from the songs of shas series by by R' Yossi Gleiberman see lyrics Here A summarizing, concise, and joyful חזרה, highlighting the כללים and יסודות of each מסכתא in an easy-to-remember and retainable rhyme.
A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Oif Simchas Thurs 21 Adar 1
Thursday February 29 News Updates Lakewood
The Empty Shachris Bus
Israel At War Thursday February 29
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Oif Simchas Wed 20 Adar 1
Wednesday February 28 News Updates Lakewood
Israel At War Wed Feb 28
Israel at war day 145
- Israeli strikes said to target pro-Iran stronghold near Damascus. Syria makes regular claim most missiles shot down but admits material losses; attack reportedly takes place in neighborhood where pro-Iran forces thought to have underground bases
- Coalition crisis as Defense Minister Yoav Gallant calls for all parts of Israeli society, most notably the ultra-Orthodox, to be drafted to military service, citing a “national need” during the ongoing war. Galant said that he will not back a new Charedi draft bill unless it has the support of war cabinet members Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot, all but putting to bed efforts to pass legislation solely with the support of the original right-wing coalition. Political pundits say this could either be an attempt to take down Netanyahu or a deal has been reached with Deri on some sort of giyus law.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Oif Simchas Tuesday 19 Adar 1
Tuesday February 27 News Updates Lakewood
Israel At War Tuesday Feb 27
Monday, February 26, 2024
Oif Simchas Monday 18 Adar 1
Monday Feb 26 News Updates Lakewood
Israel At War Monday Feb 26
Lang Case Update
The NJ Dept of Education comprehensive review of the Lakewood school district in response to the lawsuit filed by R' Aaron Lang will be released no later than March 1,2024. The crux of the lawsuit is that the funding formula does not work for Lakewood and hopefully this review will show that the school district does not have the funding to provide a thorough and efficient education.
The letter is signed by Cary Booker who is the older brother of Senator Cory Booker.
See letter below
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Oif Simchas Sunday 17 Adar 1
Sunday February 25 News Updates
Israel At War Sunday Feb 25
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Motzei Shabbos Tetzave Shushan Purim Katan Lakewood 5784
- Nikki Haley insists she's staying in the race through super Tuesday despite losing her homestate to Donald Trump today.
- Melava malka and seudas Purim Meshulash katan at the home of Reb Chaim Elozer Klein shlita 174 Village path Lakewood 9:30pm with the participating badchanim
- Hachnosas sefer Torah Kesivas Oisiyos at Bais Faiga for Chder Toras Zev
Yeshiva of Springfield anual dinner at Kesser Moshe Yehuda
Melava Malka to benefit Ponovezh Yeshiva R"Y Rav Lazer Kahaneman at Ateres Malka hall Lehigh Ave Lakewood guest speaker Rav Uren Reich shlita
Melava Malka parlor meeting Yeshiva Gedola of Blooming Grove R"Y Rav Shmuel Munk Shlita at 1800 Attaya Rd Lakewood Guest speaker Rav Uri Deutsch shita
- This motzei shabbos and Sunday a kavod shamayim expo will take place at Bais Shaindel 685 River Ave Lakewood with booths from organizations promoting chesed emulates inspirational content etc.. separate hours for men and ladies. Tonight is only for men 8:30 - 11pm discounts in Purim related items raffles and activities for kids. Sunday ladies hours 11am - 1:50pm and 4:10pm - 6:50pm, men's hours 2:10 -3:50 and 7:10- 9pm
- U.S. Defense Officials now believe that Unidentified High-Altitude Balloon which was Detected yesterday over Colorado, causing several Fighter Jets to be Scrambled, was actually just a Hobbyist Weather Balloon.
Donald Trump wins Republican primary in South Carolina, defeating Nikki Haley in her home state.
Israel At War Feb 24
Israel at war day 141
-War cabinet votes to send delegation to Qatar for additional hostage on a potential hostage deal with Hamas, according to Hebrew media outlets.
- Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing total to 238 Eyal Shuminov, 24 from Karmiel
-Netanyahu: We are working to obtain another outline for the release of our hostages, as well as the completion of the elimination of the Hamas battalions in Rafah. That is why I sent a delegation to Paris and tonight we will discuss the next steps in the negotiations, and therefore at the beginning of the week I will convene the cabinet to approve the operational plans for action in Rafah, including the evacuation of the civilian population from there. Only a combination of military pressure and firm negotiations will lead to the release of our hostages, the elimination of Hamas and the achievement of all the war's goals.
- Outline of the hostage deal that took shape last night in Paris: the release of about 40 abductees - women, adults and the sick - in exchange for hundreds of terrorists imprisoned in Israel. Israel will agree to release for certain categories more terrorists than has been agreed so far. A 6-week break from fighting
- Over shabbos 33 missile alerts alarms were sounded in Israel’s North. Meanwhile, Biden’s special envoy for achieving a peace with Hezbollah says the U.S. is pausing its efforts until the Gaza War is over.
Friday, February 23, 2024
Zmanim עש"ק פר' תצוה שושן פורים קטן תשפ"ד
Israel At War Friday Feb 23
Friday פורים קטן תשפ"ד News Updates Lakewood
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Oif Simchas/Seudas Purim Katan 5784
Thursday Feb 22 News Updates Lakewood
דיני פורים קטן אדר ראשון
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Israel At War Thursday Feb 22
Oif Simchas Wednesday 13 Adar 1
Wednesday February 21 News Updates Lakewood
Israel At War Wed Feb 21
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Oif Sunchas Tuesday 12 Adar 1
Tuesday February 20 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: 39° Sunny to partly cloudy. High 39F.
- KCL re- issues kashrus certification to Ottimo Cafe in Howell. Certifying that all products are kosher lmehadrin Pas,Bishul and Cholov Yisroel. The new certification is valid throug May 2024.
- Mesivta Farher day 1 while some boys got instant acceptance there are many boys who were not told anything and are left in limbo.
Israel At War Tuesday Feb 20
Monday, February 19, 2024
Oif Simchas Monday 11 Adar 1
Monday February 19 News Updates Lakewood
Israel At War Monday Feb 19
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Oif Simchas Sunday 10 Adar 1
Sunday February 18 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: 42° Sunny. Gusty winds diminishing during the afternoon. High 42F.
- BDE: Petirah of Reb Leizer Gottlieb Z"L from Westgate Lavaya tomorrow Monday 9:45 am at the Lakewood chapel. Kevura in E"Y
- A Trucker Boycott has kicked off against New York City starting tomorrow After Trump Was Fined Nearly Half A Billion Dollars. Truckers are warning they will not deliver their loads to NYC.
The oral arguments on the defense's motion to dismiss Rabbi Eisenman's case entirely have been rescheduled for March 6th due to a conflict in schedule. On January 25th, the prosecution submitted its written response to the defense's motion. In an attempt to defend themselves from the intentional Brady violation of withholding the identity of the person who made the entry alleged to be a loan write-down, the prosecution invented a brand new and bizarre prosecutorial theory. The prosecution is now claiming that it had never been relevant whether Rabbi Eisenman made or directed the entry in question. Indeed, there is no evidence to this effect. Rather, the transfer of money to the school itself was the setup to trigger a loan write-down, as it would be self-understood by the bookkeeping department to credit this particular transaction to this alleged loan account. This peculiar logic seems to stem from the prosecution's desperation to try and save themselves from the very serious Brady violations. Please continue to daven for Reb Osher ben Chana Frumet
- Mikes chicken in Lakewood is temporarily closed due to a fire incident earlier today. In a statement, the store said customers can patronize other local establishments and referred customers to competitors
BDE: Petirah of the Skverer Rebbetzin Chaya Chana Twersky A"H wife of the current rebbe shlita daughter of the yeshuos Moshe of Vizhnitz sister to the Belzer and Satmar rebbetzins. She was 81, Levaya will take place in New Square tonight 8:00pm
- Jackson library to close for 2 weeks: Ocean County Library in Jackson off W. Veterans will close for two weeks in March while it undergoes renovations. It will close on Monday, March 4, as new carpeting is installed across the facility. The library is expected to reopen on Monday, March 18.
- Hanochas even having today for the Eatontown shul Sharei Tefilah bnei Moshe located at 20 Whalepond Rd Eatontown, NJ 11am-1pm
- Super Tuesday this week as hundreds of 8th grade boys will be taking farhers to get into 67 mesivtas in Lakewood. The farhers are starting Tuesday morning 9am through Thursday. Parents will have little time to give an answer once accepted. Some will demand an answer on the spot others will only give a few hours. There's no shortage of space between all the mesivtas.
- Purim store open now at Toys 4 Thought with large inventory of Purim Schtick. Located at Clifton Ave and 3rd st
- Accents on Clifton Ave stuff a bag sale for $38 today
- KCL updates list of eateries under hashgacha Here
- Trenton, NJ was named the worst state capital in which to live in across the country. Trenton received a State Capital Index score of 38.66 in the report. The capital ranked 44th for affordability, 49th for economic well-being, 49th for quality of education and health care, and 38th for quality of life.
- Land clearing begins for Yeshiva and mesivta of Long Beach at the new campus near Monsey in Chestnut Ridge
- Trump shoes going for thousands on eBay after they were sold out for $400 a pair
- Family fun day today at American Dream mall AtThe address one year anniversary with free shows raffles and entertainment
- Millions of dollars to develop near Lakewood airport put on hold due to skydivers who want to use the area. The FAA is demanding the township allow a skydiving company to use the space for recreational parachuting before it green lights any improvements, APP reports “I don’t understand why tens of millions of dollars in development is on the hook for someone who wants to drop parachutes,” Mayor Ray Coles said about the federal agency. FAA Spokesperson said via email, “Lakewood Municipal Airport, a federally obligated airport, is required to allow aeronautical uses such as the proposed skydiving operations.”Airport officials said they oppose the skydiving service for safety reasons, claiming current traffic is already too tight with private planes, banner company flights and other uses. APP
- Video: In house Cafe at Emporio men's clothing store Howell, NJ
Israel At War Sunday Feb 18
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Motzei Shabbos Terumah News Updates
- Lakewood & Jackson got 2 inches of snow today other parts of Central NJ got upwards of 13 inches
- Kipshuto now open for Motzei Shabbos for those who want fleishig Melava Malka
- Donald Trump unveiled his new $399 ‘Never Surrender’ gold high-tops at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia
- Alan Dershowitz on Trump case: “This tells us so much about the politicization of our justice system...and it’s so dangerous because it will mean that businesspeople are not going to want to run for office because they know...partisans are going to go after them.”
- Trump: A Crooked New York State Judge, working with a totally Corrupt Attorney General who ran on the basis of “I will get Trump,” before knowing anything about me or my company, has just fined me $355 Million based on nothing other than having built a GREAT COMPANY. ELECTION INTERFERENCE. WITCH HUNT
Israel At War Motzei Shabbos Terumah
Friday, February 16, 2024
Lakewood Zmanim עש"ק פר' תרומה תשפ"ד
Friday, Feb 16, 2024 ז' אדר תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת תרומה
Friday February 16 News Updates Lakewood
Friday, February 16, 2024 / ז׳ אדר-א תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת תרומה
Israel At War Friday Feb 16
Thursday, February 15, 2024
More snow 2-3 Inches over Shabbos
Lakewood Toms River can get snow Friday night 2-3 Inches - NWS: Winter weather advisories have been issued for eight New Jersey counties ahead of a storm system that’s expected to bring up to 4 inches of snow to parts of the state overnight Friday into early Saturday. The advisories will be active from 10 p.m. Friday through 10 a.m. Saturday in Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean and Salem counties, with the National Weather Service calling for light to moderate snow accumulations across the region and the potential for slippery driving conditions. The higher snowfall totals of 2 to 4 inches are expected in the southern half of the state, with 1 to 2 inches or only a lighter coating in northern counties this weekend.
Lakewood police issued an alert: Kindly relocate vehicles from the streets to facilitate plow truck access in anticipation of weekend snow accumulation. Thank you.
Oif Simchas Thursday 7 Adar 1
עצרת התעוררות והתחזקות
Thursday February 15 News Updates Lakewood
- Atzeres tefilah and chizuk tonight ז אדר ר'אשון will take place at B"M Shemen L'Mincha 2 Milano Dr Lakewood 8:30 pm with the participation of Gaavad Tenka shlita Rav Uren Reich shlita Skulener Rebbe shlita of Lakewood. The atzeres will also remember the gedolei Yisrael who were niftar this past year
-Adirei Hatorah 3.0 there's talk about making a 3rd Adirei Hatorah event this year right after Shavuos. Organizers said they will be looking for a larger venue
- Accents will be closing their Clifton Ave location in Lakewood after 38 years and and currently running a $38 stuff the bag the other ere locations are in West gate, Locust Ave shopps and Howell.