Friday, May 22, 2020

Friday May 22 Erev Shabbos News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Cloudy with occasional showers this afternoon. High 71F, rain on shabbos too
-LPD Shuts down a shul right before shabbos in the raintree area.

-Israel Interior minister Deri is working on a plan to let American yeshiva bochurim and youngeleit return to yeshivos in EY as of next week. They will have to quarantine and yeshivos will have to provide a safe residence to do so
-El Al, airline, announced  that it is extending its suspension on commercial flights until June 20, though would continue with cargo and special passenger flights.
-Bingo will restock Cream Cheese this coming Sunday
-Pennsylvania  Issues Guidance On Summer Camps, they can open if they are in "green" or "yellow" counties, looks promising for overnight camps too see HERE
-Live Shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
 4:35 pm - Shiur/Vaad on Hilchos Talmud Torah by HaRav Baruch Hirschfeld Shlita
 5:00 pm - Reciting of Shiur HaShirim & Tehilim by Tenokos Shel Beis Raban with opening Divray Chizuk by R’ Aaron Burstowsky

-Trump said today houses of faiths Synagogues Mosques churches are essential and should all be open he will override governors that are not letting them open.
-Florida will allow summer camps without covid19 restrictions
-Heavy traffic on James street at Bnos Melech shabbos distribution
-NY- Cuomo  said today  Long Island and the Hudson Valley could begin reopening next week The Hudson Valley region  includes Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester counties.
-Rebbeim can now teach their whole class outside with new rule allowing group of 25 outdoors minyanim can expand too.
-Murphy: Lifts limit on outdoor gatherings from 10 to 25 individuals, Recreational campgrounds – both public and private – are allowed to reopen, effective Immediately. Social distancing must be adhered to. Indoor gatherings remain limited to 10 people.
- Gelbsteins shabbos box all given out police turning people away at Spruce location
-NPGS sold out of all cream cheese

-The Jersey shore opens for memorial day weekend, Jenkinsons boardwalk will not open due to a lack of manpower to enforce social distancing rules

-School lunch shabbos food/box will be given at the distribution locations. Bnos Devora Oak street 9:20, Toras Zev Cross street 9:30 , Bnos Yaakov in Pine Park 11-1 other locations open to the public as well. Public school locations will also be giving the shabbos box  kosher meals from Gelbsteins 9-11 am at spruce, middle school, Clifton 7Th, Piner E County Line. for all children 0-18.

- Lakewood Basis Havvad issues guidelines for cancelled  simchas and events (Matzav)
-A joint call from all Gedolei HaTorah in eretz yisrael Call for Increased Kavod Beis Medrash, as Shuls Reopen
“Due to our many sins, it has been two months since we were banished from our batei knesses and batei medrash, and we were forced to daven and learn under difficult conditions. Now that we are allowed back in, it is for us to check our actions and find where we can improve ourselves.”
Theye call on the public to affix a notice containing the takanah that to enter a shul or to daven or learn with a cellphone that is not turned off is forbidden. The Rabbanim and gabba’im should undertake the responsibility to be careful about this and warn mispallelim on the severity of the matter. The Gedolim suggest that a special place outside the shul be arranged for mispallelim to deposit their cellphones. (Hamodia)


  1. OPEN NJ!!!
    Democrat governors are prolonging this pandemic as much as possible to effect the election in November and to obtain a fed bailout to help with the liberal budget that is toast. The People in NYC have been at hospitals and there are no overwhelming COVID cases matter of fact hardly any, same for NJ...The rashoim are playing with our lives.
    Republican governors are loosening up as you see in Ohio, chasunahs up to 300 people.

  2. Since noone will have a cellphone on them it is imperative that all shuls and batei medrash install a landline for emergencies. Its pikuach nefesh and can be a matter of life and death.

    1. There was a government homeland security grant being given out to shuls for landlines not too long ago

  3. No food left at spruce street as of 935 am

  4. Gelbstiens distribution was a disaster today. Bnos Devora ran out in minutes. People are desperate, and not really getting the help they need. This prolonging on the shutdown needs to end. There is no medical justification for this any longer.

  5. Read a lesson about about the primacy of Kedushas Bais Haknesses and apply it to our lives.

  6. So can a Rebbe teach outdoors in a backyard with the kids social distanced?

  7. If the Rebbe sits on the porch deck and the kids spread around the yard, is that legal now up to 24 kids?

    1. could be but yesh lachkor if its considered operating as a school

  8. Open Our Schools !!!
    Our Children are rotting !
    They haven’t learned in Months !!
    Every Single Yeshiva must open for outdoor ASAP !!

    1. B”H my son is learning every day! Is it the same as being in the classroom? No! But his Rebbe is putting lev vanefesh & all his kishkes into the sessions and listening in you would never realize that he’s not in the same room as the kids! Kol hakavod to the Rebbe and the Cheder my son attends for going above and beyond for our kinderlach.

    2. Or use Zoom. That will also work. But right, using internet is yaharog veal yaavor, so we'll all go to school and some people will die, nu nu. But wait, when you use a cell phone it also uses the internet, and so does a conference center! Oh well. Whqtever

    3. At this point it is clear for everyone to see- Murphy is dragging this out as long as possible for no reason at all. There's no rhhyme or reason to what this mobster is doing; he just can't let go of the power. And yet, asskonimforce rabbonim to go along with this . These asskonim will burn in gehinnom for it. It is a travesty. No school; kids are being lost. No yeshiva.No shul. Parnassah in the toilet. We will NEVER forgive the asskonim, rabbonim ( certain ones), organizations,virtue signalers , minyan Nazis and of course MOSRIM for the irreparable damage they have caused to our community. They should ber banned from shul, mosdos, and should be assur lavo b'kahal forever.

    4. Zoom is not that great. It wouldn’t have helpe matters too much

    5. Are you nuts??? Power grab?
      I promise Hashem won’t throw you into hell for missing minyan.
      Is everything about you?? You’re the Baal Gaavah here...not the governor who has 8 million people under his achrayos.
      Do you stop for one second to think about the THOUSAND frum yidden that have died in the past 2 months just in the tri state area??

  9. When an askan threatens a Rav that Hatzala will not respond to his development if he opens a shul, we need to ask ourselves how we let this continue. How can we continue to be held hostage by a few that got money and power from this pandemic. We are sheep being led to slaughter. We should be ashamed of ourselves for letting this continue. Every shul should no longer allow appeals or fundraisers for hatzala until there is a change of leadership that is selected by the community and Rabbanim. The dictatorship needs to end. The vaad needs to be representatives of the community, not their pocketbooks. It is our fault for allowing it to continue. The monopoly needs to broken, the mafia disbanded. There is an undercurrent of displeasure, let's build on it and create change. There are authentic askanim that give to the klal altruistically. Let's promote them and give them the support.

    1. It goes both ways if the community has no representation they should not be allowed to dictate to the community about anything. The rabbinic board is for internal hatzola policies and not to be used telling the general public on any policy such as closing shuls. It's an overeach of power.


    3. I have no knowledge of any such threats that Hatzolah wouldnt respond to neighborhoods other than from the comments here. But after thinking it over I don't think it's as outlandish as people here think it is.
      Hatzolah members were putting themselves at risk with every call they responded to. That they were operating was a tremendous mesiras nefesh.
      The rabbonim in Union City actually closed Hatzolah for a tekufah.
      So it's understandable that if someone, even a Rov, was doing something that was putting them in more risk, they wouldn't want to accept that risk. They are not meshubad to the individual decision of each shul or development Rov.
      The decision of how much risk to accept is very much something for the Vaad Horabbonim of Hatzolah to decide.
      It's not an easy decision to make and you can argue with it but it is understandable and definitely not a power grab.

    4. ask around these threats were used to intimidate poskim and rabbonim there was also a serious attempt to shut down mikvah nashim bit bh the plan did not succeed

    5. This threat wasn't made by any vaad harabonim of Hatzolo it was made by some self appointed hot shot who probably doesn't know which side t open a gemara from

  10. more stupid quotes from anonymous assskans on the poop mouthpiece of the vaad attacking Trump. Its amazing how shallow they are thinking everyone is so stupid

  11. Shul in raintree was just shut down by the cops
    Thanks to our wonderful askanim.

    1. Enough with the police intimidating and harassing us. We were being robbed week after week and they did not do a thing. Now they are all over town. They are overpaid and do not get the job done when it comes to real crimes.
