Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wednesday May 13 News Updates Lakewood

        Donate to Corona Campaigns almost $18 Million raised for 58 Families
- Maariv/Sefiras Haomer   היום חמשה ושלשים יום שהם חמשה שבועות לעומר/בעומר

-Live shiurim on Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
 8:45 pm Practical Halacha lmaaseh Rav Shlomo Stein
 9:30 pm Harav Shmuel Felder  on Kol Isha
10:05 Divrei Chizuk the Mashgiach Harav Don Segal shlita

 - Lakewood Township will receive $11,770,110  for Covid-19 School Funding for education for k-12 from the CARES  $13.2 billion in emergency relief funds. Township officials can disperse the money at they see fit as long that it complies with the laws. Other townships will receiving funding on a smaller scale, Toms River Regional $1,681,633, Brick Township $980,498, Jackson Township $680,936

NPR: Jewish Americans Say They Are Scapegoated For The Coronavirus Spread -"Yet there's a pattern of specifically highlighting Jewish offenders. In Lakewood, N.J., where early on in the pandemic police made arrests at large Jewish gatherings, a local news station reported that a school bus was carrying children to a Jewish school that was open, illegally. The reporter later acknowledged that the bus was just delivering food to homebound families."

- Ocean Health Initiatives will be partnering with Chemed Health to offer COVID-19 and Antibody testing in Lakewood. Please call (732) 363-6655 to schedule your appointment.

-Bingo Lakewood/BP teams up with Mesamchei Lev offering support for the upcoming Yom tov of Shavuos promotions in effect from May 13 - May 28 no pre- orders necessary

-Lakewood:18 new cases total 2050, deaths 116, Toms River 1333/102, Brick 971/93, Jackson 740/34
- List of officials who sought to 'unmask' Flynn released: Biden, Comey, Obama chief of staff among them
- NJ Dept of Health  is investigating 18 children who possibly have pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome, which is likely linked to COVID19.
-LPD motorcycle unit joined in on a memorial venture to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington DC.
-Viznitz Rebbe of Bnei Brak Met last night with Prime Minister Netanyahu at his home to keep status Quo before approving coalition agreement with the Agudah faction of UTJ
-ShabbosBox available from private vendors here or  email
-Upper Crust Todd Plaza now offering Dairy Shavuos in a Box for $99
-Village cafe Lakewood with curbside pickup Pie of pizza for $12 order now 732-905-7411
-Murphy: The data we are seeing gives us confidence that we can begin the restart of our economy – to get people back to work, and set the stage for the steps to come. Gatherings of vehicles, such as drive-in movies or church services, are not a violation of my order prohibiting mass gatherings, as long as all participants remain in cars. If vehicles are closer than six ft apart, all windows, sunroofs, convertible tops must remain closed.
-New Jersey 141,560  corona cases and 9,702 deaths including 197 fatalities overnight.
-Murphy: Today, I will sign an Executive Order, effective 6:00 AM Monday, May 18, 2020:
Allow the restart of non-essential construction
Allow non-essential retail stores to reopen for curbside pickup only
Permit drive-through and drive-in events under social distancing guidelines

-Murphy expected to make statement about Religious services also expected to reopen non-essential retail stores for curbside pickup, and drive-thru attractions, which could include religious services. (NJ Globe)

-Coronavirus numbers in Eretz Yisrael:
Confirmed cases 16,539 only 13 new cases over the past 24 hours.
death toll stands at 262, up four since Tuesday morning.
61 patients are in serious condition 51 of whom are on ventilators.
12,173 people have recovered from the virus, baruch Hashem, while 4,104 are still sick. (Hamodia)

-In regard to the extra EBT benefits of $416 for the K-12 students. Please know that this program is for both EBT eligible and non-EBT eligible students. It is a temporary program called "P-EBT" (pandemic). Parents who already have cards will automatically receive the extra funds in their accounts. Parents who are not already receiving benefits will have special P-EBT cards mailed to their home address for use on behalf of their children. The schools will only be involved in providing the necessary information to the USDA about their non-EBT students.
[See Section 1101 of the FFCRA, P.L. 116-127, aka The Families First Coronavirus Response Act]
(Submitted via comment)

-Yarchei Kallah 12:00 pm shiur by Rav Nissan Kaplan shlita Brochos on Breads: Kisnin, Mezonos Rolls, Pastries. On zoom HERE via phone call 646-558-8656 log in #83528677424

-Tax Dollars Lakewood Industrial commission virtual meeting at 11:30 am watch live stream Here
see agenda and budget spending HERE  $146,110.00 for LIC operation
$45,000 Contract to DY Consultants to complete a Terminal Area Development Study for the airport.

-SNAP funds approved for NJ eligible students will get additional $416.10. on the EBT card, students who get school lunch but dont have EBT will get via the schools.
-NJ: The state will open up mobile testing sites and others in churches, synagogues, temples and mosques, Murphy said in push to test as many residents as possible for contact tracing

-Hatzolah- thon raises $14.5 million over Lag Baomer in 24 hour Untitedforprotection campaign

-Rabbonim discussed potential reopening of shuls,  currently it is only viable with exactly 10 people and will be enforced. No decision yet, hopefully there will be ease of restrictions Shavuos time.

- Lakewood resident, Dr. Dovid Friedman of  CHEMED, has been appointed to the Health Care subcommittee for reopening New Jersey.

-State Police Superintendent Patrick Callahan on Tuesday mentioned three arrests in Lakewood over violations of Gov. Phil Murphy's executive order.

 -New York Orthodox Jews make up HALF of all US plasma donors volunteering blood to help treat COVID-19 patients as the community turns 'tragedy into a superpower'
Dr. Michael Joyner of the Mayo Clinic, who is running a study on the effects of plasma to treat the virus, said more than 5,000 patients across the US have been given plasma treatment so far and, when it comes to donors, 'by far the largest group is our Orthodox friends in New York City.'
'I would be shocked if they were less than half the total,' (Daily mail)


  1. Sorry to disappoint but opening shuls will not be happening for a while. The Governor said the ban on religious services at houses of worship will be one of the last things to be removed.
    Seriously???! Only ten people in shul? who will be in charge to make sure that happens? What happens if people want to go in, who is stopping them? Shavuos will only have ten people? If shuls are open then it will be business as usual within two days without any restrictions...
    Rabosai! We need to teshuva! We are not going back to the way it was for a while!
    Fauci said yesterday he is not sure school we re-open in September... Teshuva!! Time to change for the better!

  2. So synagogues will be closed to prayer but open for politically corrupt tests? Thank you Dr Friedman a true yiddishe hartz

    1. Medical testing is politically corrupt?! What planet do you inhabit?!
      Testing tells us if someone is sick, quite elementary. If someone is sick, they can infect others, which is something we are trying to prevent.

    2. The testing isn't 100% correct either . The democrats are using this as a reason for not opening up the economy. If nobody is in the hospitals then open up. The reason we were told we had to do this was because the healthcare system would be overwhelmed. Now that isn't happening as the hospitalization rates are pre-pandemic levels start opening up and stop with the testing nonsense.
      People are suffering

    3. So if we can’t get 100% accuracy, we should get nothing?

      People who use sechel, understand that we can only work with the maximum data possible, including testing. Now you are saying that those people are Democrats. Are you suggesting that only democrats use sechel? That is against the newly minted Yated/Limbaugh religion.

  3. Seems like only the democrats can do this testing everyone in order to re-open. It is called dragging their feet while we are all suffering. The curve has flattened but no,its not enough! we need to test everyone to open!! Does that make any sense ??! Remove the restrictions somewhat and allow business tot open! Vote MURPHY OUT!

  4. I believe Shuls should be the last to reopen. The way we live does not lend itself to epidemic prevention, and there is no way to enforce people’s behaviors.

    We shouldn’t blame others, we should look inside ourselves to solve the problems our behaviors cause.

    1. In EY they were more aggressive than NJ and opens shuls because they have more Emunah than the illogical diatribe spread by fearmongers.

  5. Sure! In Passaic, Flatbush and Five Towns there are not even minyanim but yet here in Lakewood we will open the shuls???! Not happening. I wish it would be true but...

  6. So chemed already rec. 2.5 mil foir "testing" now they will pocket that $ and send patients to "shul" will they be paying my shul membership for the year?

  7. Amazing! Chemed gets millions, BMG millions what about the average Joe out there? Is this how the government works? We get the school lunches that half not eaten. Amazing what is going on...

    1. Lakewood Vaad gets $13bn to send as see fit and education gets $11.5m
      NOW YOU KNOW why they closed shuls and chadorim

  8. Vote!!! This is the ONLY language politicians speak

  9. Maybe Mesivtos and Yeshivos can move out of State to other Parts of America that dont have Restrictions on Secluded Campuses. This way Torah can be spread thruought America into every State of the Union as was Rav Ahron Kotler Zt"l original Dream

  10. Why doesn't Governor Murphy appoint non-political advisers for the Lakewood oilam? Is Avi scnall and Friedman being paid to destroy shuls? Don't they know the halacha that it is OSSUR to use a shul for anything like medical? The novi screams: who asked you to trample on my properties?

  11. How will we get via the schools? Will they give us cash? Food stamps cards? says they will be mailing a card to other students, afte schools identify them

  12. In regard to the extra EBT benefits of $416 for the K-12 students. Please know that this program is for both EBT eligible and non-EBT eligible students. It is a temporary program called "P-EBT" (pandemic).

    Parents who already have cards will automatically receive the extra funds in their accounts. Parents who are not already receiving benefits will have special P-EBT cards mailed to their home address for use on behalf of their children. The schools will only be involved in providing the necessary information to the USDA about their non-EBT students.

    [See Section 1101 of the FFCRA, P.L. 116-127, aka The Families First Coronavirus Response Act]

  13. Like with everything else, the divide as to whether we should open up shuls and life or continue to isolate is dependent exactly on your political outlook and worldview.

    76% of registered republicans say to open and the worst is behind us.

    73% of registered democrats say the worst is yet to come and we should remain closed.

    These same foolish democrats amongst us who hate tefilah, learning and shuls are the ones shouting from the rooftops that we should ח"ו keep them closed.

    1. The same ‘smart’ republicans amongst us who say that we should ignore science, ignore knowledge and ignore all recommendations, are saying we should open up Shuls.
      The same ‘smart’ republicans who believe in flags and documents, instead of actually taking care of the country, want everything to open up.
      The same ‘smart’ republicans who gave us an illiterate moron of a president, say that we should prioritize money over lives.
      An easy choice

    2. The Democrats who care about every life, yet a fetus is a choice. The Democrats that close the shuls yet keep pot dispensaries open. The Democrats who rally behind votes matter, yet can't accept that Trump was elected president. The Democrats that called Trump a racist for closing China, yet call Trump's handling of the pandemic chaotic. The Democrats that had billions to give to illegals, but now can't afford to keep the government open without a bailout. The Democrats that talked of flattening the curve, and now all of a sudden it's about data. The Democrats that push Remdisivir yet call hydroxychloroquine a failure. The Democrats that tout data yet talk of global warming without data to back it. The Democrats that gave billions for renewable energy for the jobs it created, yet all we got in return was bankruptcies. The Democrats that want to limit the commander in chief's power in Iraq, yet allow Governors to extend the shutdown indefinitely. The American people are smarter than that, and don't fall for it. At this point this is politics. There is no science that justifies closing shuls entirely. The only "science" quoted is from those that said we would need 1 million ventilators, that masks don't work, and that the market will tumble when Trump is elected.

    3. I don’t know which religion you follow, but in my Jewish religion, a fetus is not a life.

      The rest of your word salad sounds like you really need a hot drink and a calming bath. Between the factual mistakes and warped logic, it looks like you are having a really bad day.

    4. In the jewish religion life begins in the womb, and may not be aborted. You are not chayiv misa for less than 30 days. Don't confuse the two.
      You have not refuted any of the facts that I mention, yet resort to name calling. That seems to be your MO as well as the Democratic playbook.

    5. Not in my mishna or rambam. Other religions have some kind of belief that life begins in the womb, we believe that until ישבה על המשבר, it isn't a life.

      Nobody called you a name, just a suggestion that you have a hot drink.

    6. Killing a fetus is Retzicha that's the undisputed Halacha. Except that chiyuv meesa has limitations

    7. It is absolutely assur to murder a fetus. The difference is that if the fetus would be endangering the mother, then it has a din of a rodeph and we save the mother. The Umos haolam don't recognize this din. However, a person who chooses to murder a fetus (when it is not being a rodeph), would most likely be considered a rodeph themselves.

      To the fools who care not about their own lives, they certainly don't care about murdering and hurting others.

  14. Our illiterate moron is BH the best ignorant of science and other apikursim and the best Yedid frum yidden have ever had in any of the world leaders.

    1. You are right. Germ theory is apikorsus. We should listen to the great maamin and Talmud chochim the Rosh yeshiva Reb Donald

    2. He provided Lakewood Twp with billions of unforeseen dollars today, after they raised taxes yesterday to cover a few million.... this must be the richest municipality in Jersey supported by the Fed State and low income yingerman

  15. Our "illiterate moron" is way better than any "higher educated" democrat fool.

  16. The Askonim Of Lakewood have made it Harder for us every step of the way :(

  17. Can someone explain in black and white precisely how a minyan of yidden standing in 1 area for 15 minutes answering omein and Kaddish "spread" sofek pikuach nefesh??????

    1. Because we wont just be a minyan. Give it a few days, not even a week and it will be back to normal. When the Rabonim give a psak that its ok to return to shul then we will. They know just a little more than you what is going on out there. There is a lot going on then this minyan ask people who know what is happening out there. Daven to HBH that we should have a yehshu and 'shloimeh shel malchus'.

    2. 12:35pm
      "They know just a little more than you what is going on out there"

      Really? Total BS. They dont have a clue. They only know what the askonim spoonfeed them

      The proof?

      Remember erev the 2nd days the lakewood poskim issued an absolute ban on ALL minyanim?

      Then Isru Chag they retracted?


      Read the 3rd paragraph english:

      Yup, thats right. The Poskim got it WRONG

    3. So let's say it clearly: there is absolutely no problem not even a sofek rochoik. However, becuae of a sofeik that some peole are sofeik if they will follow the sofik guidelines and thers a sofek that it will go out of control and a sofek that the Malchus will see social media and a sofeik if they will act and a sofek if the media will report that a "Rabbi was arrested" and a sofeik if he is a Rabbi and a sofek if the money wil come through, it's VaDAI pikach nefesh!!!!

    4. Seeing how every minyan motzei shabbos is EXACTLY at the zman, I don't see why we have to assume that people won't follow rules. This logic is so twisted. This did not come from Rabbanim but from "askanim". The truth is that there is an anti-minyan mob that is very active and are harassing the rabbanim.

    5. No Rabonim did anything the pashkevillin were written by a complete idiot and the Rabonim were coerced not to protest. No letterhead, and no original. Anti minyan isn't a mob, it's the Malach hamoves himself knowing this will end his pandemic like Aaron HaKohen and Pinchas

    6. Mr. Anon 2:29 -

      Hate to break it to you, but I wish my motz"s minyan, or even my other minyanim for that matter, would start exactly at the Zman - but they don't. People are lax and are very much NOT EXACT. And if shuls are allowed to open without some kind of Mashgiach ensuring proper compliance, then it's guaranteed people won't exactly be keeping to the rules. Sorry to burst your bubble.

  18. Now the pashkevillin writers will have to pasken how davening in your car with closed windows and sunroof can be mitztaref to the next car with closed windows and closed sunroof ad infiniti..and what if the windows are tinted? What about the Issur of cellphones in shul does it apply to the car? What about "ervah b'ashashis" if wife is in car? What if the radio is on?

  19. Rabbosei please stop with the name calling and personal attacks please stick to the substance and present your arguments the olam is making valid points

    1. We stopped everything with the Buck. Billions and Millions are rolling into this Vaad controlled town that's why everything had to be closed. This was labeled by AK as "Gd doesn't want you in the synagogue" so we can become rich on the Cheshbon of the Tzibbur

  20. The Mosdos will be splitting 12 million dollars they also got PPP loans whch wont have to be repaid and have the chutzpah to charge full tuition while schools are closed and parents are out of work!!!

  21. I would like on public record what the township does with this money as well as which schools received the PPP loans. I cannot understand how the schools can charge full tuition when their payroll is completely paid.

  22. Why won’t the Lakewood Cheder use some of the money to help patents get enough phones for their kids? The Feds gave all this money to cover this need.

    1. I also just don’t have enough lines to accommodate all of the times and the calls. Yeshivas please give out phones!!! Help us!

    2. What the Cheder did is a joke. They threw a breadcrumb at parents who are already in financial pain and going nuts with all their kids home without enough telephones for the students to function as students.

      The measly offer LCS made was that if parents have their tuition PAID IN FULL by August, then the school will give them up to $100 credit off of next year’s tuition bill (per child, maximum 5 offers).

      However, many parents cannot afford to lay out so much money NOW for their children, only to be offered a credit - in several months from now - towards a future tuition bill. This is insane. What happens if a parent cannot afford to be fully up to date before next year? After all, millions of jobs and funding resources have totally dried up. Are the parents who are already suffering going to be kicked even deeper into the mud by this uncaring crazy policy?!

      And what’s even crazier is that the schools are getting MILLIONS of federal dollars specifically for this purpose, which is to assist students in acquiring necessary equipment such as phones so they can participate in remote learning.

      Please, Lma’an Hashem Vetoraso, spend the money for its intended purpose. Help the parents and don’t make a major chillul Hashem!

  23. They will open the shulls and nobody will follow the rules.

    1. When the Twp follow the rules with the money the Shuls cn follow rules

  24. What about bmg? They received 5,900,900 and half was supposed to go to students who are suffering for housing and food.. yungerleit are in dire need when is the $3.000.000 going to be given out??

  25. Over 70 frum ppl in Lakewood have died in this pandemic. ( Chevra Kadisha numbers)

    Baltimore closed schools and minyanim a week before us and they have had exactly ONE frum death. Think hard and carefully about that

  26. BMG receive ~$6,000,000 from the fed for students....When are they going to give some help to the students that is what the money is for

    Menendez, Booker Announce $323M in COVID-19 Emergency Funding to Support NJ Colleges, Students
    Sunday, April 12, 2020
    NEWARK, N.J. – U.S. Senators Bob Menendez and Cory Booker today announced the awarding of $323,080,779 from the U.S. Department of Education (ED), with half being promptly released to support New Jersey’s students and institutions of higher education that are suffering tremendous losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    The federal funding comes from the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which allocated approximately $14 billion to help colleges and universities across the country mitigate their financial losses and help students and their families struggling because of the economic downturn caused by the outbreak.
    “Now more than ever, students and their families across New Jersey need our help weathering the economic storm caused by COVID-19,” said Sen. Menendez. “This funding will ensure students receive the assistance they need and that our colleges and universities can continue operating during this crisis. As Congress works on another stimulus package, I’ll continue fighting for the resources our students and institutions need to fully recover from these troubling times.”
    “The coronavirus pandemic has touched nearly every aspect of New Jerseyans lives, from our health to our jobs to our colleges and universities,” said Sen. Booker. “I fought alongside Senator Menendez to ensure the economic hardships being experienced by students and our institutions of higher education are addressed so they receive the help they desperately need. This federal funding is a critical first step in supporting New Jersey’s colleges and universities, students, staff, faculty, and researchers battling this ongoing crisis.”
    Earlier this week, Sen. Menendez led the state’s entire congressional delegation in calling on Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to expedite the delivery of the emergency COVID-19 funding. New Jersey has the second highest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the nation, with over 58,000 cases and nearly 2,200 deaths.
    "“The financial aid grants through the federal CARES Act will assist tens of thousands of community college students in New Jersey with their critical food, health care, housing and other emergency needs,” said Aaron Fichtner, president of the New Jersey Council of Community Colleges. "

    Below is a full, alphabetical listing of the institutions receiving funding and their total approximate award amount:
    Beth Medrash Govoha of America - $5,899,593
    Lakewood, Ocean County

    When are the talmidim and yungerleit getting the assistance that is due to them?

    There are other Lakewood schools that received assistance that should be given to the students and I will publish them in the next post..
