Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Cream Cheese Shortage for Shavuos Averted

Kosher Today reports - A major shortage of whipped cream cheese was averted this week when Norman’s launched Whipped Cream Cheese in time for the upcoming Shavuos holiday (May 29-30). News reports of a major shortage of the essential cream cheese turned out to be false thanks to the introduction of the creamy spreadable product by Norman’s. The Norman’s launch came when J&J, a major Cholov Yisroel producer announced that it faced a lack of manpower to keep up with the huge demand for the cream cheese. The company promised to increase supply in the near future, according to the Boro Park 24 Website.

According to kosher food executives, although the food supply was relatively stable throughout the Covid crisis, there were spot shortages similar to the cream cheese either as a result of plants which cut back on manufacturing or the lack of imported items, particularly from China where kosher
certifiers are still not able to travel there. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic sales at major kosher retailers remain strong, although in-store shopping has somewhat been replaced by curbside pickups and home delivery. Kosher Today


  1. Although the whipped crisis was averted, the unwhipped crisis has not been solved.

  2. not enough cream cheese, i wish this was our biggest problem these days .....

  3. I was in evergreen yesterday they did not have any cream cheese no Norman's or any other.
