Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sunday February 25 News Updates

Weather: 42° Plentiful sunshine

- Purim shalach manos sales at Lakewood supermarkets 

- Large rallies are taking place across the frum cities in E"Y attended by gedolim Ahead of municipal and local elections this Tuesday.

- Grand opening this coming Wednesday Feb 28 of  Eigners Bake shope at 2160 Lakewood Rd in Tom's River off rt 9 at new shopping center

- Tuition relief: Teach NJ will be holding a event in Oakhurst this Tuesday about the upcoming bill to be submitted in Trenton for a tax credit program 

- The National Organization for Women 
has endorsed Andy Kim for U.S. Senate in New Jersey in a primary against two women.

- Oif Simchas: Frankel -Barkin wedding at Lake Terrace 3:30pm

- kavod shamayim expo at Bais Shaindel 685 River Ave Lakewood with booths from organizations promoting chesed emulates inspirational content etc.. separate hours for men and ladies. discounts in Purim related items raffles and activities for kids. Sunday ladies hours 11am - 1:50pm and 4:10pm - 6:50pm, men's hours 2:10 -3:50 and 7:10- 9pm

-  Newest fidget craze the Fast Push Pop It Game Light Up and electric pop it.

- The IDF is weighing the approval of the annual Lag BaOmer Hadlakos in Meron amidst security concerns due to the location's proximity to the Israel-Lebanon border and ongoing tensions with Hezbollah and Hamas. A decision is expected by mid-March.


  1. Who needs Meyron we can go to R Aaron in Monroe

  2. Why is there now massive atzers tefillah as the Parnassah of hundreds of mishpachos is at stake as several local businesses are targeted by financial firms

    1. Maybe these firms should've thought about it before engaging in massive fraud.

    2. What si this about ?

  3. How about an atzeres tefilah for all the bugs that the choshuva tzibbur has been eating after the lowering of standards by the rebranded lakewood hashgocho serving. Kale and strawberries and a list of buggy veggies and fruits
    how many aveiros are people transgressing with a hechsher of course

  4. How about an atzeres tefilla about the made up halachos that people use to talk lashon hara about hashgachos?

    Learn Hilchos Tola'im, find out which Siman in Shulchan Aruch they are, and then talk.

    1. The OU and StarK are not even somech on these newly found kulas but the Lakewood olam was just introduced to them by the rebranding.
      Why don't you ask the veteran mashgichim in Lakewood who spoke up at a meeting screaming against it

    2. OU, screaming veterans, and Stark are not Shulchan Aruch.

      Which Halachos have been transgressed? Put up or shut up.

    3. No you won't shut us up.
      The possibility across all respectable agencies were not somech on any of these newly invented ilyuish kulos. Yet Lakewood has to lower the standard with the rebranding and not publicly show everyone the new list of infested vegetables that have now become muttar to use.

      It led to a caterer serving fresh strawberries with the rebranded hashgacha

    4. So don't shut up.
      But don't be surprised if you are ignored. Because B"H people have been trained to ignore tumults and to follow Halacha only.

      Those who have other, non-Halachic, agendas, such as 'Heimishe Hechsher' or 'Mesorah', can bleat on the Internet.

  5. Why are raisins that are 100% ALWAYS fully infested and impossible to check sold every day with good hashgachos? Does it make any sense???

    1. Speak to Reb Dovid the Rav of Lemberg. He wrote a Sefer called Turei Zahav and he discusses it there.

  6. DDT was banned in the US since 1972. Every ate strawberry, blueberries, buxer, raisins etc etc for many many years since then. What changed that everything is now all of a sudden infested???

  7. R Dovid, Rav of Lemberg???

    1. Yes, a great guy. He wrote some classics, including Divrei Dovid on Chumash.

    2. Son in law of Reb Yoel of Belz and Brisk.

    3. Often found arguing with the heilige Kalisher Rov.

  8. What businesses are being targeted by financial firms? What does that supposed to mean??

    1. methinks you know what that is supposed to mean

    2. I don't either know what it means. And I don't know what many comments on Hefkervelt mean. Many people comment very cryptically to show that they are in the know while the rest of us mere mortals don't deserve to know the inside info. I'm too busy to look into all those mysteries. If it's not clear immediately, it's only important to the commenter and not worth my time.

  9. Some banks will not honor loans that are insured by some title companies

  10. Today the OU is worthless as it's top Rabbi is the head of YU! Gevalt!!

    1. In the past 40 years the OU has been in far less scandals and found giving a hechser on non-kosher food waaaaaaay less than the heimishe hechserim, Even thought the OU is probably bigger than the all heimishe hechserim combined. Plus all heimishe hechserim rely on the the OU. The OU does not believe that everyone with a long beard can be trusted with his hechser. V'Dai Lmavin

  11. Starve to death because there is no hashgacha that does not rely somehow someway on the YU treifah OU.
    And if you do it yourself it’s for sure treifeh.
