Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Wednesday February 21 News Updates Lakewood

Weather:41° Overcast. 

- A new Sienna poll of registered N.Y. voters suggests that a majority of Jews in the state intends to vote for former U.S. president Donald Trump in the presidential election in November. N.Y. Jews now favor Trump to U.S. President Joe Biden 53% to 44%, according to the Siena College poll, released on Tuesday. Jews in the state said that they intend to continue to back Democrats over Republicans 54% to 39% in congressional elections

- Tomorrow night Purim Koton there will be several seudos around Lakewood 

- Mike's Chicken in Lakewood is open again for business, the store posted a message that after a brief "Smoke break" Mike's  chicken is flapping its wings once again.

- Mesivta Farher update:
Turns out not all the mesivtos abided by the takanos not to give farhers earlier than the agreed upon date. A few yeshivos gave fathers and acceptance from Sunday.
Parents were forced to give immediate answers without having a chance to check out and try another mesivta
Due to on the spot acceptance many  scheduled farhers are getting canceled
Not everyone got an immediate acceptance and there are boys and parents waiting for answers 

- Allstate insurance recently got approval in New Jersey for auto insurance rate increases of 20%, The new rates will be implemented this month and are effective through February 2024. 

-Lakewood bagel shop profiled on - There are food monstrosities all over New Jersey. We have a one-pound mozzarella stick, a 13-pound pupusa and a giant garlic naan. But now, a new beast emerges to join the pack.
A giant pizza bagel, housed only at Hot Bagels in Lakewood (the 2nd street location), takes the cherished Garden State staple of everything bagels and supersizes it to about two feet wide. It layers a heaping amount of homemade tomato sauce and a lazy river of mixed shredded cheese. I could’ve worn it as a necklace.

- The average property tax bill for homeowners in New Jersey hit a record $9,803, according to new data posted by the state Department of Community Affairs. That’s up from a previous record high of $9,490 in 2022 the $313 increase is the highest highest year-to-year since Gov. Phil Murphy took office in 2018. A majority of homeowners in the Garden State will be paying more than $10,000 in property taxes.

- Lakewood township begins to install new playground equipment at the park off North Lake Dr and 2nd street. The park was cleared from older equipment although some brand new swingsets were also removed.

- NYC Mayor Adams plan is to give Illegal's $10,000 each with No ID check required, No Fraud control and No Restrictions.

- United Airlines is set to resume flights between the United States and Israel starting with a March 2nd flight from Tel Aviv to New York.

- Price of a dozen eggs at Aldi is $1.94

- Senator Lindsey Graham has been included in Russia’s roster of “extremists and terrorists” shortly after advocating for the United States to designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism in response to the demise of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny.



  1. Thanks for sharing the great news about Mike's, I was literally walking around like a chicken without a head, these past few days

  2. which Aldi - Prices vary at every location

  3. What size eggs at Aldi?

  4. We were very fortunate. The Mesivta of our choice gave us an immediate answer. They told us that our son is not accepted!

    But we appreciated that because it enabled us to move to our next choice and the outcome there was more positive.
    The system can be a bit tense, but it all works out and everyone survives.

    1. Kudos to you.Some seem pretty dead.

    2. A person\ town\generation can be judged according to the nisyonos they have. Frankly it's quite embarrassing that we can't do any better than have a few school owners skewer the whole town, and hurt so many children. Everybody is to blame parents shouldn't be so keen on getting into the" right" school, and no a yeshiva is not a business. Oh yes it is very profitable by the way.

    3. There are approximately 65 mesivtas in town. Very few are owned by the same individuals. Almost every mesivta is owned by someone else. No one is skewing anything except you.
      These mesivtas are anything but profitable.
      Incredible how some people literally spend their days blaming everyone for their own lack of production. Get a life.

    4. Is [your version of] production the only thing life is about?
      How about try to stop your production & starting helping all collectively together.All boys.All people. Like at the beginning of Covid. That will bring(if you care) a better world. Guaranteed!
      Even just possibly the footsteps of...

    5. Just curious- if it was so profitable, why don't more people jump at the chance to open schools?? There should be no shortage of schools, rather an overabundance. Obviously, it is not as simple and profitable as you think it is.

    6. Some Mesivtos are owned by Bnei Torah who wish to teach Torah. A growing number are owned by people who don't learn and never really learned. They claim they can hire talent, but as long as the person on top is someone who doesn't learn, there is a major problem.

      And learning isn't a culture. You can't be a Ben Torah just by looking the part, baking your own Matzos, growing a beard, and talking in a Yeshivish version English and American version of Yiddish. It means you sit and slog it out over a Tosfos, and nothing else. The others are all just baalebatim and they should not be running Yeshivos.

  5. Where are these Purim Katan seudos? I would love some free food

    1. If it does not get posted you can easily celebrate you Purim Katan seudois (plural) at any of the halls where all uninvited guest get a invitation right here.

  6. A liberal brain:

    Trump bad
    Biden good
    trump very bad
    right wing
    white supremacist
    russia russia russia
    trump horrible
    reelect biden
    obama messiah
    i love biden
    trump bad for israel
    trump hates jews
    trump is weird
    russia russia
    trannies are people too
    trump bad

    1. What's this stupidity you are trying to say. Sounds like a bored sole here. Do something constructive. Perhaps even learn a little Torah

    2. & you respondent are busy with what?!

  7. The way it works is, that politicians always promise more money for parks, and everyone subconciously thinks "oh great more parks!". But in reality they dont build more parks, they just replace the park equipment every year.
    It is such a waste!
