Saturday, May 30, 2020

Motzei Shavuos 5780 News Updates Lakewood

-Shabbos/YT in LA riots were present in the frum  neighborhoods  some Jewish owned businesses were looted and vandalized
- Cuomo said on Friday that NYC will reopen on June 8 In Phase 1 of reopening, retail stores can open for curbside or in-store pickup and nonessential construction and manufacturing can resume
-Tents were pitched across Lakewood to allow  more room  for outdoor minyanim
-Bnos Devora lunch distribution  switching to weekly by the case  from daily.
-The US supreme court rejected a California church's challenge to the lock down in a 5-4 decision chief justice John Roberts joined the 4 liberals om the bench claiming the restrictions are similar or comparable to secular gatherings were large groups  of  people  gather  for  an extended period  of time. Justice Kavanaugh wrote in a dissenting opinion that the state can not assume the worst in people go to worship  but assume  the best  when people go to work or  their daily lives  in permitted social settings.
-Israeli schools will remain open despite a COVID-19 outbreak at the Gymnasia high school in Rechavia, Yerushalayim, the Health Ministry said on Motzoei Shabbos, but Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned that coronavirus curbs would be reimposed if infection rates increase.

-Botei Medrash and shuls and yeshivos were open for Torah and tefila overYT within the guidelines,
-NJ will allow day camps as of July 6
-Murphy says  he is looking to allow larger indoor gatherings for houses of worship by June 12
-Lakewood 31 new cases over YT total 2345/153  including 3 deaths. Some of the cases are at a local nursing home facility.
-NJ: Day care centers can begin and open as of June 15 with guidelines. Good news for Playgroups and Morah's should be able to start as  well
- Riots grow across the nation in big cities  while hundreds of people converged on the White House for a second straight day Saturday to protest the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and President Donald Trump’s response.

Ocean County Sherriff Statement: Our office led by Sheriff Michael Mastronardy are angered and saddened by the video of this horrible crime. No officers under our roof condone this conduct or would allow this to go on. We are trained to save lives, not take them. We want the public to know in NO WAY does this act represent who we are and what we stand for. We believe in treating EVERYONE fairly and Justice for ALL. God Speed George Floyd.....”


  1. How many over all Lakewood Cases are from old age homes/ senior developments
    And how many is from everyone else ??

    1. The ratio is about 40% nursing home and about 55-60% seniors. About 45-40% of the hospitalizations are those under 65. About 30% of those under 35 end up in the hospital. That is nationally but that should be the approximate of Lakewood and the Lakewood community area.

    2. Your statistics are insanely inflated

  2. Can Back yard camps open

  3. You are guessing Lakewood is the same ??
    Or you know ??
    What value is a guess

    1. Well, given the population of Lakewood it is more likely to be closer to the mean than most communities.

  4. Why are shuls not enforcing mask use? Why are people not keeping social distancing?

    1. How do you expect “Shuls” to enforce? No one is interested in being a police man, the gabbaim don’t get paid enough for what they do as it is now you want them to enforce a rule that no one wants? It’s unfair and unreasonable to request that.

  5. We aren't enforcing mask use because the surgeon general of the US has admitted there is no reason to, and in a makom Kodesh we are giving honor to hashem and not to random rules by a basar vdam.

    If you are makpid on social distancing, find a shul that is doing it. Many of the more modern ones are, because they feel that listening to Murphy is more important than the tzura of a bais medrash.

    If you feel that there truly is a Sakannah then you should stay home. The virus doesn't have a hard stop at 6 feet, regardless of the governors orders.
