Monday, May 11, 2020

Covid Update, Outdoor Activities

from a Lakewood Pediatrician to his patients

The COVID-19 illness situation is far better now than it has been. At the same time, we have many thousands of people in our kehilla who have come through this Pandemic not infected by the virus, still not immune to the virus, and still vulnerable to infection by it. This includes hundreds of entire families as well as the many elderly or other high-risk individuals who effectively secluded themselves during the entire Pandemic.

The COVID-19 virus is very contagious and potentially very dangerous and it demands our respect now, just as it did two months ago. Any person who is still not immune to the virus will get infected by it if they come in close contact with it, just as tens of thousands of people got infected by it during this Pandemic.

At the same time, doctors, Rabbonim and leaders of the kehilla are aware that some in our kehilla have relaxed restrictions on their own and have begun intermingling socially, allowed their children to intermingle with other children or are davening in minyamin in a manner that clearly contradicts the BMG Psak.

I do hope that clear, unified guidance will be issued shortly for the kehilla. Until then, I am making a personal appeal to you — please don't forget the mageifa that was just brought upon us! Please respect this virus and the destructive power that it has demonstrated.

The virus is still within our midst and is a present, true potential
danger to our kehilla.

Please don't relax restrictions for yourself or you family yet.

Please be patient until clear guidance for the kehilla comes out
as we, with the help of Hashem, pave a pathway forward.
Outdoor Family Activities!
Many Ocean County parks are open for family walks, hikes and bicycling.
Take your family and go!

Go to an open parking lot, or a field, or an open lot, or a hill.
Walk around or run around, play catch or frisbee, hold races or
hold the children's hands!
Take your family and enjoy the outdoors!

Bring your masks and wash hands well before and after you go.
Stay distant from other families as much as you reasonably can.

If you have an open porch or back yard,
Consider a family barbecue!

Please enjoy this time together!


  1. why can't the hundreds of entire families who didn't get the virus yet, and the many elderly or other high-risk individuals who effectively secluded themselves during the entire Pandemic,

    stay locked in their houses,

    and everyone else who already got it, can mingle with others who already got it ?

  2. Unified guidance will only be taken seriously if it includes ALL of Lakewoods doctors. Previous letters and statements by physicians did not include all doctors in town some of them with big practices. Their patients will not follow guidance if it does not come from their local doctor.

  3. Anonymous @1:01pm you're wrong people in this town think they know better and are aleays doing what they want or think is right. So all doctors being unified will again mean nothing to some people.

  4. The voice on page 78 says "Governor Murphy indicated that the ban on religious services at houses of worship will be one of the last things to be removed"

  5. At any point in time that everything opens up anyone who didn’t get it yet will be exposed and get it. The longer you wait the longer this gets dragged out. Unless we plan to wait 18 months until the vaccine comes out, the best thing we can do is create herd immunity from those who will not get seriously ill from the virus. Let the young and healthy go!
