks and balances collapsed. The Founding Fathers created a strong, unified and central executive. They really took a chance on that and low and behold, their biggest chidush, the Presidency, is today is the chief of state in half the world.

      Our institutions still have some life left in them and will prevail. It will take more than 100 years but from when do you start counting?

      At any rate, I don't think Trump begins the count. We will need someone much more dangerous as bad as he is; he is just a clown. Always was.

      And you cannot argue that the Republican party is not in bad shape. Either they will split, but most likely they will find their footing a little bit by 2028. They have just given up any chance of governing over the next four years.

      I remember when the Senate debated giving my favorite, George HW Bush, authority to kick Sodom's b--- in Kuwait, one senator said, and I have always said, America is a nation of law, not of men. The Republicans just crossed a line of no return. It is like the President said, who do you work for, the people or the man.

      As long as America is a nation of law and not of men, we will be fine. Augustus was not an emperor, even after the proscriptions, until the Senate gave him immunity from prosecution. Then slowly (unlike his uncle), he consolidated every Roman office in himself. He got the tribunate power (popular assembly, veto power), the imperium (commander in chief), was the president to the Senate to direct its business, and censor (taxation, public morality). I would think our end will look something like that, but even the Romans lasted in the West another 500 years under Communism (faking like they were a free country and republic), and 1500 years in the East.

      So I don't understand, if you (I don't mean you personally) like Communism, why would you think the end is near. It is people that hold of liberal republics (that is how scholars classify our system of government), like Washington, Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Lincoln, I mean every America of every generation, that should be saying the end is near.

    14. every America of every generation, that should be saying the end is near."
      They surely would, if they here! & how they would have been confounded!
      The Titanic is listing badly but you remain so attuned to the lovely orchestra you missed the chance to right the ship or escape.
      We passed that line of no return quite a while ago..Obergefell,at the very latest. Probably earlier.
      Now all that stuff you keep unceasingly whining about is mostly the attempted pushback.Rough at the edges? That may be.However “people sleep peaceably.. because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
      THAT has been where your type[sic] has brought us to

    15. So what exactly is going to happen? Civil War? I don't know of a single officer of the US Army that will resign their commission. Texas will succeed? They always say that, but they are better off splitting into five states with ten senators (it was in their ordinance of admission). Riots? I'm sure the National Guard, certainly the US Army,, can handle the riffraff. Even if Trump told the army to help attack Congress, I guarantee that not a single officer (maybe a single) would listen. Just like everyone quit his administration on January 6 fearing prosecution.

      I just don't understand this. Since I was five years old in the crazy sixties everyone was saying America is doomed. Then during the inflation 70s. Then in the 90s people were saying that America will bust so that it would be worse than the depression. Then again during the Rodney King riots people in the Irvington saying it (as if it was worse the the NYC riot of 1863).

      I kind of, I don't mean any disrespect, wonder if you went to school and if you did, was it for four years? In my state we have to learn a year of American history and a year of government in post secondary school. I am concerned, though, about what I heard Kissinger say before he died, and any American should be so concerned, that the difference between now and his time, is that people are questioning the validity of the whole American Experience. That simply means, that America is not exceptional anymore, but just another country.

    16. Anyway, how will it end? Let's me be more specific, tell me ONE way that it is possible to end? I already said it will go like the Roman Republic and that can take time. How exactly will the nation with the most powerful corporations, largest treasury, strongest armed forces, almost universal control of the media (Hollywood, internet, press), just disappear? Of course, the only model I can think of is Rome. Sound more like science fiction.

      Instead of foretelling doom, why don't we look at what we need to fix? One thing is the border and we just passed that by. Another is the expanding Russians. Another is decline in faith in our institutions but that was always the case. I remember in the 70s in which 90% of America thought Congress was corrupt and useless, but they liked their own Congressman. If you cannot think of how we may end, guide me to a professor of government or political science, or American history (and I mean American history) that can explain signs that we are coming to the end. The signs that were there in 1858 were there in 1787.

      Exactly what problem is going to tear us apart? Race? I think we are better on race. Immorality, maybe, but that is all over the world and Gibbon does not say that is why the Romans fell (despite the popular belief). In fact, public morality is at an all time high (compare to the 1870s). It is not so easy today to get away with bribes, police misconduct, racism, antisemitism, extortion. I mean, when was the last time a Mafioso was on the news or confronted anyone you knew? When I first came to yeshiva, the rayd was that some lowlifes went into Howie (forget his last name) Grad School Pub in Todd Plaza and burnt it down because some Mafioso's son was punched by a black guy and Howie did not want to ban African Americans from his club. These things are more rigorously prosecuted.

      In fact, I remember during the Warren Court and after, everyone was saying that you only got a slap on the wrist for murder. Today, you cannot even conduct business without being careful of the law. Even that mother is being sent to jail for her son's actions which, I think is a stretch. You can go to jail for talking on a cell phone accidentally killing. Prosecutors today are vicious. People get locked up for 20 years for white collared crimes. Burglary use to require breaking and entering, night, surreptitious, etc. Now, you have prosecutors getting burglary conviction just for a guy jumping into a gated yard. So the states and federal government are ten times tougher on crimes. People were mamesh m'yayish back in the day. And then, the Russians were big and bad. When I went overseas to Israel in 1983, all the Europeans there though the Commies were right and Russia.would become the world leader.

      And if you mean that we are not so much stronger economically than other countries, you have to realize that in the 70s, you still had people without electricity in the world. The Chinamen still rode bicycles. Of course now that everyone has reached a 20th century standard of living, America's lead will be diminished,

      America, in my opinion always get better, but even if not, even if it is worse, it does not mean it is coming to an end. There has to be some kind cause other than a person's own sense of helplessness.

    17. Wonder away to your gallbladders contentment.Yes,my credentials include postsecondary.Coming from a family of considerable level Univ. grads

      What you desire was the tragic mistake of earlier generation chattering sector conservatives.Chattering at lofty discussions with counterparts,while your democrat buddies who made pretense to value such serious debate, concurrently slyly pulling away the masses(females demographics particularly) from underneath with cheap slogans.
      So we refrain going forward as we can ill afford to repeat that for yet another generation.
      Though we might indeed enjoy endless hi' falutin discussion in the vacuum of elite audience, we have taken out of your (& Saul Alinsky's)cliffnotes.In a nutshell: "Hit hard,hit fast,hit often"

    18. p.s also buttressed by the further difficulty of typing(only) from a very blocked & limited phone.

    19. I appreciate your knowledge but I have a hard time knowing what you are saying. You are a poet or speak in parables or something. Do you agree with me or not? I am not sure. It does seem that you love America also, just from the other party, which is necessary. And you also don't really believe the end is near because you wrote about going forward. You should know that I appreciate your comments and would not be coming back if not for them, but again, it is hard to understand what you are saying. Yes, the Democrats since Jackson were somewhat populist, but now, who are the populists? Yes, I probably would have been a Federalist, was happy with the electorate system for the chief magistrate, and Washington is the great Cincinatus. My uncle used to say until he died in 1975 that the country has collapsed and is doomed, yet once again, we have risen to the top and, I think are stronger than ever. Who back then would have thought? Anyway, looking forward to the next fight.

    20. OK get it. Took me two or three reads.

    21. Cool story on Wikipedia: Called up for retaliating against some Polish boys, Alinsky acknowledged one rabbinical lesson that "sank home." "It's the American way . . . Old Testament . . . They beat us up, so we beat the h-ll out of them. That's what everybody does." The rabbi looked at him for a moment and said quietly, "You think you're a man because you do what everybody does. But I want to tell you something great: 'where there are no men, be thou a man'"

      The Jewish kids were tough as nails back then. They grew up to be captains of industry and contributors to America. Now, at least here in town, they are wimps, no education and don't even fight. Maybe my expectations are low but they grow to be somewhat gutless and cowardly. Don't care about anything but money, getting ahead without putting in the years, no tolerance, and constantly labeling people.

    22. BTW My Uncle Sol that I mentioned fought the Japs in the Pacific. The real stuff. He was my role model but he died at a young age of around 56. A real man. If only we had men like him today.

    23. Willing to agree re: previous couple posts, with caveat that that generation of Truman tough blue collars grew rather bewildered & largely disenchanted with 'their' America & where it later had metamorphosed into. The preponderance of that demographic gave their vote for the previous Oval Office dweller.
      On a different note,try out this publication- You Will Be Assimilated: China's Plan to Sino-Form the World

  7. “Outdated”MesorahFebruary 6, 2024 at 2:53 AM

    There is no shidduch CRISIS.

    Yes, there are older girls AND older boys. It’s very painful. And we definitely care about them and actively try to help them.

    But since when do a handful of bal habatim who despise pure das torah, have the leading voice now in klal yisroel!?

    As if eliminating 4th year is going to help. Factually for the past 6 years the majority of bochrim were going to ey between 3rd year Pesach and 4th year succos. So eliminating 6 months of our bochrim learning (in USA) is not helping anyway.

    Basically we are sensing this is all a PR campaign with lots of money involved funded by the George Soros type of bal habatim in our community and influencing SOME rosh hamosdos to dance around their aigel.

    To be blunt, most of the bnei torah, the real ones, the ones that learn 3 full sedorim a day and are pure hearted, not dirtied by the PR movements and money of bal habatim (meaning, the people who klal yisroel actually use to respect) don’t go for this “shidduch-CRISIS-bal-habatim-hit- job-on-klal-Yisroel’s-Mesora”. Not because they don’t care. Actually they care allot more than the fake crocodile tears of these “askanim”. We just understand this isn’t a crisis. The fact that our girls don’t get engaged within the first year back from seminary (before they can figure out what they want in life) is not a crisis. Not everything you have to wait for is crisis.

    Chas vshalom to take away from older singles pain. And actually I’ve personally discussed with many older singles and they themselves would say there is no CRISIS.

    I just have one question, why is it that all the ‘righteous’ Jewish media outlets are only publishing the same few names of Rosh yeshivas who are jumping along these “pnie hador kpnei hakelev” people. Why don’t they write the names of the the many choshuva Roshie Yeshiva who are standing up to this garbage and are not intimidated by these strong bal habatimand their money and are out there strongly defending our pure Mesora???

    How about REPLY with names of our Roshie Yeshiva who are not in support of all this rubbish and finally bring awareness to all this corruption.

    1. "But since when do a handful of bal habatim who despise"
      Since when?
      Since a vacuum opened.Since all the alternative leadership proved to be even more incapable.

    2. As a woman who hears the messaging given to women and to the general public, it's easy to hear the disparity. For some reason, in talks to women and/or single women, Rabbanim will ALL say upfront "there is no crisis". And that's far from insulting or triggering, it is empowering: every person who is waiting is facing a personal nisayon tailor-made for them, which will be iyH resolved at the right time. They are not at the mercy of community askanim or a crisis.
      Somehow when talking to men, the messaging is completely the opposite.

  8. Not to criticize those who marry the same age, but most men want to marry younger. We need a few years extra to be able to stand up to their pragmatic maturity. And when n you are an old man and she is still a younger better half
