Sunday, February 11, 2024

מחאה נמרצת

 A machaah by the hanholas Hakehhila of Satmar about a group of protesters who gathered in Monroe last week and sullied the city with tumah. they came with a mixed crowd of men and ladies and yelled words of profanity pritzus and divrei Nevalah at the local residents and passersby. The aforementioned group came to protest a family member in a divorce dispute.


  1. They should be shaming the get refuser not the one tryna help

    1. What is the hetter for the “social influencers” or anyone lese to be machinis atzmom toch riv lo, lo? Let alone in such a public way. With what are they different than any other baal machlokes who gets involved in fights having nothing to do with him, claiming to be standing up for what or who is right?

    2. Are you serious? It's not anyone else's business? By Har Sinai we were mekabel araivus. How could you say the public should not be involved?
      You should throw the bum out of KJ.

    3. Since when does ariuvus allow you to get involved in any fight you want after hearing from one side ? The people at this protest would all be furious if anyone used arvus as a reason to throw someone out of KJ or anywhere else for averos that crowd is sympathetic to. Even if they agree the person is guilty.

    4. You may be right but they might be learning from some of the rabbis who deal with these things. They pick a side and fight for it regardless of who is right or wrong. I’m not accusing all rabbis of this but there are definitely some that are entirely dishonest in this area.

  2. It's unfortunate but there are many women waiting for a get and there is absolutely no one helping them within the community, and they are forced to seek help from social media influencers, who have a very high success rate(self understood), they actually got a local Lakewood women a get a couple of weeks ago,

    1. Mafia hitmen have a very high success rate at getting rid of unwanted husbands too...

    2. the influencers get paid for it but regardless they use anti Torah tactics that are not based on halacha which puts into question the validity of the get.
      attacking an almanah and yesomim is something that no one ever did or would do they are playing with fire

  3. This מחאה makes fun of itself. They had a picture of a local Monroe woman, dressed the same as everyone else, and they call it a תמונת תועבה. Are they talking about themselves?

  4. Right here in Lakewood we have the issue as well. Unfortunately people in this type of situation have no honest effective places to turn to for help. I know of an ongoing situation where a girl from the community walked off of a few week marriage and 6 months later is still refusing to accept a get. It’s mind boggling how in communities like ours there is so little we can do to get past these problems

    1. If she is the one refusing then a heter meah rabanim is not hard to obtain.

    2. Do you know of an address for that? Part of the problem is that once the girl gets the “askonim” on her side they try blocking all avenues for the husband until he gives in to their demands. I read that some consider those gitin to be pasul because they are given under duress

  5. There's a bigger problem that the woman don't want to give in

    1. I did a lot of research on this and it’s been happening since r Zeev Rothschild z”l was niftar. He used to mediate the divorce settlements in Lakewood and did it in a fair way. Since then there’s a new group of people that are involved and they are on a mission to tilt the agreements to the woman’s advantage and they back them that they can demand whatever they want. No one should need to come onto divorce mediation but if anyone does they should be extremely careful who they talk to, there are some very unscrupulous people in town, some of them are assumed to be very respected rabbis but they are absolutely dishonest (don’t) use them at your own risk

    2. Major problem in Lakewood these days since r zeev Rothschild z”l was niftar there’s a new group of guys mediating gittin and they are on a mission to tilt divorce settlement agreements in the woman’s favor. The let the woman demand and get whatever she wants. No one should need to be involved with divorce proceedings but if Chas veshalom one does be super careful who you speak to about it. There are some unscrupulous people that can even be well known and respected rabbis who are completely dishonest. Do your research!!! It’s not for no reason that the Fallsburg rosh yeshiva and r shlomo miller wrote a public letter about them

    3. please list whom to avoid ltoeles harabim

    4. I would love to but not sure if it’s smart for me to do that. If anyone needs info they should speak to people who actually went through the situation. One more tip if a girl is looking for help and doesn’t care to be honest and truthful they can go to the well established players

  6. Besides it is assur to force a divorce in these situations

  7. Many cases of refusing to agree on a bet din. Just "their" bet din, or no bet din.

    1. A top notch toen told someone that a girl can easily abuse the system and play it to her benefit for years.
      With the situation the way it is many people have no choice but to go to the courts

  8. רואה ואינו נראהFebruary 11, 2024 at 7:56 PM

    I know a very similar story (not sure who you are referencing). It is crazy that we do not have a system where people can be heard fairly in beis din. Imagine how low we have fallen! Bnei coach are held accountable for not having a fair judicial system yet in the ihr v'em by Israel of Lakewood we are sorely deficient. We need a lot of self reflection when we are not even on the level of מתוקנים שבאומות r"l!

  9. This letter is not signed by the Rabbanim but by the lay leaders of the kehilla. Enough said.

    1. Most Rabbonim aren't interested in getting involved in such type of street fights and avoid commenting on them. I doubt they were unaware before this letter was published.

  10. Schreien "Atuh Yatzarta"!!!!
