Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tuesday May 26 News Updates Lakewood

שלושת ימי הגבלה 
מובא מהגאון ר' שלמה וולבה זצ"ל כי הלומד בימים אלו בהתמדה רבה ובלי ביטול לרגע, סגולה היא שיצליח כל השנה בעליה בתורה

Maariv/ Sefuras Haomer היום שמונה וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות וששה ימים לעומר/בעומר
Kiddush Levana 
Live shiurim Bnei Torah Phone line- 646-726-9977
-10:00 pm Harav ElyaBer Wachtfogel shlita in English
-11:00 pm Harav Dovid Cohen Chevron RoshYeshiva Divrei Chizuk
For ladies Mrs. R Sorotzkin 9:30 pm 712-832-5656  pin 500#
- 8:30 pm Rav Ephraim Wachsnan shlita will deliver his annual pre Shavuos Drasha and song via teleconference 718-258-2008 or 646-726-9977 or 929-219-1199
- Shavuos in a Box $250 option HERE

-Some children will be spending yom tov meal at their parents after doctors said both should have either tested positive or have anti bodies and avoid any physical  contact and keep social distancing
- Jackson Township votes on final reading to repeal their 2017 ordinance that banned dormitories. The repeal on the  ban on yeshivos, was tabled until later in June, after they have an opportunity to speak the Justice Department about their lawsuit. Jackson's council said that The Justice Department falsely misrepresented Jackson in its press release and lawsuit, and they look forward to speaking with them to express how diverse and welcoming their township really is. They noted that Orthodox Jews make up 10% of their population. (LNN)

-A Judge orders a hearing  for June 4th in Lawsuit against Murphy The Center for American Liberty  on behalf of the churches throughout New Jersey, filed a lawsuit in federal court against Governor Murphy and others for unconstitutionally shutting down houses of worship statewide.

-Backyard minyanim  started today in Passaic, NJ
-Lakewood 13 new cases totaling  2276/142 deaths
-Tehillim Rav Shmuel Miller Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedola Bais Yisroel is in very serious condition, a name has been added. Reuven Shmuel  ben Chana Ettel
Tehillim conference at 1:15pm 848-220-3300 code 2587400# (LNN)

-Chasunas: No guidance issued about weddings but an indicator may be allowing graduations to take place outdoors as of  July 6.

-Yarchei Kalla shiur 12:00 pm Rav Lipa Geldwirth on Hilchos Talmid Torah 1:00 pm Divrei Chizuk by Harav Berel Povarsky via Zoom here via phone, call 1646-558-8656 log in #347-309-3834

- 8:30 pm Rav Ephraim Wachsnan shlita will deliver his annual pre Shavuos Shiur via teleconference 718-258-2008 or 646-726-9977 or 929-219-1199

-NY has lowest number of deaths at 73 overnight.  NJ had 54 in last 24 hours

-New Jersey high schools will be allowed to hold in-person graduation ceremonies beginning July 6 as long as they are outside and comply with social distancing no number given yet on how many.

-NYS may issue guidelines today for sleep away camps

-Shavuos Box:

-Meoros will be distributing fresh pizza today along with the Shavous box at 11:30. 12:30 it will be available for the public. Please come from Vine and not Albert.

-Bnos Yaakov Shavuos Box Distribution Wednesday at Pine park

-Gelbstein shavuos/Shabbos Box is Thursday 9-11 including cheese cake chicken nuggets potato kugel Cole slaw pineapple challah grape juice pickles


  1. Can we get a Shavous box if we got a weekly lunch?

  2. Is Rabbi Wachsman Shiur tonight? What time? His pre Shuvous Shiurim are legendary!!

  3. When is R Wachsman give his Shiur

    1. I BEG I PLEAD

    2. can someone please help- I also want to hear

  4. 732.363.6713 1, 1, followed by either 66# (for the shiur) or 67# (for the song).
