Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Israel At War Tuesday Feb 27

 Israel at war day 144

- Another 2 soldiers killed today in Gaza from a explosive device bringing total to 241
Yiftach Shachar,24 from Moshav Paran
Iti Sayaf, 24, from Yerucham

- The IDF acknowledges a missile fired from Lebanon struck the sensitive Mount Meron air traffic control base in northern Israel this afternoon. Hezbollah had claimed to have caused damage to the base after firing anti-tank missiles at it. The IDF confirms a missile hit the base, but says “there is no damage to the site’s capabilities.”

- Municipal Election Day in Israel Hezbollah shot 30 missiles into the Galil, no injuries.

- An Israeli official said he doesn't "believe we’re as close" to a Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal "as people say,” 

- Biden said last night that the path the Netanyahu government is taking will make Israel lose support from around the world

- The Qatari Foreign Ministry's spokesman stated that "there is no breakthrough in the negotiations for a hostage deal talks and a ceasefire in Gaza.

-The Israeli military is confident that Hamas leader Yehiya Sinwar, is hiding inside a labyrinthine network of tunnels beneath southern Gaza in Khan younis. But he is surrounded by a human shield of hostages intended to deter an operation to capture or kill him. (Wapo)

- Israel has made a significant concession , indicating it would consider freeing 15 terrorists convicted of serious terror charges and who have a high profile, in exchange for the return of five female soldiers held hostage by Hamas


  1. I am sure Biden has a better path for Israel to take so the world will approve, Send flowers to Hamas?
