Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sunday February 18 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 42° Sunny. Gusty winds diminishing during the afternoon. High 42F.

- BDE: Petirah of Reb Leizer Gottlieb Z"L from Westgate Lavaya tomorrow Monday 9:45 am at the Lakewood chapel. Kevura in E"Y 

- A Trucker Boycott has kicked off against New York City starting tomorrow After Trump Was Fined Nearly Half A Billion Dollars.  Truckers are warning they will not deliver their loads to NYC.

The oral arguments on the defense's motion to dismiss Rabbi Eisenman's case entirely have been rescheduled for March 6th due to a conflict in schedule.  On January 25th, the prosecution submitted its written response to the defense's motion. In an attempt to defend themselves from the intentional Brady violation of withholding the identity of the person who made the entry alleged to be a loan write-down, the prosecution invented a brand new and bizarre prosecutorial theory. The prosecution is now claiming that it had never been relevant whether Rabbi Eisenman made or directed the entry in question. Indeed, there is no evidence to this effect. Rather, the transfer of money to the school itself was the setup to trigger a loan write-down, as it would be self-understood by the bookkeeping department to credit this particular transaction to this alleged loan account. This peculiar logic seems to stem from the prosecution's desperation to try and save themselves from the very serious Brady violations. Please continue to daven for Reb Osher ben Chana Frumet

- Mikes chicken in Lakewood is temporarily closed due to a fire incident earlier today. In a statement, the store said customers can patronize other local establishments and referred customers to competitors 

BDE: Petirah of the Skverer Rebbetzin Chaya Chana Twersky A"H wife of the current rebbe shlita daughter of the yeshuos Moshe of Vizhnitz sister to the Belzer and Satmar rebbetzins. She was 81, Levaya will take place in New Square tonight 8:00pm

- Jackson library to close for 2 weeks:  Ocean County Library in Jackson off W. Veterans will close for two weeks in March while it undergoes renovations. It will close on Monday, March 4, as new carpeting is installed across the facility. The library is expected to reopen on Monday, March 18.

- Hanochas even having today for the Eatontown shul Sharei Tefilah bnei Moshe located at 20 Whalepond Rd Eatontown, NJ 11am-1pm

- Super Tuesday this week as hundreds of 8th grade boys will be taking farhers to get into 67 mesivtas in Lakewood. The farhers are starting Tuesday morning 9am through Thursday. Parents will have little time to give an answer once accepted. Some will demand an answer on the spot others will only give a few hours. There's no shortage of space between all the mesivtas.

- Purim store open now at Toys 4 Thought with large inventory of Purim Schtick. Located at Clifton Ave and 3rd st 

- Accents on Clifton Ave stuff a bag sale  for $38 today

- KCL updates list of eateries under hashgacha Here

- Trenton, NJ was named the worst state capital in which to live in across the country. Trenton received a State Capital Index score of 38.66 in the report. The capital ranked 44th for affordability, 49th for economic well-being, 49th for quality of education and health care, and 38th for quality of life.

- Land clearing begins for Yeshiva and mesivta of Long Beach at the new campus near Monsey in Chestnut Ridge

- Trump shoes going for thousands on eBay after they were sold out for $400 a pair

- Family fun day today at American Dream mall AtThe address one year anniversary with free shows raffles and entertainment 

- Millions of dollars to develop near Lakewood airport put on hold due to skydivers who want to use the area. The FAA is demanding the township allow a skydiving company to use the space for recreational parachuting before it green lights any improvements, APP reports “I don’t understand why tens of millions of dollars in development is on the hook for someone who wants to drop parachutes,” Mayor Ray Coles said about the federal agency. FAA Spokesperson said via email, “Lakewood Municipal Airport, a federally obligated airport, is required to allow aeronautical uses such as the proposed skydiving operations.”Airport officials said they oppose the skydiving service for safety reasons, claiming current traffic is already too tight with private planes, banner company flights and other uses. APP

- Video: In house Cafe at Emporio men's clothing store Howell, NJ


  1. How ironic that airport officials are suddenly concerned about safety while approving dangerous developments all over the place with schools and businesses all over industrial park with No sidewalks.
    How many millions of dollars that the LIC spent came from taxpayer funds that will benefit private developers?
    Let the skydivers have fun

  2. Thanks devoted askonimFebruary 18, 2024 at 10:15 AM

    Just wait until we end up with a clothing optional beach at the lake.

    1. & oh,how they'll bend over backwards in split to enfer that it was always obligated..Really it was there till now without signs,just without being official..there so many different crowds this township caters to,stop your being so narrow.. it's only us askanim stopping from it getting way out of hand
      A couple of summers later after the magazines will have articles insinuating it has always been THAT way. With advertising for that option

    2. Duh. Airplanes are shpitz interstate commerce. The federal government has no jurisdiction over Lakewood lake's beach. Just under the pollution laws because the waters flow beyond state lines. The government also gets jurisdiction if warships are based somewhere. Somehow President Roosevelt was able to stop his old rival Robert Moses from building the Brooklyn-Battery bridge for that reason. But there is no way the government can tell Lakewood how to use its beach except for wetlands and pollution under the Clean Water Act or some other interstate act of Congress.

  3. Right now the Russian are just trying to do space nukes. No blast in space. But it is an escalation that will lead to shooting at earth from space in a generation or two. And of course America will have to stay in first place. The arms race of the last century will look like child's play.

  4. The guy doing the interview on the video should first learn to speak English. He sounds like he just got off the boat from Hungary. He can't even pronounce the word cafe properly.

  5. Just one more example of incompetence of the Lakewood political system. We only elect our friend and have hakaros hatov but would never elect anyone who knows how to build power and use it. How to you make such a mistake? Why didn't you speak to the people in Washington or to me (I thought it was, "who you know" No. It is about brains!). Just do your favors Committee Chairman Coles.

    1. "A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.”

  6. Yes. It will happen but not today or because of Trump. Until it happens, we need to have detente with China and Russia. We cannot go to war with them because Russia and America can destroy almost most everywhere people live.

    This is the message that the Greatest Generation left us with.

    We should listen to what the Jewish scientists said about atomic proliferation. Einstein never thought the bomb would be built when he proved that the most minute particle of matter can be multiplied by ten to the 20th power. e. E=mc ^2. The c is a huge number and it is squared.

    The Jewish scientists brought this doomsday machine into the world after a doomsday for our people.

    We are at a crossroads today in terms of where we will be by 2050. We not on the brink of war but we will be with the present course. We have to change relations with China. We have to do arms limitations. Kissinger said so. Russia will follow but always play games, and try to rip us apart inside America, and wherever else they want to cause havoc.

    It was a pipe dream to think they wouldn't be Soviets. Yeltsin even had tanks fire upon the Duma. They will always have a czar. So many in America wrongly thought Russia changed.

  7. Here is today's Times article on Russia's space weapons:

  8. China Lobby at it again.oh boy.

  9. What happened at Mike’s Chicken?

  10. Feel bad for Mike's chicken. But seriously, do people need to get permission to patronize other local establishments? I can think of quite a few in town who make delicious chicken!

    1. No sir! He’s just showing that he’s a mentsch!

  11. China Lobby? Is Fox News China lobby?

  12. Lindsey Graham today said something very encouraging. He said that the Senate and House will pass and Israel, Ukraine, Border bill within 30 days. He said they will put in a provision that the House wants, that the asylum seekers stay in Mexico. Problem with that is Mexico never does what America says to do. He also said the money should be 2/3 loans to Ukraine and Israel. That too is reasonable. If the Republicans join the Democrats on this, and there will be a lot of debate on the Mexico part, then the Republicans and Biden will score a victory.

    He also said that Congress is going to declare Russia a "terrorist state." It will allow the government to take all the money of the Russian mafia (Putin has his dirty hands in it) and the money of the Russian government. Perfect. And I am a Democrat. America comes first.

  13. As long as America does not do like Athens, the other great democracy that dominated the seas, "Might makes right," the will be American Exceptionalism. We have to learn from the American Jewish people in when my father was a teenager, people like Einstein, held about nuclear weapons. These are the people who build them!

    They held that since America puts the individual above anything else, science and morality has the best chance to flourish in America. Gibbon also says the same about the Roman Republic, who invented concrete, and as long as they were free, they made achievements in civil engineering similar to America today. They did not waste their skills on pyramids for kings because they were free men.

    However, again, the lesson of Athens, NEVER "might makes right." There is a quote from John Quincy Adams, perhaps the greatest secretary of state, when asked by Europeans to go to Greece and fight for democracy, "Americans should not go abroad to slay dragons they do not understand in the name of democracy." He said when we do, "we will lose our souls and become masters of the world."

    Like it or not, the only dimyon to America is Rome when it was free. Roman Republic knew the story of Athens so they came up with a policy of preemptive strike to justify taking over the world. There was talk in foreign policy circles during Reagan of America adopting that policy but thank goodness it did not.

    What will be the American policy? That is for you young'uns. But it starts today with the Russian alleged violation of the understanding we had since 1967 not to put nukes in space. This is really bad. Nothing good will come from this,

  14. The government does not want people freaking out but if the Russians are doing what they say are doing, it will be Sputnik all over, and a major national security threat. We cannot in ANY SHAPE OR FORM allow nuclear weapons in space. We know how to get them up there if we need to shoot an asteroid but we can't keep them in orbit. The Russians are being cute with this capitalism killer rocket that leaves people alive but TKOs America.

    Again learn from the Greatest Generation. No appeasement on this issue. It will lead to WWIII which the Jewish American scientists wanted to avoid all costs. Oppenheimer, even before his current prominence, I considered him a great American ranking with Washington. He understood America better than Einstein because he lived the American life like we do but was a genius of science with Robert Moses like skills.

    This POSSIBLY may be the greatest threat to national security, if true, since 1962.

    1. Von Neumann was better. & Teller was close.Without the bad politics & commie spy buddies

    2. Von Neumann was the most amazing person. Super genius, sleeping late every day, enjoying life, and getting paid big money to solve any problem for any company or the government. I can't say much about Teller because I never liked him or paid attention to his history because of the Oppenheimer ma'asa.

    3. I should have also mentioned Feyman the smartest scientist when I was a kid. You also had Wheeler and Weinberg at UT. I am not happy that Feynman brushed off an author of a book about Jewish American heroes and did not want to be remembered as such. But, these men were so important to America and the world that we should be somewhat dan l'chaf z'chus (I think). T

      There is a story that when he was just out of school he presented a paper to a group of physicist in which Einstein attended. They all tried to shlug him up. Einstein said afsher in Enlgish (so yeshivish). Feynman said that is was the best "ken zayin" he ever heard in his like.

  15. "As long as America does not do like Athens"
    Be like Athens.Make us a Direct democracy already as much as possible.Cut to the chase.Eminently feasible nowadays with regular online referenda.

    Ahh, you're scared of the people.So be frank! Your crowd seriously disliked democracy.Always have.But use it freely disingenuously. Abolish the term then.& the name of your party.

    1. So you would do away with federalism? States with only a million people get the boost of two electoral votes. So how will you get 3/4 of the states to change the Constitution? I know, you want us to abolish the Constitution. I don't think anyone even in Lakewood thinks we should have a direct democracy.

      Yes, R. Y Cohen is right. They were gullible but they left us with two things to ponder, the danger of killing billions and advice never deploying the weapons again. They have to remain in silos and not targeted until war. Certainly not in space. I am not sure about the first question though.

      Anyway, what do we do now? Do we force the Russians to take the nukes out of space like Kennedy forced them to move nukes out of Cuba? Or since they only will take out our economy and capitalism, and won't kill us, should we appease them? Come on! Look at what happened 100 years ago!


    2. They only chose to make a People's House of Representatives since it was impossible back then to have the people i.e. decent adult males spread across the Atlantic seaboard & rural hinterlands ever to come together by horse & buggy to vote together, like a New England town gathering. Little connection to Federalism. It was Checks & Balances, dear sir.
      Exponentially so on the State level.
      But your party that promoted ever expanding democracy going so far as calling itself the term Democrats should take it to it's proper conclusion. It's long enough,eh. For sure now when it's so readily accessible & democratic.

  16. These are the people who build them"?
    To be fair they were very politically gullible & unreliable as even their closest compatriots would later admit

  17. This trucker boycott is worrisome. When both left and right openly protest court decisions, which used to be considered sacred, and resort to collective punishment (in this case, disrupting the supply chain), we're headed in the direction of further breakdown of the fabric of our country.

    1. Everybody else's boycott is a bad problem.Except yours.It's healthy

    2. To still your constant refrain how to answer:Begin with the American Compass;Oren Cass,Sohreb Ahmari,et al

    3. Ok.So a shrill for the Pluto-kakistocracy

    4. Ok.So a shrill for the Pluto-kakistocracy

  18. "If China looms as the more dangerous threat to U.S. interests, what can Washington do to counterbalance it? These are the kinds of foreign affairs questions that some realists are asking.

    It is not surprising, then, that the U.S.-led response to the Houthi attacks on civilian shipping in the Red Sea has drawn fire from realists, who are annoyed at U.S. Central Command’s use of precision-guided munitions on Houthi targets. In the name of protecting freedom of the seas, the United States appears to be drawn into yet another Middle East conflict. In contrast, realists argue it should prioritize the Chinese threat in the Indo-Pacific and the Russian threat in Europe. After all, why should the U.S. Navy protect Chinese shipping in the Red Sea when even Beijing refuses to defend it?
    ..Beijing is content to free ride, allowing the U.S. Navy to protect Chinese-flagged ships from the Houthi threat.

  19. The answer lies in the 500 year history of the Royal Navy and in Captain Alfred Mahan. American and England represent freedom of enterprise to the world. It is capitalism versus everything else. But it is not ideology. It is following our interests in global trade. As for Israel, it is over. The US is going to put a stop to the war any day now.

  20. All this Trump (I think he is a commie and his most stupid supporters want to overthrow the government) stuff about making them pay is maybe important but remember that when we pay, we are the boss. American foreign policy should not be based on money alone but should be considered.

    Now, as for thChina, the problem is the South China sea that is going to interfere with th British/American freedom of the seas lanes centuries old doctrine. Unlike the Russian sobs that are "in you face" and then deny it when you see what they are doing, or the Russians try to undermine us in our own country taking advantage of our freedom, so they can disguise themselves as Americans and use their huge criminal network (what do you think happens in a country were there had no freedom of enterprise at all for almost all of its history) to mess us up; the Chinese work VERY slowly. They are polite. They are taking over the South China Sea by building up islands. When a ship crosses into the area, they don't stop it but say, "Welcome to China. Come visit the mainland." (of course Navy planes just tell them to get lost, it is international waters). The Chinamen say to the merchantmen, Stop by and have some fortune cookies (joking) and give them pictures pandas. But make no mistake, all that hospitality only means one thing, that they are the host, that it is their sea, they want to make everyone think.

    Also, I remember learning that for thousands of years, Chinese judges did not record their psak. This is a boich s'fara. Of course they oppose the American/British RULES BASED world order because their way is to treat every case separately so that their citizens act without the same kind of guidance and legal precedent that is so necessary for capitalism. And that why China is so good for communism. Let's plan our economy they hold rather than let the invisible hand guid it.

  21. Commie, aye ?Isn't everybody then? Takes the cake. Fascist & similar has gotten too bland for ya? Like some old brits used to call Hitler a bolshie(vik)?All the while your media buddies are paradoxically comparing him with anarchic-libertarian Melei? Aren't you a commie? Thick coming from your side?

  22. You so disrespectful. My only media friend are the people at the Star Ledger, APP, and Lakewood newspapers that report about me. I don't know if they are communist or not, but I assume no people today are commies except those that stormed the Congress in 2021. Yes, Hitler was stupid commie pinko stupid bloodthirsty demon, like the rest of them that use ideology to set public policy. They are all the same. I don't care for Libertarians. We have, and we need, a mixed economy for America and free enterprise to flourish. I am not sure what you mean by "your side." Do you mean conservatives that want to preserve our 01203 and government, or commies that want to overthrow it? Not everything can have a dollar and cent value, like national parks. See: Mark Sagoff, Environmental Theory and Environmental Law, 79 Mich. L. Rev. 1393, 1395 (1980-81).

    “Why should we believe that the right policy goal is the one that satisfies only the self-interested preferences of consumers? Why should we not take into account the community regarding values that individuals seek through the political process as well?”

    Take for instance public schools. The value on it is not a couple thousand dollars but trillions because children are mandated to learn the values of citizenship, patriotism and the Constitution. This is priceless. Maybe you can put an economic price on school in terms of how much money the kids will make but that is not their purpose. Their purpose is preservation of the republic. If citizens did not know about George Washington, Robert E. Lee, checks and balances, the American Way, what is to stop us from becoming communist like Nazi Germany and Russia?

    1. All superb & would fully concur if it wasn't in pie in the sky. So unmoored though from reality

    2. But Sagoff is right. We all want national parks even if we cannot visit them. Is the China boich s'vara wrong? Have you heard that chidush before about the fact that China does not record legal precedents having something to do with capitalism?

      Here is another thing. Everyone in BMG during the Cold War thought that capitalism was thousands of year old. But if you learn Ch"M 163, you see that it was not until the French Revolution that Europe became like England and America. The theory was that only a certain number of people can do business and that the king was in charge of giving privileges for commerce. The markets belonged to the king (BTW and the king's power to tax many rishonim say is limited to the nation's constitution.). So many people in 1989 tried to stop people from coming to Lakewood to sell stuff. I proved that they were permitted since Congress is the King and it has the interstate commerce power and as the Rashba said, commerce is the domain of the malchus. How do you like that? We don't hear about bar masa acharesi anymore.

      What I am doing here? I made my choice 40 years ago to learn and not serve my country. That does not mean that I don't have the background or knowledge anymore, just behind the times. And that can be expected from anyone whose parents were members of the Greatest Generation. It was a long time ago. And what is wrong with vision if it might not be exactly reality? Others can point out reality as long as they stick to the facts and are respectful. Moreover, we need the vision so that we can reflect upon how to get there or someplace else.

      As I type this, I think I realize what you mean about not reality. The public schools. Right? OK. But it does not hurt to remind people.

    3. Another typo. I meant Ch"M 156 where you have mai'arufia and other privileges from the king to do business. 163, is the makor of democracy and the power of the purse and different eitzahs how to balance money and votes which is a challenge to the present day.


    4. Gateshead was entitled to,here should have been different?
      Also,Mercantilism of some convention might seem sort a better fit with our program[me] still.."When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the Gentleman?"

  23. Typo. I am not sure what you mean by "your side." Do you mean conservatives that want to preserve our "constitution" and government.

  24. Yes. Thinking back to the American Revolution, it was mercantilism. But the US inherited the role of the Royal Navy and I don't think the issue today is mercantilism. The world moved. Characterize the American system whatever, but it is not ideology between us, Russia and China, just the old fashion sea power and now space power. Mahan was right. Sea power (Kirk and Spock were in the fleet) might be even more important in the 21st century than in the nineteenth.

    1. Uhhh,who was it who launched the Space Force?& who are step by step walking it back?

  25. I was not sure at the time if it would violate the 1968 treaty but it did not. So he did a good thing, I think. Who is walking it back? Why?

    1. The Democrat appointed Center-left feminist clique lately running the AirForce

    2. He had some thing about appointing Blacks and women. Murphy also did that but I can't stand Murphy, self-centered like Trump, playing Lakewood as chumps (they let themselves be played because they are cowards) and I can't tell you why he is no good without blowing my secret identity. So what Biden he picked them. Anyway, what did this Center-left feminist do? If Biden approved of something bad, I want to know.

  26. The point is that we have to return to detente as Nixon did. Oppenheimer, what a great American he was, warned us, but he was slandered, and it took Kissinger to show us the way. It is of no moment that Kissinger and Nixon did not have an ideology. Kissinger was true blue American. Yes, they were wrong with Cambodia but they were right with Russia and China. We don't need to push our ideas of freedom upon the Hun and Mongol. We just need to keep them in second place. Kissinger had one cause, prevent WWIII. That was in America's interest, not spreading the American Way (which we know is superior) all over the world.

    1. For a fellow who dubiously bashes everybody as communist, to choose Oppenheimer,who whatever his capabilities,was almost surely a card carrying member of the party earlier in his career,& likely inadvertently helped commies into inside roles that gave Russia the bomb ..
      should imply a bit

    2. Wrong. Openneheimer was never a Communist. He was from an upper middle class Jewish family like me. He loved America. Anyone who does not believe in American Exceptionalism, or the American Way, and tries to abolish our institutions is a communist. I would add people that do not hold of free enterprise, the fundamental worth of the individual, and the principle of civil rights (you can argue on the rights themselves, that is what the court does) and people that do not hold of US checks and balance. After all, isn't this what the Fascist, Authoritarians, Communists, Totalitarianists (which is kollel them all) hold of. Bottom line, no ideology tother than preserve the Constitution. We can argue what it says, but not its binding authority. As for Oppenheimer, nothing matters. His contribution to America is equal to Washington, Jefferson, Robert E. Lee, TR, Franklin or anyone. Jefferson also had some weird ideas but he doubled the country, established the first public university, wrote the Virginia law of freedom of religion, and not to mention the great document of America.

  27. & Kissinger while a wily capable internationalist, was hardly a true blue American.
    Hence the attacks from POTUS 4O
    America was born with a mission, & would lose itself if it ceased totally.
    It is American interest from it's very moment of birth to spread Stalwart edified Republicanism [within limits]
    rather than the trans [pun]mogrifier garbage at behest of the present liberals it spreads now.

    1. I am a liberal and I do not spread perverted stuff. Sam Nunn of Georgia took down Clintons equal rights for them in the army. Justice Kennedy, Reagan's appointment came up with three decisions starting with Lawrence that changed everything. This stuff is international. Didn't Christy have the law which you can't get the therapy. Please, stop categorizing. You can ask me what I hold but don't say a whole group that I identify with holds a certain way. I am not sure how Kissinger did not hold of Reagan, maybe it was the Star Wars? I did not hold of it. Also, Reagan called MAD , mad. MAD Oppenheimer and every Cold Warrior held prevent WWIII. Also I did not hold, then, removing intermediate missiles from Europe or the reunification of Germany. And Reagan made a mistake with that SS soldier's grave. But my favorite, GHW Bush, won the Cold War and Reagan helped, no doubt following his advice as VP (I really don't know if that is true). Still their contribution is not as much as Oppenheimer because we had to be first and use it first in order to prevent WWIII. And it still might happen. Just keep an eye on nukes in space. Also, we need limitations like we had in the 70s.

      I know we have a mission. But like JQ Adams said, we can't impose our system on others. We can only lead by example, and perhaps, with money to get our way. We can't do "Might makes right" and become like Athens. I've said this already. Of course, fundamental worth of individual, personal liberty, freedom of enterprise, equality before the law, rule of law, due process, we cannot exist without them.

    2. I forget to say that you mean "republican" with a small R unless you really mean the Stalwarts from the late 1800s whom I do not hold of at all. Every American is supposed to hold of republican values. Again, I do not think the MAGA people would be shocked if the President rules by decree in cases where the Court might say that his power is limited. It won't happen, but they would not be bothered. Moreover, they favor Russia. Unless you were born there, no American will everr support Russia in any way unless the are 1) stupid and 2) become democratic (which only a stupid person would think). Hence, they are Commies. Proof, the storming of the Congress.

  28. I just came across this:

    If you go into "More Purchase Options," it is $1.99. A little too much on regular history that we all know about, but you see what kind of power Kissinger had and how he almost designed the world order we have today. You have to remember, he did not get us into Viet Nam, and perhaps he was wrong not withdrawing cold turkey like Trump or Biden from Afghanistan, also a defeat, but I did not know that China, even though it was a HUGE breakthrough, it was part of the plan to get our soldiers out.
