Friday, February 9, 2024

Friday Rosh Chodesh Adar 1 Feb 9th News Updates

 Friday, February 9, 2024 / ל׳ שבט תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת משפטים ראש חודש אדר-א
candle  lighitng 
Weather 57° Mostly cloudy early, then afternoon sunshine. 
Shabbos day 59° Cloudy. Slight chance of a rain shower. 

A private Jet with 5 on board crashed on a highway in Naples Florida  near Ft Lauderdale. The plane took off from Columbus Ohio

- forecasters are favoring a mix of rain and snow, with very little if any  snow accumulations for most of the Garden State. At least for now.

- The Oak room Spa and Lounge for men is coming soon to Lakewood

- Purim section is now open at Toys 4 Though 3rd and Clifton

- Tefillos for Rav Avrohom Shmulevitz shlita of the Mir yeshiva,a son of Rav Chaim Zatzal, who is in need of Rachmei Shamayim name is Avrohom Tzvi ben Chana Miriam

- Vivek: “Joe Biden will not be the nominee. I said this last year, people dismissed it as some type of conspiracy theory… I do think what they are planning for is to sideline Biden as the nominee and trot in a different puppet instead”

- Betty Crockers on sale at Bingo for $19.99

- Alex Zdan, a former TV reporter for New Jersey 12, announced on Friday that he will be seeking the Republican nomination for the US Senate seat currently held by Sen. Bob Menendez.

- Mordys Shteible welcomes rosh chodesh Adar this morning with a musical hallel

Video Maarbin Besimcha


  1. WARNING!!! Keep your unsupervised kids FAR AWAY from Mordy Shtieble!!!

    1. קנאות misplaced
      Surely not for everyone and definitely not for the ones that don’t need it . But for the ones that connect to H thru it there are enough mekilim on instruments in Shul that you could be somech for hatzolas nefoshos mamesh . What could you kanoim abound meidoch gisse kalim abound a society of extremes . Just wondering!!!!

    2. I don't think his issue is the music.

    3. What a horrible comment. Sad person.

    4. He didn't write you shouldn't go.

      Just make sure that if your kids go, they should be supervised.

      What's wrong?

    5. Yes, some people think better children (and adults) go off the derech than daven Hallel with musical instruments.
      Some people think we shouldn't enjoy ourselves when davening, give more kavanah when davening.

      Actually, Hallel is not tfillah, but shevach veHodaah laHashem.

    6. Eh,so what's next?Jazz?

  2. I pray this spa go broke. Shame on whoever is renting them space. What a shanda !!

    1. Why the tzorus ain pray that it should be used the right way with services to reinvigorate in avodas just wondering tha kanaus the anger just wondering and Agav u should supervise your children wherever they go

    2. When something is so broke,the previous poster is on target. Begone with that
