Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thursday May 21/2020 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Plentiful sunshine. High 61F.
 Maariv/ Sefiras Haomer היום שלשה וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות ויום אחד לעומר/בעומר

-BMG Roshei Yeshiva call on all shuls to adapt the no cell phone in B"M takana just like in yeshiva
-Lakewood poskim issue guidelines to reopen shuls here
Live shiurim Bnei Torah Phone line 646-726-9977
9:30 pm Halacha Lmaaseh Rav MoOshe   Chaim  Kahn Hilchos Tefila
10:30 pm HaRav Eliyohu Chaim Swerldloff Divrei Chizuk for men & Women
11:30 pm Harav Yeruchom Olshin  Chumash  Shiur

-Chasunas in Cleveland:  Ohio will allow wedding receptions of up to 300 people starting June 1
-Officials to allow up to 14 per minyan lekavod Shavuos
- Lakewood Township cancels July 4th fire works and night out against crime
-Lakewood school district was sent a letter by law firm on behalf of the LEA local union that having in person evaluations for students to determine if they are eligible for services violates the Governors Executive order. School officials responded  that The Lakewood School District’s In Person Evaluation guidelines are in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 107, and have been reviewed by the Department of Health, Chief-of-Police, and County Superintendent. Officials said the LPD will be on hand  to provide security by the evaluations and anyone who does not belong there  will be arrested.

-Several Schools give out shabbos box today
-YK Chazara shiur on מי פירות ושלוקות chocolate, tea & coffee 8:00 pm here
 -NJ cases 151,472. and  10,843 deaths including 98 overnight Murphy also said hes sending an email to EVERY business and non-profit organization in the state directing them to a short survey that will better inform our collective efforts as we look to take the next steps along our road back. Nothing beats the input from those living this reality.

-Gov. Phil Murphy said Thursday morning that more indoor businesses such barbershops, salons, and gyms in the Garden State may be allowed to reopen, with restrictions, in “a matter of weeks, not months

- Letter expected for Lakewood shul guidelines allowing minyanim inside with restrictions.
- A yeshiva in Lakewood credits its parents with a month and a half of tuition payments
-New Jersey Republicans and four small businesses are suing Gov. Phil Murphy in state Superior Court, alleging his stay-at-home order is a violation of equal protection and due process.
The lawsuit, filed Thursday in Cape May County  alleges there is no “rational basis” for Murphy to order businesses closed solely because of the services they provide.

-More Shuls in Lakewood plan on opening for this  shabbos with legal minyanim of only 10 people per room with a outside entrance with proper guidelines.Other shuls have already opened with partitions and social distancing rules in place.
-Yeshiva Mir Yerushalayim is open  the talmidim  have to check their temperature upon entering the building and set up partitions in the Bais Medrash
-Lakewood Roshei yeshiva call for Tefilas Yom Kippur Koton in all Minyanim locations 7:00 pm
-All Ocean County parks  will be open as of tomorrow fro Memorial day weekend
-Town of Monticello issues swimming pool permits to bungalow colonies
-Scheiners shul in Monsey has been granted approval to reopen will be having minyanim  starting today  maximum 10 people poor  room no one under bar mitzva  allowed anyone  with symptoms or not feeling well should not  attend.
-School Lunches: Circa  at Cheder Toras Zev 1000 Cross street 9:30 am or Bnos Yaakov at Pine Park the last playground at 11:00 am for all children 18 and under - Out to lunch distribution at Bnos Devorah 360  Oak street 9:30 am - 11:30 am, 4 corners at John Patrick sports  park off vine 11:00 am.
Pizza on wheels at rt 9and Chestnut 11:00am
Public school locations kosher meals from Gelbsteins 9-11 am at spruce, middle school, Clifton 7Th, Piner E County Line. for all children 0-18

Menu today: Circa Toras Zev  Parve Cholent  4 corners Ziti. Bnos Devora out to lunch Bagels and Tuna  Ziti,  Gelbsteins pasta mac and cheese


  1. Why are the public school students getting buses to deliver meals to their homes but the 32,0000 private school students parents have to shlep out every day and sit in traffic to pick it up. The LSTA is not having any busing this should not cost much for one run a day.

  2. Stop kvetching about trivialities GET THE SHULS OPEN ITS A EMERGENCY

  3. Every major frum Jewish community community is opening shuls and yeshivos why is it that in Lakewood the ihr Hatorah a few powerful askanim permitted to have a choke hold on the people and rabbonim of town. Who appointed them who gave them this authority?
    The fact that they keep threatening rabbonim and rohei Yeshiva with mesira should be enough for a public outcry against what they are doing.

    1. Who are these baalei aivah? Why are they allowed to run the town? How can they dare talk about aivah when they’re the ones causing it? How does the “ihr haTorah” end up being directed by the asskanim who bully and threaten the Rabbanim??

  4. I want so badly to believe that everyone is l'shem shomayim but can someone please explain to me why we should entertain even a shemetz of a sofek of pikuach nefashos when we can BH daven teffila b'tzibbur with krias hatorah in a perfectly safe environment without the shuls being opened.

    1. Stop being naive!! None of these people are lishem shamayim. They’re lishem kavod, lishem gelt, lishem aiva, lishem mesirah... and on and on and on. In one word - SICK

    2. Because there is no shemetz of sakana!

    3. "Because there is no shemetz of sakana!" says Mr.Anonymous Hefkervelt commenter infectious disease specialist.

      To quote my doctor, "I have no idea what the Rabbonim are relying on because we doctors don't have enough information to make any definitive statements".

      Foolish doctor, instead of medical school he should have become an Anonymous Hefkervelt Commenter Infectious Disease Specialist, then he would have all the answers.

    4. If you feel that way just stay home, you complainer. No one is forcing you to come. In fact most people would rather people like you saty away forever.

    5. Mr.Anonymous Hefkervelt commenter infectious disease specialistMay 21, 2020 at 3:08 PM

      Science News
      By Erin Garcia de Jesus
      MAY 19, 2020 AT 5:46 PM
      People who test positive again for the coronavirus, despite having already recovered from COVID-19, aren’t being reinfected, a new study finds.
      Reports of patients discharged from hospitals in South Korea testing positive after their apparent recovery had raised concerns that people could get infected by the virus in the short term more than once or that the infection could come back. But diagnostic tests for the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 rely on detecting the virus’s genetic material (SN: 4/17/20). A positive result does not indicate whether a person is shedding viruses capable of infecting cells — which would signal an active infection.
      Now, a May 19 report from the Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that samples from “reinfected” patients don’t have infectious viruses. The finding hints that the diagnostic tests are picking up on the genetic material from noninfectious or dead viruses. That lack of infectious virus particles means these people aren’t currently infected and can’t transmit the coronavirus to others, the researchers say.
      “It’s good news,” says Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University. “It appears people are not being reinfected, and this virus is not reactivating.”
      In the study, researchers tried to isolate infectious coronaviruses from samples taken from 108 people who retested positive. All of those samples tested negative. When the scientists examined 23 of those patients for antibodies against the coronavirus, almost all had neutralizing antibodies that can stop the virus from getting into cells (SN: 4/28/20). That immune response may protect a person from getting reinfected, at least in the short term.
      The team also tracked down 790 contacts of 285 people who retested positive. Of those contacts, 27 tested positive for the coronavirus. Twenty-four of those were cases that officials had previously confirmed. Officials also identified three new cases, all of whom either had contact with the Shincheonji religious group — which was hit particularly hard in the early days of the pandemic — or a confirmed case in their family. No new cases appeared to stem from repeat positive patients, a sign those patients aren’t contagious.
      Now, “we can largely stop worrying about reinfection and address the next big questions,” Rasmussen says. “How protective are immune responses in recovered patients, and how long does immunity last?”

    6. Mr.Anonymous Hefkervelt commenter infectious disease specialistMay 21, 2020 at 3:10 PM

      By Shmuel Smith
      Wednesday, May 20, 2020
      Isaac Ben-Israel, chairman of Israel’s Space Agency and a prominent mathematician, told The Times of Israel on Thursday that his prediction about the trajectory of the coronavirus has been confirmed by events.

      Ben-Israel said a month ago that the virus will run its course and fade out in 70 days regardless of the state’s response, a statement that was not accepted by health professionals, who continued the regime of quarantines and distancing.

      His analysis of the data of the disease’s spread led him to the conclusion that COVID-19 peaks after about 40 days and drops to almost zero after 70 days, and has derided the “hysteria…as contagious as biological diseases.”

      On April 19, he wrote that “it turns out that the peak of the virus’s spread has been behind us for about two weeks now, and will probably fade within two more weeks.”

      On May 2, the number of newly infected people per day dropped to under 100 for the first time since late March, and health officials have taken it as a sign that it’s safe to restart the economy.

      Still, there are warnings that there could be a resurgence of the coronavirus and a re-imposition of quarantines and shutdowns.

      “It’s very amusing that people talk about a second wave. How do they know there will be a second wave? And how do they know that it will come in the winter?”

      While Ben-Israel’s expertise is in mathematics and security matters, and he has no medical background, he asserts that it’s irrelevant. The numbers, he says, reveals the pattern of the virus’s spread, and that lockdowns are “unnecessary no matter what,” have been a needless disruption to life and a waste of money.

      Furthermore, he argues that there is no direct link between the rate of infection and the number of fatalities.

      “There is a natural assumption that fewer infections means fewer deaths but it’s not correct,” he said. “There is no explainable relationship between the number of people infected and the number of people who die. The ratio between deaths and infections differs sometimes by a factor of 100 or more between different countries.”

    7. To LKWD GUY. If the doctors admits he dons't know so why should we listen to them ? Their opinion is as good as mine.( I'm not sure you'll understand this because you dion' sound too bright)

  5. 3 powerful askanim threatened the Lakewood rosh yeshiva this week are busy closing down any shul that thinks to open.They are more interested in the relationships they have with govt officials than helping the yeshivos reopen.

    maasethere are many shuls that are open legaly

    1. what are their names?

    2. This is exactly when it counts to have a relationship with the govt to open the yeshivas now is when you cash in the chips.

      Apparently they didn't care much about starting up with Trump or Christie that could have potentially put klal yisrael in danger, noe do they care to start up with the Govt in Jackson but their only relationship they care about is the benjamins the almighty dollar.

    3. Three federal courts have already set aside all the governors restrictions in three states as unconstitutional, the right to assemble and the right to religious freedom. There should be no restrictions in how many people can be in a minyan as long as you Practice social distancing. It’s time to fight for hashems kovod and kick our asskanim to the curb. These asskanim that masered on the olim

  6. Moe, Larry, and Curly

  7. Why is the Yeshiva the credited tuition anonymous? It should be named!

    1. Its a mesivta kol hakavod to them

    2. Please let us know! That is so impressive. All yeshiva who got pp loans should do the same

  8. The governor is playing everyone. Sending out surveys about business, weeks not months, etc. There is no medical basis for a continued shutdown, he needs to immediately let go of the reigns. This is a dictatorship and needs to end. Are we going to stay closed until there is a vaccine? There is no vaccine for HIV which was discovered 27 years ago, so why are we so sure that there will be a vaccine.

    1. You're a thousand percent right. But olam golam; apparently our kehillah dosn't get it. They think there is still a mageifah, the governor is protecting lives and that going on with life will kill people. S'iz nisht tzu farshtein.

  9. Can anyone explain why they think the governor wants things closed? What credible reason does he have to want everyone to stay home? You may disagree with his policies and goals, but nobody ever said he was an idiot who plays around with people. He isn’t famous for knowing how to play with the media or something. He is a serious person who happens to have different policy making ideals than some right wing people in our community.
    But here it’s nothing to do with right or left. Why should he want the state closed if not for the medical advice?

    1. Its simple, Democrat governors are prolonging this pandemic as much as possible to effect the election in November and to obtain a fed bailout to help with the liberal budget that is toast. The People in NYC have been at hospitals and there are no overwhelming COVID cases matter of fact hardly any, same for NJ...The rashoim are playing with our lives.
      Republican governors are loosening up as you see in Ohio, chasunahs up to 300 people.
