Sunday, May 10, 2020

News Updates Sunday May 10, 2020 Lakewood

Weather: sunshine. High 62F rest of week will be in the 60's
-High Pollen allergy level in Lakewood today at 9.7
-Maariv/Sefiras Haomer היום שנים ושלשים יום שהם ארבעה שבועות וארבעה ימים לעומר/בעומר
- Mincha/ shkiah 8:01 pm
-Lakewood cases 2006/111, Toms River 1307/98 Brick 956/90, Jackson 723/33 Manchester 575/70
-Yidden travel to Miron taking advantage before Lag Baomer when it will be closed to the public.
- Nordstrom will be permanently closing 16  stores permanetly, including the Nordstrom store at Freehold Raceway mall in response to the impacts of COVID19.
-Jersey Shore University Medical Center on May 6, celebrated the discharge of it's 500th patient from Covid19
 -Those who go to the kever of Reb Naftulcheh of Bobov on Lag Baomer,the cemetery will be closed and frozen zones set up at the perimeter to prevent large gathering. South Brunswick Office of Emergency Management announced the closure of the Washington and Floral Park cemeteries for Lag BaOmer, when thousands normally turn out to pray at the grave site of the former Bobover Rebbe: Deans Rhode Hall Road in South Brunswick, will be closed to traffic on Monday and Tuesday, for Lag BaOmer. (Reporter  S Schorr)

-Shiur on Chinuch from HaRav Aryeh Leib Paretzky Shlita.  call 978-990-5099 Enter pin 434679# 12# for the Chinuch Shiur.

-NJ positive cases 138,532  with 9255 deaths including 140 overnight.

-Roman Catholic diocese of Trenton will be
Reopening Churches in Ocean county for Private Prayer with social distancing, wearing masks, limiting occupancy to 10 persons.

-Agudah Yarchei Kallah Shiur 12:00PM
Rabbi Asher Weiss, Yesod Din Krias Shema, 1:00PM Rav Reuven Leuchter Divrei Chizuk via Zoom here or call 1646-558-8656 log in #83528677424
-Lakewood residents appointed to NJ Reopening committees to advise the Governor on reopening the state. Agudah NJ office director R' Avi Schnall has been appointed to  Restart and recovery Council,
R' Duvi Honig was appointed to the council as part of the main street subcommittee.

-School lunch distribution today at 1000 Cross street

-No Lag Baomer Bonfires to take place in Lakewood, Brooklyn or Monroe
-Lakewood Pine Park will be open starting tomorrow from 2:00 pm - dusk

-BDE: Petira of Rebbetzin Chaya Ausband A"H wife of the Telz Rosh Yeshiva Harav Eizik Ausband zatzal head of Yavneh seminary in Cleveland she was 97. A levaya will take place at the Farmingdale airport in Long island 1:00 pm for family only.  kevura will take place in Eretz Yisrael at Har Hamenuchos. Call in numbers for the Levaya 857-356-3300 or 612-398-0330 no access code required.
Alternate call in numbers 701- 802-5148 access code 2229583.

-BDE: Rabbi Chaim Yosef Bernikier zt”l  of the Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud in Bensonhurst (Matzav)

-Yamina party in Israel headed by Naftali Bennet will be heading to the opposition with Lapid after not getting the portfolios they wanted and claimed that the Netanyahu- Gantz coalition does not represent the right wing.


  1. No Bonfires??
    No one is stopping you from Making a Barbecue!!

  2. Levaya for Rebbetzin Ausband for family only. As per the family.

  3. kosher 4g unlocked flip phone available 8482457531 (can work with safelink as well)

  4. How about a controlled leaf burn?

  5. Levaya rebbetzin ausband call in numbers 857-356-3300 or 612-398-0330 - no access code required.
    Alternate call in numbers 701- 802-5148 access code 2229583
    701- 802-5153 access code 4088754

  6. Lag Baomer in a Box
    Wood for Bonfire
    Bow and Arrow
    Haircut accessories
    Music CD's
    Chai rottel

    1. Be careful with that Lag Bomer box if your not careful when you open it the arrow may injure you. Especially if this box has a automatic trigger when opened concoction.
      Are the marshmallows pre roasted??
      Does the haircut kit come with payos instructions? According to all shitos?
      A picture chart showing payos line?
      Is the Chai Rotel wine (as it’s supposed to be)?
      or is it some red koolaid?
      Why is there no Zohar in the box?
      Must I do Chalkah on my kid or is a 3 year old in a box available upon request?
      If I’m a Sefardi does a goat with a Chalef come in the box too?
      It’s lag baomer and it can not be taken lightly.

  7. Politicians should be made aware that self appointed askanim and activists do not represent the community whatsoever. They were never appointed or voted on by a duly elected process. They have no right to make decisions that will effect the frum community. Unfortunately the politicians don't know this and think that by talking to the adjanim they are doing what is best for the community

    1. You're right. But why do you think that the politicians represent what's best for you? If you recognize that some askonim don't represent you, then please recognize that the politicians most certainly don't represent you.

      Accept the fact that of your actions will be רצויה to Hashem, He will reward you accordingly.

  8. Is there an appointment for shul opening person?

  9. I saw in the voice that Murphy said Shul opening will be the last to open.... gonna be a while

    1. Don't know where you saw that, but that is not going to fly, legally. The shut-down of houses of prayer are being challenged in courts all over the country, and the courts are siding with opening them

    2. Who’s paying for THOSE lawyers?!

    3. There are national non-profits that take 1st amendment cases pro-bono. Not sure if they are funding all cases, but seem to be funding the one in NJ. They try to get multiple religions as co-plaintiffs, so it is not just about a single religion

  10. Shuls should be the last to open, they are greater sources of infection than other places. And we should be more machmir than the law, which doesn't recognize the sanctity of life like we do

    1. typo " more machmir than the law , which doesnt recognize the sanctity of "TEFILLA" like we do

    2. What about “sanctity of life” etc when it’s fun unzere shutting down shuls? Why is Lakewood so two faced and hypocritical? It’s got nothing to do with ka is for Hashem. It’s all about kavod and $$$ for the people down here.
