Thursday, February 15, 2024

Thursday February 15 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 40°  cloudy skies this afternoon. High around 40F.

- Lakewood mayor responds to criticism at the meeting about millions of taxpayer Money to Blue Claws stadium and said no taxpayer money will be used to fix the stadium. The township is only putting money to bond if the team shows they have the money.

- Update: Ottimo Cafe is under the hashgocha of Vaad Kashrus Mehadrin,Rabbi Altusky.

- Atzeres tefilah and chizuk tonight ז אדר ר'אשון will take place at B"M Shemen L'Mincha 2 Milano Dr Lakewood 8:30 pm with the participation of Gaavad Tenka shlita  Rav Uren Reich  shlita Skulener Rebbe shlita  of Lakewood. The atzeres will also remember the gedolei Yisrael  who were niftar this past year

-Adirei Hatorah 3.0 there's talk about making a 3rd Adirei Hatorah event this year right after Shavuos.  Organizers said they will be looking for a larger venue 

- Update: Ottimo Cafe is under the hashgocha of Vaad Kashrus Mehadrin,Rabbi Altusky.
Earlier KCL removed Hashgacha from Ottimo Cafe in Howell no information was given 

- Accents will be closing their Clifton Ave location in Lakewood after 38 years and and currently running a $38 stuff the bag the other ere  locations are in West gate, Locust Ave shopps and Howell.

- Lakewood township committee meeting tonight virtual only at 5:30 pm watch live stream Here see agenda HERE The meeting will begin with a Board of Health meeting followed by the regular scheduled meeting. On the agenda tax abatements, $106 million infrastructure spending that will raise taxes for local residents now and in future. 
 Comments may be made via email up until 11:30 am on the day of the meeting at or during the meeting via

- Lakewood based title company sold more

- Agudah calls on its constituents to tell the local house Representative to Pass Emergency Funding for Israel and for Security Grants! The Senate has now passed its supplemental national security package, which Includes $14 billion for aid to Israel to help them in the war against Hamas and $400 million for the Non-Profit Security Grant Program to help secure nonprofits at risk of violence.
We now have to work hard to ensure that the House includes this funding in its supplemental bill and urge the House to choose the appropriate legislative approach to ensure swift passage.  

- Jackson PD inspection sticker enforcement on Jackson Pines Rd


  1. Open Borders obviously is unimportant to Aguda. They have always been a subsidiary branch of AIPAC

    1. Are you Satmar or Brisk.The venom is as aggressive as it can get.
      I understand very well that your following your Daas TOIRAH.

    2. I've seen a letter from aguda saying that they follow Aipac's lead as a matter of policy. Sad on many levels.... Never mind that aguda was created primarily to combat Zionism. But even if you're a staunch zionist You need to realize that Not all policies aipac promotes is beneficial to the Jews living in Israel. They are many times their own worst enemy.

    3. Baloney! Agudah never put out any letter saying that they follow Aipac's lead as a matter of policy. This reminds me of a time when a Satmar Bochur told me in complete naive sincerity that Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky embraced with Golda Meir and Rav Moshe Feinstein shook her hand

    4. I don't have the time devote to following AIPAC to know whether every policy they promote is beneficial to the Jews living in Israel or not. But I've seen enough of your posts to know that you certainly don't have their best interests at heart.

    5. Best interest of Israel?How about giving a name to it? Bringing the whole klal up or down?

    6. This reminds me of the guy from the coffee room university who knows everything! No this was not a public letter, It was written to one of the leaders in aipac. Sorry if you haven't seen it.

    7. Oh for sure. Aguda sent a private letter to one of the leaders of AIPAC saying that they follow Aipac's lead as a matter of policy and you who hates both of them somehow managed to get ahold of it. But no other Agudah haters did or they would have put a copy online. You can make up such a story about the Satmar Rebbe too...

    8. I saw the same letter Tracht did and it WAS written by the Satmar Rebbe. What Tracht is confusing is that the Satmar Rebbe writes that he only came to the decision to follow Aipac's lead as a matter of policy. after consulting with the Moetzes of the Agudah. That is where Aguda comes in. And don't ask how I saw. Someone I know who works in the office of Satmar helped draft the letter and then showed me a copy.

  2. We have taaruvos conventions
    Hookah bars in restaurants
    Highe end gashmiyus
    Goyishkeit accepted
    Sports leagues with culture for kids distracting their learning
    Yet the internet is the problem

    1. The over emphasis on smart phones and internet has ignored all other ills of society which is bringing down klal Yisrael as the mold and rot from within was not dealt with.
      Before the internet the Musser shmuzen were focused on substance once everything changed to technology
      Everything else has metastasized RL

    2. however bad you think a hookah bar is the stuff that goes on, on the internet and because of the internet is a hundred times worse. Its sad that you live in such a bubble that you think that thats the worst thing plaguing our society and our yiddishkeit these days.

    3. Regarding Ottimo: i hope the KCL comes out with a letter stating that the Hecher was taken away because of a Haskafah issue and not a Kashruth issue. I am sure they agree not to ruin someone's Parnassah because they dont agree with their values.

    4. Really? You're ok with others eating by an apikorus with azus mechallel shabbos befarhesya just because his food is technically kosher?!

  3. I just saw. Few videos of some of the new businesses / food / cafes people are opening and even I’m starting to ask.. where do we draw the line??

    I’m not a BMG yungerman.. I’m a Baal habais that works hard and I enjoy food don’t get me wrong. But what are we doing ??? The focus on the gashmiyus is getting way out of hand.

    1. B'makom She'ein ish
      When?When we stop trusting the guides that they will be capable & our authorized manhigim

    2. Rephrase: where?What?When?When we stop trusting them to be out guides & muscle ourselves back into some control

  4. I dont mind the virtual meetings, it does not effect my HUD

  5. This is why Riverside sold. Not just rumors.

  6. Agudah Israel of America= 0

  7. The mixed kumzitz at Ecap with men and women singing together holding hands in a big circle has nothing to do with the internet.
    We have serious foundational fundamental problems that are ignored

    1. Seriously??When? We've reached a new nadir...till the next

    2. You're wrong. The taaruvos start on the Internet and social media. They metastasize from there.

  8. Too funny!
    The GOP star witness against Hunter Biden was just indicted for basically making everything up.
    What does that tell us about the GOP talking point since about forever?

  9. What does it say? Just that the DOJ is politically active and functions to take down the Republicans and this once great country. And, I'm NOT a Trump fan!
