Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Wednesday May 20/2020 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Low of 44 tonight
 תפלת השל'ה HERE   Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan this year ר''ח is Sunday
-Maariv/ Sefiras Haomer היום שנים וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות לעומר/בעומר

-Yeshiva bochurim hoping to  return to EY will have to wait another month as Ban on foreigners entering Israel extended to June 15. Israelis returning from abroad until at least the middle of next month will also still be required to self-isolate for 14 days according to the latest government instructions.
-Leshadech: Shiduch panel tonight for men and women in English and Yiddish 9:40 pm recitation of the tefilas Hasheloh    712-832-5700 Pin#  5374233
-Chicago Rabbonim reopen shuls with guidelines
-Live shiurim on Bnei Torah phone line : 646-726-9977
 9:30 pm - Halacha Shiur on Sugya of Kol Isha by HaRav Shmuel Felder Shlita
10:05 pm - Divrei Chizuk by Maran Hamashgiach HaRav Don Segal Shlita
-Rav Elya Brudny Shlita will biez''h deliver a Vaad tonight  from 8:45-9:15 PM. on Zoom HERE  Meeting ID: 859 4787 1701 Password: 437437 or by Phone 1 929 436 2866  ID: 859 4787 1701

-DR. Zelenko in a video message says its with a broken heart that he will be living Monroe and his practice after 20 years serving as a doctor  and decided to move on. He is grateful to be able to serve his patients especially during this mageifa and had a zechus to help kiryas Yoel having the lowest rates of death and hospitalizations in the Jewish world.
-Lakewood Cases 2194/ deaths 136, Toms River, 1392/112, Brick 1020/98, Jackson 780/47
-New Jersey to launch next week online grocery shopping for SNAP recipients. Amazon, Walmart, Shop Rite & The Fresh Grocers to accept SNAP online orders.⁣ Under federal rules, SNAP benefits cannot be used to pay for delivery fees
-Shabbos box at Gourmet Glatt South for $99 Orders must be placed by Wednesday 6PM 347-452-9151
- Jackson: The US Justice Department today announced that it filed a lawsuit against the township of Jackson and the township’s planning board, alleging that they violated the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) and the Fair Housing Act (FHA) by targeting the Orthodox Jewish community through zoning ordinances restricting religious schools and barring religious boarding schools. (matzav)
-NY Starting Thursday, religious gatherings of no more than 10 people can be held in New York State. strict social distancing measures will be enforced and participants must wear masks.
-NJ 10,747 with 150,399 total cases 10,747 deaths including 168 overnight hospitalizations are at lowest levels
-  Maimonides hospital updates visitor policy will be among 16 hospitals in the State selected by Governor Cuomo to participate in a pilot program through which an expanded visitation protocol will be evaluated and implement procedures for limited visitation of both non-COVID-19 patients and COVID-19 patients.

-Six Flags drive thru Safari to open on May 30, 9 am - 4 pm reservation only starting may 27 here
-Yarchei Kallah Shiur 12:00pm Rav Daniel Kleinman, ברכות כשאין לו חוש טעם וריח on zoom here or call  1-646-558-8656 log in #83528677424

-Baltimore allows outdoor minyanim guidelines for the initial phase of reopening minyanim outside of shuls will begin with Mincha/Maariv on Wednesday evening, May 20, followed by Shacharis on Thursday morning, May 21st,. All minyanim will proceed on a daily basis.
Areas with large backyards or open areas may hold backyard minyanim.

-Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva call for tefilas Yom Kippur Koton tomorrow evening erev Rosh Chodesh  Sivan mukdam  phone conference 6:30 pm followed by Minyanim of  Mincha at their locations Rosh Chodesh is Sunday.

-Lakewood BOE Consultation for yeshivos and non public schools 10:30 am livestream HERE
-Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood  Shavuos fund for 1000 families donate HERE
-Shuls open across Eretz Yisrael Mispallelim will be required to follow Health Ministry guidelines: up to 50 participants at one time; social distancing of six feet; wearing of masks; careful attention to hygienic measures, and appointment of a corona safety measure compliance officer at each minyan.(Hamodia)
-Vadd Harabonim of Cleveland reopen shuls for Shavuos: "We have collectively deemed it appropriate, to move toward restoring the autonomy of our shuls. We are blessed with many vibrant and responsible Kehillos within the greater Cleveland community, and beginning Shavuos (5/29/20), each Kehilla will be responsible for its own administration. Shuls will decide for themselves if to open, and the best way to open.(source)

-School Lunches: Circa  at Cheder Toras Zev 1000 Cross street 9:30 am or Bnos Yaakov at Pine Park the last playground at 11:00 am for all children 18 and under - Out to lunch distribution at Bnos Devorah 360  Oak street 9:30 am - 11:30 am, 4 corners at John Patrick sports  park off vine 11:00 am.
Public school locations kosher meals from Gelbsteins 9-11 am at spruce, middle school, Clifton 7Th, Piner E County Line. for all children 0-18

Menu today: Circa Toras Zev  Pizza 4 corners Ziti. Bnos Devora Ziti, Gelbsteins pizza bagel


  1. These school board meetings are getting boring the same information can be posted on the district website and how many times do we have to hear about the kosher meals by gelbstiens the private schools and yeshivos were way ahead of the lunch distribution and on it right away they are not boasting or bragging about it nor are they questioning the legality of other places. They should get the credit for helping the olam even if they are making some money off it.

  2. More mesira as powerful askanim threatened a yeshiva that was planning to operate within social distancing guidelines that they will masser about other issues at the yeshiva.


  4. how stupid do the board of ed guys think Lakewood residents are they just raised in taxes with millions in loans and did not say a word or discuss it and now they pose for photo ops boxing food that is paid for by the federal government

  5. Unfortunately there was a lot of bullying and untold pressure that was placed on Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva throughout this pandemic. Supposedly it was rumored that a Rav who refused to sign a letter and did not back down to askanims demands was told that medical services will be denied at his development. After this ordeal is over there should be a cheshbon hanefesh and a commission set up looking at how things were dealt with and how rabbonim were treated by those who felt they can abuse their power to bully and force their agendas on others. The community was taken advantage of and left without proper guidance because of the power struggles and special interests. Mesira has caused untold agmas nefesh and financial hardships on many families and even on newly weds who had their weddings interrupted.

    1. What have you been drinking and smoking??? Whatever is it, must be really good so please get some for me!

    2. He's 100% right!
      This town was kept hostage by a few individuals who considered it their obligation to imprison many thousands of people.
      Rabbonim who felt that things should be done differently were threatened, yelled at, called rotzchim and then ignored.
      These askonim were drunk with power, and as we know...
      Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely

    3. anon 5:05
      its called the truth speak to the rabbonim you will be horrified at the threats that were made specifically when it was pertaining to the health of the community

    4. Supposedly it was rumored...

      That's some reliable information right there. It's not even a ודאי rumor.

  6. Honestly, please explain your rationale for being misgareh b'umos ha'olam, something the tziyonim excelled in, and which the Satmar Rebbe would conduct public protests against. Was the Satmar Rabbe a moser?
    Stop being misgareh b'umos. Follow the Governor's order.

    1. Stop the aivah from within - follow the RIBONO SHEL OLAM’s orders!!

    2. The ribono Shel oilam clearly wanted shuls closed because he asked the governor to issue an order to close them, and he told the satmar Rebbe Zatzal to teach us not to be misgareh b'Umos.

      The satmar rebbe had alot of aivah for tziyonim who were misgareh b'Umos.

  7. Good thing you werent around in the USSR when Jews clandestinely operated yeshivos, going against tyrannical orders. "close it, it's misgareh b'umos !", you would have shouted. Am I comparing the two situations ? YES.

    1. By comparing the two you lose all chance of persuading those who disagree with you.

    2. wow what a ridiculous comparison

  8. Invite Dr Zelenko to Lakewood we need a good doctor.

    1. There is a reason there is a shortage of dr's in Lakewood. It's the same reason shuls are closed. Power and money. A certain facility receives federal funding because of the shortage. If there was no shortage the funds would dry up. Just follow the benjamins.

    2. Power, money and aivah!!!

  9. Great Idea !!
    Dr.Zelenko Please Come to Lakewood.
    It would be a Blessing for this town !
